Please just Make GDKP's bannable

You tell me

GDKP is a thinly veiled illegitimate gold laundering service and is the largest driver of the bot epidemic.


I report every GDKP raid line in chat as rmt advertisement because that is exactly what it is. They are even bold enough to include subtle hints about gold, amount of golds and sources of gold in their messages.
Just take a 10 second of you time and report every ToS violation as such.

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This topic has so much misinformation. First off there is nothing inherently wrong with GDKP it could actually be a great thing for the game, it actually can make raiding lucrative for players who dont like to farm and would rather offer their raiding skills as a service. Think of it like a mercenary for hire. It could actually be a good thing in the game.

The biggest issue is that GDKP facillitates botting. At this point GDKP is just a money laundering method for purchased gold. Hell when gold buyers send gold to players, they label it as a GDKP cut in the mail. This wouldnt be an issue if blizzard could handle the botting issue, but history has proven that they either can’t seem to manage this, or dont want to. To a lot of people the only remaining solution is to alter other things to make botting not worth it. Things like personal loot in raid, not allowing trades in raid, or just outright banning GDKP are all things that people habe suggested to help resolve the issue.

To the people that say banning GDKP is treating a symptom not the root problem, your absolutely right. The root cause is the botting, but that obviously is not getting fixed which is why people are offering alternate solutions.

Also ive seen people say that botting has been around long before GDKP, that is also not really true. People ran GDKP in vanilla, and it was never really a problem. Both things started around the same time, they just werent related.

Ultimately i’m not sure that GDKP should be banned. I dont like, or participate in them but that is only really because botting exists. I think that the only reasonable solution is for blizzard to introduce GMs back into the game and have them continuously monitoring and issueing bans and to have them revamp or change their bot detection and anti cheat software. These things combined would decimate botting.

Best post on the forums I’ve read all week. I couldn’t agree more. Banning GDKPs would be massively beneficial to everyone except gold buyers.

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There is literally nothing Blizzard can do to stop RMT. RMT has been apart of the MMO experience from the very start. It has and will always remain. Learn to deal with it or don’t play, those are the only two options.

t takes less than 4 hours to make a new bot account and farm enough gold with it to cover the cost of buying the account and getting it set back up again.

Every minute they run after that point is profit for them.

It very very easy to setup 30 virtual machines with individual windows OS running on them and have each of them using a vpn with a dedicated IP address that routes the traffic in a way that makes it impossible to determine they are all coming from the same machine.

How much money should blizzard invest into fighting this fight? Millions?

Now how many times have you gotten so frustrated with this that you literally unsubscribed for that and only that reason? How long did you unsubscribe for?

My educated guess is that it’s vastly a lower number than what it would cost to stop it.

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You can’t tell players how they should distribute loot. If players want to sell them to the highest bidder they can. GDKP’s aren’t the problem, non-existent GM’s are the problem. They do ban waves every what, 6 months. Big Whoop. 1 GM is all that is needed to ban the mass amounts of rogue/hunter SM bots.

One GM wouldn’t do a single thing to stop it other than banning the current low hanging fruit. They could have 1000 per server and the issue would be exactly the same

Please explain how you “launder” gold in a gdkp?

Is this not the same as GDKP, just with a fixed price designated beforehand instead of the whales bidding with gold?

Using in game currency for in game items.

Arrest those people!

Ya ban um!

That person bought an in game consumable like a mana potion with in game currency, he’s a whale!!!

People say the dumbest things.

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They get really dumb when their in game “achievements” or “accomplishments” seemingly get trivialized. But that is just how things go.

Botting existed before GDKP. Source? I started my MMO journey on the Original iteration of Everquest in 1999 (the precursor that inspired a lot of WoW design approaches), Seeing people blame the wrong aspect of a problem is frustrating.

In WoW they might have started simultaneously (Though in Vanilla WoW I don’t remember seeing any GDKP offered on my server), but botting happened well and long before GDKP was ever a thought in anyone’s head.

It is uncanny how all the same people in this thread defending GDKPs are also the same faces you see demanding more difficult content with better rewards so they can “feel challenged”. Almost like maybe it’s not about difficult content or something.


There were in fact gkdp. And um…bringing a few whales to buy pieces? Thats a gdkp bud.

GDKP’s 100% incentivize gold buying. My opinion probably isn’t going to be popular, but other people gold buying doesn’t impact my game negatively. I raid with a guild and I do GDKP. Both serve different functions and I have fun.

The bots do tedious farms that make many consumables cheap. They are out there right now botting winter squid that won’t be able to be fished after march. Do you know how much more expensive they would be in later phases without the bots?

GDKP, I admit, allows me to leach gold off gold buyers making gold largely irrelevant to me playing the game after a certain point. I understand that currency management might be fun for some people, but I personally don’t want to stress about having enough gold to raid and be forced to do tedious farms. Farming is fine for a while, but at a certain point I don’t want to spend hours farming for gold anymore. GDKP is an efficient way to gear alts and make gold if you don’t overspend on items.

I feel like you are slightly rephrasing what I already said and saying “Ha, got ya!”. You sure did buddy, you sure did.