Please just Make GDKP's bannable

No it didn’t. GDKP existed since the days of MUDs.

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Of course some retail kid that doesnt happen to gdkp or swipe is all for them both for some reason :skull::skull::skull::skull:

GDKP and RMT go hand in hand.


Of course it’s made up, because it isn’t true. GDKPs have nothing to do with buying gold – they’re an alternative, drama free, way of raiding. I love it because you simply never get mad at losing out on loot – if you get outbid, you will still get gold for the next run to bid higher. It’s a win-win.

For a tiny fraction of those running…maybe…but then again, RMT goes with consumes in normal raids, too…

People in GDKPs are not RMT buyers. Your bias is clouding your perception.

it’s not false though.
GDKPs have a huge impact on the economy and greatly increase the demand for gold. There are two solutions to this problem, either ban GDKPs and it goes underground, or introduce the wow token to SoD. One or the other is going to happen. Gold buying balloned to insane levels with classic and retail WoW because of GDKP, yes people bought gold before GDKPs where a mainstream thing, but not at the level we’re seeing now.

GDKPs are the biggest destination of bought gold.

I can’t tell if people in this thread are just ignorant about the realities of gold buying or are purposefully being obtuse.

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You have any evidence to the contrary? People who do GDKP’s have already gotten tagged for gold buying. Streamers included now. It incentivizes RMT, you can’t sit here and honestly tell me they’re not buying gold. You can’t honestly tell me the gold people are making from these people is legitimate or not. Someone can easily say one thing to your face and it be the complete opposite - then uh oh, Blizz suddenly took everything.

This thread will just be bragged by people that RMT so defacto think GDKPs are fine.

Retail doesn’t have GDKPs because of personal loot.

Gdkp most certainly did exist in every expansion of wow.

Once the raids were farmable and our core raiders were geared, wed often open up raids to 5 or so people looking to buy loot.

It covered flasks, potions, enchants and all the other things the guild used for progression so we didnt have to farm it.

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Idc if carries become bannable

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Right, it’s so obvious that the only reason you would defend this is if you are benefitting from it in some way, there is no reason to like this as a player who does not partake in it.

100% this, they’re purposefully being obtuse. And probably not on the buying end of the gold buying economy, but definitely participating in it.

report all GDKP and booster talk in game. they system will auto shoot them out of the game.

GDKP’s are never going to be banned and they DO have an upside. They do extend the life of a raid past when it normally would have fall off. That shouldn’t be over-looked. But also they are not needed so early in a content cycle, very very few people are already BiS from BFD.

Chain reporting people for it will surely put it to an end. There was just no effort to do it in the other versions. Will see how you advertise that GDKP while being server muted or waiting for an admin to unlock it.

If you use the reporting system to punish someone who isn’t breaking the rule, you are actually the one that gets in trouble.

I played Era since for a long time. It was quiet, I could farm even the most contentious materials most times of day. There was 1 GDKP group, 1 or 2 bots, and a small handful of gold buyers. The market was relatively stable, people could even mix farming and supplementing their consumes with AH purchases/sales. A single Black Lotus was anywhere between 7 - 10 Gold.

Then, after SoM, Era was dogpiled with a heinous amount of GDKP pushers, bots, and tons of gold buyers. Now you can’t farm anything, can’t afford anything, and can’t participate in raids that require consumables unless you pay to participate/win.

In summary, a single contained GDKP group is a minimal threat to realm economics. However, at scale with higher populations, it creates rapid inflation and results in poor quality of gameplay for players.


It has far more players selling carries though.

Blizz just needs to add paypal integration into their Raid Lead tools and take a percentage of each item sale. Then we can finally realize Bobby’s vision.

Bots exist with or without GDKP.

GDKPs are good, bots are not, ban bots.