Please just remove deserter

I’m pretty sure that time/progress are a factor, yeah, but it has been a while since I’ve left in the middle of a dungeon or raid so I’m not 100% sure.

If you leave on your own, it has to be after at least one boss kill and about 15ish minutes need to have passed. If you leave after the first boss but before the 15ish minutes, you get a cooldown on your next dungeon for the remaining time. If you leave before the first boss, you get deserter.


Exactly this.

Also, the argument that “it’s better to punish one person than four” doesn’t really say anything to me.

I think it is worse for one player to be locked out of content for 30 mins then it is for four people to wait 5-10 mins max for another tank or healer.

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I stand in solidarity with the OP! This totally not fabricated and missing relevant information about the OPs actions story is heartbreaking! A true travesty!

Its time we take this to the steps of Blizzard HQ! No longer should the ‘innocent’ be made to suffer! Come, OP, we ride to Irvine, Kentucky and to justice!

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Or maybe the person using the crystals was kicked because the rest of the group had no idea what the crystals even where. Sometimes you could be doing a mechanic correctly and have someone else who is butt hugging the enemies and seeing you run out thinking you are not doing enough.

Part of the problem with some players in this game is they do not know mechanics and how they work and just assume someone not doing a 100% uptime is not doing enough.

I’ve been kicked because of this, playerw whine I am moving around too much when I tank, like sure, if you want to keep standing in the bad stuff and die be my guest. I’ve been kicked because of complaints of not pulling enough, and when other DPS pull for me, wipes happen and I get blamed.

This is as much an issue that Blizzard created alongside content creators who are making videos showing how big you can pull. Alongside the attitude players have of low level content be it levelling dungeons, heroic, low keys, raiding, people just assume bigger is better and more uptime gives more DPS.

That is until players hit higher keys and late boss heroic raiding, then they realise slowly that there zerg attitude is a bad one.

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There WAS a reason. Just because you don’t agree with it doesn’t mean there wasn’t a reason, or that they were griefing you, (for the love of the valar! That is over the top and ridiculous).

The solution is to find a group of people and play/queue with them. If they don’t mind your entitled.behavior and refusal to see things from other perspectives, then you won’t have to worry about being kicked.


I’m mediocre and very rarely have been kicked. Maybe once every 4 years or so. I think the system works very well.

My priest was once kicked at start for “being disc.”

My hunter was once kicked for using lust at wrong time, it was an acciedenral button click

So it happens, but 2 kicks in al ist 20 years is not a big deal .

Yes, and now people use it as a way to troll and harass people into not being able to play for 30 minutes at a time for, mostly, no good reason.

Very VERY few people play in the way you’re suggesting and deserve a 30 minute debuff for whatever they allegedly did.

Eh. In the case of OP we don’t know the full story and never will. After seeing how they conduct themselves in this thread I have to wonder if being kicked in dungeons is a chronic issue for them.

I know in a court of law you are innocent until proven guilty. Well, this ain’t a court of law, it’s a court of public opinion.

Something to keep in mind, when you are removed from group you aren’t given the reason why. Unless they said as much beforehand, OP is only assuming they got booted for using the dungeon mechanic.

Tldr; there’s always more to the story and just don’t do stuff to get yourself booted and it probably won’t happen that much.


I got kicked once for supposedly not dispelling tank but I couldn’t cause I was spell locked after a mob hit me with a nature lock spell on I think it was my Shaman or Druid healer alt.

You don’t see me coming here whining like a child over it. Things happen. Op you need to grow thicker skin and move on. If this is bothering you then idk what to say to ya.

And just a tip for that dungeon: From my experience with groups a vast majority don’t do that mechanic. So it’s just best not to touch them really. Every once in a blue moon have I been in it where people were ok with those crystals being used.

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OP sure did spend well over 30 minutes doubling and tripling down on their position instead of just moving on as advised earlier in the thread. Which is unfortunate to see but :man_shrugging:


Not sure how you came out with that from the suggestion.

Whether it’s vote-kick or leaving, the deserter debuff is triggered the same. There is no reasonable “people will hold group hostages for a penalty-free kick” scenario with the proposed suggestion when they can just leave on their own penalty-free instead, with the refreshing debuff of course.

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I decided to come back today just to clarify - I definitely did get a little heated during the discussion. While not really an excuse, it was pretty late at night and it just rubbed me the wrong way. I did lash out a bit, that was my bad.

For what it’s worth, I genuinely did give an accurate description of what happened. No words were exchanged in the dungeon. It was simply me hitting a couple crystals, some trash packs dying, and all of a sudden, I’m out of the dungeon. Some people might not believe me, but there was no toxicity in the dungeon.

As for this post, I do appreciate the people who gave fair arguments for both sides. I know why the system exists - like I said, I was there when it was made. I know it was to prevent toxic players. But now, it is working in favor of different toxic players, which is why I like the idea of a stacking punishment - first kick is kind of a “warning,” with subsequent kicks leading to longer and longer lockouts. I think this is extremely fair.

In the end, I know nothing is likely to change. I was mostly venting last night, so I apologize for my rash behavior. Hopefully a solution can be found that would limit the trolling as much as possible, on both ends.

As long as this stays far away from mplus.

This would be amazing if it was bound to the account. IE - 1 stack, go on another toon, get a 2nd stack, look at 1st toon and the debuff is there too.

If it was the wrath version, I always use those crystals for the trash as well, or save one for that stupid water boss.

Otherwise the new one I won’t touch them unless we need them. Tbh I’m not as up to date on the mechanics of that version so I didn’t touch them.

Besides that the dungeon deserter debuff serves a good purpose. I’ll never be ok with the way people abused the tank and healer queue to get into dungeons to turn in a quest and leave. Or the wonderful tanks that zoned into the instance and decided to zone back out and play quests until they were kicked because they didn’t want to do that dungeon. Honorable mentions to the idiots that queue as tank or heals and are actually going to use their dps spec instead.

I hope they keep the debuff.


See this wouldn’t have happened if you were in an AI follower dungeon!

This topic has nothing to do with m+.

People cry about people leaving key groups. As long as they dont try to apply your idea to mplus I am fine with it.

I personally don’t care because we’re not talking about keys or m+ here. There’s no deserter there.