Please Include *One* RPPVP Server for Anniversary Realms

I still think RP’ers need a home though, even if there aren’t a lot of them on a non-RP realm using the addon.

Speaking for myself, I know I’d be happy to reroll if we get one.

A bunch of people from Grob & Chaos bolt are on an RP server for the PVP server.
Many of us have stated we’d re-roll for an RPPVP server.


There’s dozens of us!

That layered battle between multiple RP-PVP guilds last night is indicative of more than dozens, but thanks Tobias. :stuck_out_tongue:

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We’re a week and a half in now - I decided to roll on PvE Dreamscythe and joined a large “casual” guild - so far Im absolutely hating the community part of this. The experience is just so hollow.

The only thing people care about is grinding to 60, getting BIS-gear, running raids, optimizing every single component of this game. It’s not an issue with my guild, all of them are like this. They’re all just another copy of one another, with varying degrees of how competitive they are about the raids (i.e. how BIS your gear needs to be to partake). There’s very little room for “inefficient” fun activities.

So far Im having the most fun just grouping up with random people in the overworld, tackling difficult quests, making conversation (even if not RP). I did run into an RP’er the other day and it was a ton of fun, but these one-off experiences aren’t going to last forever once people get leveled up. I miss having an RP server :frowning:

The worst part is there’s not even really a valid reason for not having an RP realm - Dreamscythe is absolutely packed, tons of layers for most of the zones. Fresh could easily sustain a 4th NA realm and see no noteworthy player drop in the other 3.


I feel this so much. I’m also on Dreamscythe and, while it’s far from the worst realm out there, the obsession with min/max optimization and such is very visible all the time. Chat is a total cesspool.

It’s better than nothing, of course, but it’s just so far from the experience you’d get on an RP realm.


That’s what I said. There’s 10 layers worth of people on each. Well more than you even need. A CLASSIC vanilla realm was “full” around 3000-5000. Layers didn’t exist. The modern idea of how many people you need on a server for it to last is crazy. They are the only servers of their type, there is nowhere else for people to go, they will last. One server for each type, it works. Just missing RP-PvP.

What they also don’t understand is even IF the RP realm doesn’t get as large, it will still exist and thrive because people WANT to be there. They will stay and make it work no matter what. Read all the comments, we are not getting the experience we want on the plain servers despite trying. RP deserves its own realm. Grobb stands strong last I checked. A whole lot of love went into that realm, we can do it again. What happened in SoD doesn’t count. It never got a fair chance thanks to everyone else. Current state of 20th…RP still not getting a fair chance, thanks to being surrounded by everyone else.

TLDR, open an RP-PvP realm. It hurts nothing. Already proved your point the tech is strong enough to crowd everyone onto four servers and that’s neat but…just looking for a fifth.


This is the most important part of your entire post. RP realms attract people who want to be there for the RP. The realm doesn’t have to be even moderately full to be the preferred home to people that want to be there.

If the plan is to wait until the non-RP’ers are settled in on other servers before they invade RP realms just as an option to escape queues or something, then I get—and even appreciate—that sentiment.

I just wish they’d communicate with us and let us know what their plans are for the RP community.



All we’ve heard from them is that the announcement of an RP server was a type-o lol

It would be really nice if they would open up with us and let us know either why they’re unwilling to oblige or if they’re planning to in the future at some point.

What does PvP actually look like on PvP-RP servers? Is it less griefy than regular PvP?

Sometimes specific races get griefed more than others by speicfic people/guilds.

Some people have rules for PVP interactions.
Some people don’t.
Some people are pure “If it’s red it’s dead!”.

See, this is why I keep going back and forth on whether or not I’d actually play an RP-PvP server.

On one hand I want RP really bad but on the other I don’t know how long I’d last trying to quest and getting killed every two minutes.

This does not happen even on non-RP PvP servers. Yes you;ll be ganked here or there, but most people just want to move along and level, or leave you alone after one kill as they’re passing through.


I hope it’s actually like that, I’ve just always had this vision of PvP servers as something like the Purge where people just go out of their way to ruin your experience just because they can lol

It’s entirely wrong of me to assume so little of PvP’ers though, I admit.

That’s not inaccurate of a certain type of PVPer.

Some will go out of their way to PVP with you.
Some will only PVP if you poke the bear.
Some will PVP because you entered the area where they are questing.

Some are paladins burning with the righteous power of the light and have sworn a blood oath to rid Azeroth of all the undead including the Forsaken.

Speelign missteak


“A blood oat” lol made me chuckle

it turns out no RPvP server was a blessing in disguise :expressionless: the retail sharding makes any RP event extremely hard to do.

As I said early in this thread, I’ve played on Sargeras during Vanilla and then Emerald Dream from TBC through WOD. PVP feels different on RP, less toxic. On ED I regularly encountered Red Names who would pass me by as a leveling individual. Sometimes they would even help if they saw me tangling with a tough mob. If I was killed by a player, it was almost always just a single smiting, rarely corpse camped. On the rare occasions I was camped help was usually inbound within minutes. I never had to rezone to get away from it. FWIW I got the “feeling” my ganks were more playful than anything, looking to get Local Defense active so they could get into a real fight. Maybe I’m off, I don’t know. Just my experience.

By the by I’ve made it to level 34 on Nightslayer and I would still reroll. I would reroll at 60. I would reroll if they launched a new server the same time they phased to TBC. The only debate for me is whether to continue on Nightslayer. There’s a competing game that is phasing up on its own nostalgia server this week. An RP server would certainly cause me to abandon interest on that front. I’m just saying.

As lovely as it’s been I’m going to stop posting in here for my own sanity though. My gut tells me the gig is up. I would love to be wrong.


I don’t think I’ve ever said it before but I think this may be a big reason why they didn’t make one.

I can think of other reasons too though like some sort of bizarre pride about having just one PVE and one PVP server, and the devs thinking that they know what’s best for all even though that’s just not accurate for some.


If the sharding was like retail the major cities wouldn’t be sharded specifically to help facilitate RP.