Please just Make GDKP's bannable

I cannot even stress the amount of bot’s I see farming certain spots, I cannot report them all fast enough there’s new ones every single day. We have us a problem.


It seems like you have a false correlative here. Botting happened way before GDKP even existed. So to automatically assume GDKPs are the root cause, or that removing them from the game will somehow impact botting is just silly. You don’t shovel blame for one thing onto another thing just because gold is the common currency involved.


I don’t see in his post where he said it was the root cause. Its pretty obvious that it exacerbates the issue though and that getting rid of GDKPs would largely reduce gold buying. There is no reason to have large amounts of gold in SoD at all at the moment besides GDKP, as nearly all BoE items are worse than easier-to-obtain BoPs in BFD, with a few exceptions (which are grossly overpriced due to gold buying, to the point that they will never sell unless the buyer buys gold)

Sure, you can go ahead and tell me all about how you can make this much or that much without buying gold, but the reality is nobody is going to spend 300g on troll bane leggings even if they do legitimately farm that much, the time you’d spend farming is worth too much in comparison to the troll bane leggings for most people.

GDKPs are a problem, not sure they should be a bannable offense, and I think the state of the game is mostly fine and haven’t seen any bots really at all aside from some weird group of bots killing scorpids in Valley Of Trials.


You don’t treat a symptom in place of the root problem and consider it a cure. If his concern is gold botting, and as you said it has more to do with gearing via market rather than isolated raids utilizing the in-game currency to determine who wants an item more.

It is probably a market issue. Its market manipulation to take advantage of desperate people who want all the items faster or best items to do raiding. People manipulate the market and price gouge which causes players to seek to buy gold.

Even getting rid of bots doesn’t necessarily solve the issue, as there are plenty of people who aren’t botting who have massive amounts of wealth accumulated via the market that can do the same thing.

I see this time and time again with various issues (not just gold related) where players attribute the wrong answer to the right problem, or vice versa.

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Should we make it bannable for people to carry others for gear then? Even if no gold is involved? How about selling carries for gold? Let’s go further, how about selling power leveling services? Should we ban them anytime a player pays another player for a service? Should we ban the players playing the market right now selling warlock summons? Where does it stop?

Should gold only change hands through the AH? Maybe it should all be self found and we should remove professions, that will handle the bot and gold problem.

I understand you think GDKP has made botting to sell people gold worse, but it would happen even if GDKP was somehow bannable. If they banned GDKP they would have to basically ban everything above. You can’t ban players performing services for each other without removing the majority of the social aspects of the economy, and that’s basically what GDKP is.

I personally don’t like GDKP, and I agree they make buying gold worse, but it would just happen in a different way if they banned GDKP. The only way to really get rid of it, is to make all loot personal loot with 0 trading allowed. Then only carries could be sold, so we would have to move on to banning anyone who sells carries. The cycle would continue. People are not stupid, gold buyers and sellers are not stupid. Unless you make it literally impossible by simply removing the economy, some form of gold buying/selling will exist.


That’s just made up. It’s a wild guess and I would argue one that isn’t based on any evidence available.

Back in vanilla GDKP’s didn’t exist as far as I know, but what I do remember is guilds selling gear. Every raid lockout guilds would invite a few whales and they would straight up buy drops with gold.

The problem of gold buying doesn’t magically go away because you arbitrarily decided GDKP’s were the boogie man.


You seem to understand a lot better how the economy of the game actually works. I also don’t really care for GDKP. I have never participated in it and never would. I hated DKP (dragon kill points) as a currency to bid on items already. Gold feels worse to me.

But to pretend that it is even close to a real root cause is silly.

I believe it is just like you mentioned. Freedom in the economic sphere. People will take advantage of whatever opportunity allows for them to manipulate the market, or monopolize the market, or create a new pricing for a function not provided for the current market.

When we started getting people slowly raising the prices of goods for raids, armor, and consumables it created a bubble that incentivized gold buying (which creates all of the effects that followed after). Very little of it was natural competitive marketplace. Instead of just a constant undercutting which would help with pricing, most of it was people buying and reposting products on the market to make money on the margins (close to, if not an entire monopolization on goods).

The answer isn’t always so easily identifiable as elimination of a group of people.

Making something else against ToS to combat something that is already ToS seems a bit redundant doesn’t it?

