Please just Make GDKP's bannable

Lol. Ignorance is bliss, I guess.

I was speaking on all raid consumables.

You buying an item in a gdkp doesn’t make any raid consumable go up in price no matter what it is, this has been debunked over and over.

Those prices plummet which proves my point btw, but they plummet because of bots not gdkps, which is the real issue.

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As I said semantics.

I debunked the claims you made, that’s not semantics.

You not liking gdkps as a loot system is fine but making up things about how it effects the economy in an imaginary way is just disingenuous.

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You debunked nothing. How? Because you said it was?

Tell me, what effect does injecting copious amounts of “printed” currency into an economy have?

There is only 1 answer to this, and it’s inflation.


GDKP doesn’t do that.

If what you’re saying was true then why on the wrath of the lich King servers is everything dirt cheap?

Those servers have had years of pouring copious amount of gold in the system through botting.

Almost like what you’re saying is wrong…

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They are not the ROOT cause. GDKPs increase gold buying thus increasing the amount of bots.

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Have you seen the auction house yet?

If anything sod will make botting worse because it’s going to be capped every phase and items that really wouldn’t sell are now going to sell for lots of gold on the auction house

I’m sure though somehow gdkps are to blame for mantle of thieves being 500 gold on the auction house.


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Oh man I laughed hard when I saw that listed on Wildgrowth the other day. Some crazy wishful thinking on that one, but given I know people already with several hundred gold, it is only a matter of time for someone to drop that kind of cash in one go.

It’s the evil boogie man gdkps fault!

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Wetlands quests giving tons of gold at lvl25?!? GDKP!!!

more GDKPs > more RMT > more bots

RMTers happy, bc more loot
GDKP leechers happy, bc big gold source
Botters happy, bc more/bigger gold buyers
Farmers unhappy, bc less profit due to bots

Having to compete against a significant number of bots devalues the (farming) playtime of real players.

GDKPs would not be an issue, if Blizzard enforced their rules and would permaban bots and RMTers instantly. Since Blizzard does not, GDKP fueled botting hurts the motivation of regular players.

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What does GDKP mean

It’s created by bots who then sell those mats for high prices to GDKPers who then take that gold and sell it back to GDKPers.

Gold Dragon Kill Points, or Gold DKP

An alternative loot priority system that uses in-game currency (gold) in lieu of DKP points or some other kind of arbitrary point system to determine who wins a particular drop. Like the DKP systems of old, GDKPs work on a bid system using gold, typically with some kind of restriction like keeping bids divisible by 100 and only allowing bids on items that are usable by the class in question.

The big draw of GDKP is that the winning bids go into a pot held by the ML, and at the very end of the raid and ONLY at the end of the raid, does every member of the raid get a cut of the pot. Sometimes the ML will take some flat fee for themselves since they often organize the run and whatnot, and sometimes they offer flat bonuses to people for things like top DPS or whatever. Regardless, people get a nice hunk of gold at the end of the run, allowing everyone to bid more up the next run. Even the people bidding high amounts will recoup some at the end, so people freely spend large sums of gold. Those who are there just to help carry the run but need few items will eagerly encourage big bids because it lets them earn more by the end. The pot being distributed at the end encourages everyone to stay to the end as well, and folks frown on stacking classes because you want the maximize opportunities for loot to be bought and competed against.

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No incentives for gold sellers to jack up prices at a whim? Just to make more money? Bro, you’re just trolling lol.

Yes, and your point is?

Is it your claim that the gold sinks you listed erase currency faster than bots fueled by gdkp can inject it, therefore, no inflation?

It sure the heck is, bots are generating gold out of thin air 1,440 minutes a day.
…with no lunch / bathroom breaks.

He doesn’t understand this.

The gold in the gdkp economy is like DKP being stored cross raid group.

Exactly. People aren’t using the GDKP gold in the market nearly as much as it is being hoarded. They are probably more than well equipped to run the raid in the first place, so that money is just going to sit until next phase.

What do the WOTLK servers have that SoD doesn’t have (Yet)?