Please just Make GDKP's bannable

The biggest argument seems against this seems to be, “but there would still be bots with no gdkp”. The amount of bots would drop dramatically if gdkp was removed, if the value of gold drops massively, the requirement for such large sums of gold also concurrently drops, noone needs 5-10k gold because there is 0 need for it, and thus the sellers cannot sell such astronomical amounts of gold regularly.

What need would a vanilla character have for more than 3k gold over a 6 month period if gdkp wasn’t a thing? You could get an epic mount, all your raid consumes and enchants with a standard economy. But now you have players buying 10k+ every other week to buy items from raids. Cut that value out, you cut out a huge amount of bots, yes they will still exist, no their impacts on the economy will not be anywhere near what they are because of gdkp.


^^^^ Exactly this. Well said.

And that’s fine with me, the losers who can’t run a raid without getting given a shiny token every time get to do that, but their actions do not directly effect the rest of the playerbase. Gdkp highly inflates the economy for everyone with the amount of gold being pumped into it. I’d much rather these clowns spending their rl money on an item than 20k gold and me being forced to spend more gold because they don’t want to actually play the game.

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It just causes massive inflation. Gdkp makes items more expensive, not cheaper, and with the amount of bots everywhere you cannot farm at a rate that matches the inflation, eventually you just get to a point like in era where new players just quit after a few weeks of raiding because they cannot afford consumes. So yeah, if your goal is to harm the actual playerbase then sure, be happy about it.

That doesn’t make any sense. In a GDKP gold changes hands from one player to another (or others), gold isn’t created.

We need a community misinformation tag here. Being a new player on an established server has always been amazing for the new player. Everyone on the forums always cires for the hypothetical noobie an talk about the huge expensive stuff on the AH like it’s a vendor. It’s not a vendor, you can sell there too. This means the noobie can earn waaay more money selling his unwanted stuff than the established players ever did.

All the hurdles of leveling become lower, training costs, bag costs, repair costs, mounts, epic mounts… they all come super easy to the hypothetical noobie because the stuff he sells earns him plenty of gold.

Your noobie isn’t quitting because the consumables he buys are too expensive, your noobie is celebrating because the consumables he sells are making him rich.

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While banning GDKPs may not resolve the issue of botting it does make buying gold less useful and pretty much kills P2W. Want to buy gold for consumes and BOEs? Okay, at least you’re not fully raid geared entirely because you bought gold.

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I say ban the bots faster and lower the gold cap.

Lets just all admit that there should be a reasonable cap. And even the OG gold cap back in real vanilla was far too much. But for SoD it should be extremely low, like there’s no reason you need more than 250g at level 25 I think.

Prices for things like the mantle of thieves are ridiculous. Maybe they could even just have the gold cap only go up depending on how many quests you clear. So people who want to do the quests for gold to prepare for next season can do so without worry of capping. But bots who make brand new accounts to just farm dungeons or mail gold to will be met with a 1g cap.

Where do you think the hundreds of thousands of gold come from? The bots farm and are able to sell 10x (probably more) the gold than they would otherwise be able to. Noone is farming 10k for an item in dire maul. The gold is created by bots. The people selling this gold wouldn’t be able to sell anywhere near the amount of gold that they can if gdkp wasn’t a thing, which causes the inflation. Not sure why this needs to be explained to people. Seems pretty simple tbh.

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Go play era and tell me gdkp hasn’t completely destroyed the economy. The amounts of gold in the gdkps would not be farm able by real players unless they had been farming 24 hours a day since 2019. And if you think that’s happening then you’re just blinded by the cuts you’re receiving.


You clearly have no clue how bad it is on era. Go play it to 60 and try raid regularly without running gdkps.

Oh good, lets make botting and gold selling against the rules. Not only is that the real problem here, it’s already against the rules!

Of course they would. As I said earlier in this thread before GDKPs were a thing, people used to sell raid drops for gold.

Let me know when you have an explanation that makes sense and we can start to talk about that.

I play on era. I sell my arcanite transmute and mooncloth cooldowns and with that alone I have more gold than I know what to do with. I didn’t buy gold, I didn’t even run GDKP’s. What’s your excuse?

Okay, but if noone is farming then how do the mats get into the game? Are you saying noone should farm apart from the bots?

If they cannot effectively ban bots, you know ones with inhuman playstyles which are extremely obvious and names that are complete gibberish and could easily be picked up. How the hell are they going to police gdkps which are just people playing the game normally.
I really dont understand this rubbish bandaid fix people keep demanding.

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So everyone who farms gold should be sidelined in era and not have the ability to raid because of inflation caused by bots and gdkp? Sounds like a great system bro tell me more.

Tell me more about how 100% of the playerbase should play the ah to make gold and everyone farming the materials should be bots :rofl::rofl::rofl:

You literally are proposing that no player actually farms to make gold. I’m not sure if you are actually as dumb as you sound or are just trolling but you’re literally advocating that botting is good for the game :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

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Good one bro. Tell me more about how you want more bots and how awesome you are for achieving gold cap because of the bots and that you think that’s really good for the game.

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You’re doing a great job of clowning yourself, I’ll leave you too it. Keep advocating for more bots.

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Bruh… this ain’t real life. It’s a videogame. If I want to play the market I’ll do it with the wallstreet goblins of reality. Or more realistically pay someone else to do it for me which is what they all do.

The game was fine. Currency was fine. OG vanilla things were reasonably priced. Botters and gold farmers actually feared a potential banhammer and weren’t out in the open like this. They’re so bold now because Blizzard has spent the last 15+ years proving they will never punish them. They’ll give you a six month free to cheat window to do whatever you want and ban you well after you’ve made the money back from the initial game copy purchase, and six months of subbing. That’s like what, $150 to get easily thousands of dollars per account? Good trade for them.

Meanwhile we suffer.

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