“They aren’t enforcing tos #1 so we should make tos#2 to combat the issue with tos#1”

What do we expect to happen here? The process of identifying and banning a gdkp that doesn’t advertise itself publically is much more tricky than banning an account that has been online for the past 91 hours shooting boars with a pet raptor called 雷普塔尔


While I dislike GDKPs because there are folk who go to them with gold they got from swiping, bots are still going to exist with or without GDKPs because no matter how you slice it, there’ll always be a market for bots to farm mats and what not.

People will still swipe for gold without GDKPs since you have the people who don’t want to farm mats for anything or they just want to straight up buy consumes with no effort or what have you.

The end result is that bots will always exist in some way.
Blizzard won’t ban them because the reality is that they make a profit off bots and even if they did ban them, Blizzard doesn’t have the manpower needed to comb through every report and make sure the bots get and stay banned due to Blizzard deciding to automate alot of the GM duties way back when.

Ahh yes, completely made up. Bud im not going to pull out charts and graphs for you, but Blizzard had to reduce the gold cost of consumables to get runes because things like 1-5 gold were far too much for us to handle, yet people are spending 500-1000g weekly on GKDPs. I never said that getting rid of GDKPs would make gold buying go away, I said it would reduce gold buying, and in SOD Phase 1, there really isn’t anything to spend gold on besides GDKPs, so that doesn’t seem like a stretch. There are very few items to buy with gold that matter at all, especially large sums of gold. 1-10 gold a week is about all any players needs to do everything in SoD currently. Id love to hear what people are spending all this bought gold on other than GDKPs and BoE Blues that are largely worse than BFD items they can get for cheaper with GDKPs.

Im not even saying they should necessarily ban it, as my post mentioned, I am just saying to pretend it does not get more people to buy gold is wild, considering its a very clear issue in normal classic servers. Again, not going to send you a spread sheet or logs or whatever you are asking for, Just log into a classic era server and see for your self by looking at the economy on the AH and trade chat.


You think removing the thing that boosts the value of gold more than anything else in games won’t effect Botting? :rofl::rofl::rofl:


What in the world are you talking about? If you are trying to win over readers talking about 1k gold level 25 BFD gdkp’s is not the way to do it.

You can do BFD twice a week and have more than one character. You don’t have to believe me but there is at least 1 person doing this that I have seen (Im not saying its the norm to spend that much) Although it’s pretty obvious that even something like 150 gold a week would be gold buying levels for the vast majority of players. Anyways, I am not trying to win you over, clearly im not trying to win over the people profiting off of GDKPs or buying the gold and participating them, Lol.


If Blizzard actually Banned players that buy gold there would be no market for GDKP. If players were perma banned for buying gold the bots would dry up as there would be no buyers. If Blizzard actually cared they would have done this years ago. Instead they launched the token to legitimize real money transactions and endorse pay to win gamestyle because it makes them more money. Profits will always trump people.

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Oh no, you aren’t trying to win me over you should be trying to win over the readers… perhaps Blizzard. What I am telling you is that you aren’t going to win over anyone with hyperbole.

We should all care because it ruins the game in so many ways. Supports RMT, encourages bots, pay to win, antisocial interactions, AH inflation etc. It’s just bad for everyone.


Where? And what are you doing there? Can you show me? Or at least give me detailed instructions on how to find “the amount of bot’s” you see farming?

I’m not being facetious. I also am not claiming that bots do not exist. I genuinely cannot recall the last time I saw something that resembled a bot, and afaik, it hasn’t been in this version of the game, yet.


you can’t ban legal things cause they can be used illegally… Like if your assumption is that everyone in GDKP is buying gold banning GDKP would stop nothing. It would just move all of the transaction onto the gold selling websites where people just pay for runs/items that drop with real money. So sure you banned GDKP for people just doing it to earn extra gold but didn’t stop any RMT… Like how can people not understand this? Short of removing master loot and forcing every party member to roll on every item there’s no way to stop it


Agreed, GDKP’s are gross and need to go. I truly don’t understand them either when you can form a group in 15 mins and clear it in 45, but whatever.

Anyone saying that GDKP’s don’t directly impact the economy/encourage goldselling is probably buying gold/hosting a gdkp or both. It is unquestionably bad for the game.


No, you can live with it or seethe. Pick your reality.