Please Include *One* RPPVP Server for Anniversary Realms

While i haven’t had necessarily BAD interactions by any means, this mega pvp server just doesn’t have the magic RP-PvP has with character interactions. I dont recognize anyone in the world or in any dungeon. It just feels like a lobby game. The mmorpg essence is vanishing.

Id honestly still just reroll immediately if a server was opened.


I’m very positive they do not care about RP at all.

The heartfelt Netflix special was just a fancy advertisement for more subscriptions.


There are always people like that, but there are also people who love to come out and counter the former. Like I loved TBC content so I would spend a lot of time in Hellfire at max level just patrolling around, asking if anyone needs help, wandering around to the elites to help any lowbies having a struggle. Either faction. And that was always a really cute interaction, you see them panic because they expect to be ganked, but you help them instead.

Kag will PvP you if you hurt Stanley.

Mootwo will attest to this: I miss Earthfury.
Small enough realms where you KNOW most people are just more comfortable.
People instinctively treat each other better (and don’t ninja) because you can’t burn bridges without being exiled. Megaserver? Free-for-all. Chaos.


Can you define “retail sharding”? I searched and can’t seem to find a straight answer.

And why would this affect whether or not we get an RP realm in fresh classic?

It’s the 10 layers currently running on each server.
A layer is a copy of that zone, so really you are only playing with 1/10th of the actual server population. You are on Barrens #4852 but your guildie is on Barrens #18238. They have said there is a cooldown/wait period to reduce layer hopping for gain…but this also means you will have difficulty simply inviting your friends/guild all onto your layer to hang out and RP. And THEN since you have no way of inviting the opposite faction, you are most likely going to have difficulty getting on the same layer as your rival guild you were trying to have an event against.

TLDR: megaservers indiscriminately split apart the community and make organized events difficult because you are only seeing 10% of the population at any time.

It shouldn’t. They are just proud of how many people they stuffed onto so few servers and do not even understand the full consequences.


It seems nonsensical to be so callous to the people who are most fond of their world


Thanks, that makes perfect sense, although it begs the question why not just open up more realms instead of herding everyone into opposing layers?

distraught mooing intensifies


Because they are overcompensating for having too many realms in the past that eventually needed to be merged and closed and managed. IE, work work. Me not that kind of orc.

One realm that automatically stacks itself to 10 is very practical and makes great business sense. But it comes at the cost of losing the old MMO feel, as someone said above.


Unfortunately so, it seems. I still don’t see the harm in opening up one eensy weensy lil’ RP realm though.

It’s safe to say that the detractors are nestled in on their own reams at this point.


As far as I know, the biggest offender during SoD is not even playing fresh. So yeah, good opportunity here.

Just replying to voice my support for this. I would reroll on an RP or RP-PVP realm if one were opened.
I am in an OCE timezone so rolled on the AU server but as is common with PVP realms the chats are frequently filled with toxicity rather than community or whimsy and it diminishes my enjoyment of the game at times.


For those that think its expensive to launch server, you are very misinformed using information from the 90s. Extra servers in today’s tech is a negligible amount. For Blizzard, its free as they have the server space. Its just using the unpaid intern to add the instance of it on the hardware.


Does anyone know of any Night Elf themed guilds ?

Good question, should ask the devs

And this is the million dollar reason.

Layers kill the original intent of the game, which was a cohesive world where player interaction matters. In the frankenserver known as Nightslayer, it does not.


Its no better on Dreamscythe. It’s basically just like retail with nobody worrying about the social consequences of treating others badly.

I’ve had some pleasant interactions, but for the most part, it’s a toxic mess. All chats are just insufferable.

For all their talk about not tolerating this sort of behavior, they seem loathe to offer anybody an alternative community. An RP realm would really feel like a sanctuary from that madness.


I know I and many of the people I play with would reroll on a Fresh RPPVP server if they released one, even if they were to do so a few weeks after the Anniversary launch!

Right now mainly playing on Dreamscythe Horde side and besides a couple TRP /waves and walk-ups in Thunder Bluff, the layers have made it extremely difficult to organically meet up again or try to help facilitate the authenticity and “lived-in” world/community I think many of us wanting to recapture again returning to Azeroth. It’s easy enough to leave the General and World chats for immersion, but often times the layering leaves adventuring through the lands an extremely lonely place.

An RP/RPPVP server would really be a really welcome addition to the current Classic fresh player base and I don’t think Bliz could go wrong by adding one. I think those who really want an RP/RPPVP server would have no problem rerolling, and would even bring in more players from retail or those returning during holiday time off, who might have missed the initial Anniversary servers launch.

Hoping! See you on Dreamscythe!


Nightslayer tried to put together a large-scale WPvP event that had hundreds of sign-ups, only to have the raids get layered off eachother ending up in no organized PvP.

We need an RP-PvP server so we don’t have this awful layering system in place and can organize large scale events.


This is why even if an RP realm were less populated it would still be preferable for RP players.