Please just Make GDKP's bannable

I 100% agree ban bots. Then you GDKP lazy farts who can’t handle real progression raiding or consume farming drift away forever. Looking forward to that future!

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Lol real GDKPs clear content same as anyone else. Sometimes better than guilds do.

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GDKPs exist just fine without bots, and apparently rub you the wrong way because they full cleared faster than many normal raiding setups could do… with fewer consumables and no wipes.

GDKP is simply the superior PUG raid setup. I’m sorry that folks in a social guild got gear faster than you did because they scored big in GDKPs. You’ll survive.

Spoken like a gold buyer

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Oh no, a retail burner accused me of gold buying… oh no…

It is going to be funny when some new SoD Legendary comes out and the first one on your server to score it will be in a GDKP for 100k gold.

Gdkps clear the exact same raids everyone else does.

They typically just do it much much better than any other pug format.

Bosses are the exact same in a gdkp or a guild raid…

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Gdkps have no impact on the economy.

Because someone bought an item in a gdkp that doesn’t magically make a mana pot cost more.

Some of you guys really say the craziest things.

If anything the amount of bots keeps the raid consumable prices down.

That dude just put new tires on his car, man the price of bananas are about to spike!



Tell me what server you play on and I will go look at your AH to tell you how to make money to afford consumables.

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Good, let them move underground.
Far less people are likely to get involved in this manner, and it stops the inflation on the AH.

So that’s a win.

There is no inflation on the AH because of gdkps lmfao.

Yea some dude buying an item in a gdkp is magically making AH items more expensive.

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Ehh not my problem i never had to buy a carry cause i just play the game and I’m not obsessed with transmog/ mounts like some of these people

not sure you’re reporting this in the right place i haven’t even seen one gdkp advertisement in SoD

You genuinely have no clue what you’re talking about.


Tell me, what effect does injecting copious amounts of “printed” currency into an economy have?


I believe he’s playing semantics with “GDKP” being the actual cause, because nobody can be that dimwitted.

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It raises the price of items inside of a gdkp only.

You guys have said this in every version of the game and in every version of the game you can link auction House consumables that are only going down in price.

Bots make sure everything is cheap.

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ROFL…enough said.


Yea but even then that market is so strange you can’t predict it.

In 1 gdkp item could go for 100,000 gold (wotlk) and then in another raid it could go for 15k gold.

Your whole premise is wrong and has been proven wrong over and over.

Also gdkps don’t print any currency. They don’t make gold appear, I guess they do with the raid bosses and trash mobs dying, but we both know you weren’t talking about that.

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Pot meet kettle.

Everything you said has been debunked over and over.

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You are basing your premise on mana pots?

The price of gathering mats, and simple recipe consumes plummet, to the point that a regular (non-bot) player cannot “make a living” collecting and crafting these items.

While rare items, and rare + crafted gear absolutely skyrockets in price.

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