Please Include *One* RPPVP Server for Anniversary Realms

Nightslayer’s community is… not great.


How you guys doing, im 31 now, did you guys settle on a server and start your rp community?

I’m Peeposcam.


I agree, I’d hate for it to become some kind of pariah of a server because of that and be flooded with people looking for one specific mechanic—or lack thereof—that isn’t related at all to RP.

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I’m alright. Dorking around, considering if I want to remain or not.

I see 1-2 RP guilds, there is no RP in the world. The names range from disgusting to hilarious.

The overly goofy names absolutely kills immersion. The chat is… barrens chat, everywhere, always on.

I’ve had plenty of pleasant experiences, but its just not the same as a Role Playing server.

Not anywhere close.


I was doing a spell cleave in stocks yesterday and 1 of the mages was in a guild that had RP in its name, I figured they just made guilds like that but idk.

If you mean “Nightslayer RP Guild”, they are (ironically) not.

Yeah I’ve seen it and asked, but they said no one even talks in it.

This is exactly my experience on Dreamscythe, only I don’t know if there are RP guilds. I assume there are, but honestly, they don’t interest me. I’d rather just RP in the world, by default. I’ve always felt like having to have a specific guild for it kills the spontaneity that makes the world feel immersive.

Chat and names are just…ugh…it’s horrid. Just utterly horrid.

Like you, I’ve had some pleasant interactions but it just doesn’t feel like home. I want an RP server so bad. :frowning:


I’ll bite. Tried alliance side on both servers and am not impressed (although it isn’t just on the RP side of things). The layering system is awful and isolating even if I wasn’t an RP’er, as getting on a low pop layer can be quite sad and lonely. I decided to try and settle on Nightslayer to help offset the population balance and due to a lack of BG’s to PvP on if I went Dreamscythe.
People don’t ever really talk so levelling is already lonely, best case scenario a stranger will get a group going and not say a word. I know there are RP guilds out there but never see them organically in the world, not sure if it’s due to layers or me just not being in the right place. I joined one of those spam guilds just to make levelling less tedious, and it was mostly the guild leader advertising her Twitch. No RP events are planned and I saw on the forums how even planning non-RP events are being hampered by the layering system. I even checked out Classic era servers to see if they were livelier and Whitemane’s starting zone seems only marginally less active than any one Nightslayer layer (though Grobb and Bloodsail Buccaneers era didn’t have many folks around from a quick /who). Overall, the current megaservers seem hostile to RP or even just social gameplay in general in my experience. It requires you to be in a guild, any guild, without giving you many mechanisms or interactions to find the right one such as spontaneous meetings or public events.
Hopefully an RP server will have less need of layers and would make interactions more common and easier, and I still hope for one.


This is very true, particularly the part about social gameplay. I’ll see people questing out in the world and greet them, offer to help, group up, whatever, and a lot of the time they’ll just ignore me entirely.

Granted, I have had quite a few good interactions with people and we’ve gotten together and helped each other, but it’s not nearly as common as it was in 2019 launch on Bloodsail.

I think it’s mostly down to everybody already knowing in advance exactly what they have to do to get where they want to go and having a plan already drawn up. One that doesn’t include other players outside of dungeons.

In that way I fear that Classic has come to resemble retail in a lot of ways. Other players aren’t seen as fellow characters and adventurers to delve into the world with—to the contrary they’re seen as optional NPC’s that help the main character advance toward their goal.

Yet another reason why I so badly want an RP server lol I keep finding them every time I think about this stuff.


Same, I’ll whisper people, ask if they want to group, or when I was in that guild for like, an hour, if people wanted to group up to level. Crickets. No wonder people talk so much in general (a thing I have seen occur less and less as time goes on, too)–it and LFG is about the only places where people even interact.
However, I don’t think this is a case of “Classic becoming like retail.” In retail I interact with people all the time, both in RP servers and with randoms from non-RP servers in BG’s. SOD took a lot of retail elements, plenty of folks were sociable on Chaos Bolt, even the Hardcore crowd would at least talk sometimes and politely decline groups with some words. I do think it is a specific to Anniversary servers issue, maybe the layering is just too aggressive or somesuch (on that note, I’ve not had too much issues with tagging mobs and, perhaps a hot take here, but grouping up or queueing to take out mobs isn’t bad, that’s time to socialize, chat, and meet people. Feature, not bug). Maybe it’s just a different crowd–if so, maybe I should just give Era a shot, even on a non-RP server, and see if people interact more.

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Hey, all!

I’ve been leveling super-slowly on the PvP realm (adulting sucks). In my time here I’ve thrown heals and buffs on anyone that I could out in the world. Some of them have /w or /s thanks. Some have /ty or /cheer or the like. Most have simply jumped up and down, which I tend to do, myself. Others have said and done nothing.

As I’ve said before, I’m not an RP’er, but I have a deep love and appreciation for all of those who RP, especially in PvP. Although Blizz et al seem to have given up on the RP community, I sincerely hope people keep showing other players appreciation. Send a friendly whisper. Show a goofy emote. Just jump up and down when you get a buff or a heal. Show us that you’re a real person behind those pixels.

Much love to all of you who love this game :heart:

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True RPers call them realms, not servers. And that’s even how Blizzard says you are supposed to say them.

Still holding out hope. Its been rough organizing RP on Dreamscythe


Honestly you really can’t. The hopium still flows.

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Indeed. It might just be a case of their wanting non-RP players to get settled in first elsewhere though, so as to avoid the issues referred to elsewhere in this thread.

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So, this is the norm for Nightslayer, for sure… But that’s just how the servers are set up unfortunately. Layering works zone to zone, and will update to balance the factions within individual zones. Layer hopping has a CD and isn’t as efficient as previous. Basically, with the RP community split between two mega servers with 6+ layers all the time, you will hardly ever come across any other RPers organically. I have had exactly one actual run in randomly while leveling out of my roughly 24 total hours of playing.

There’s little immersion among the general playerbase, and RP friendly names are definitely more the minority compared to everything else, and the global channels are just awful and I have to keep them in a specific chat window because it’s just brain rot to see.

That all said, I know there’s a handful of guilds on Horde Nightslayer that are RP guilds, two of which are heavily vetted and dedicated RP projects. My own guild being on the lighter side right now but focused as RP-PvP is slowly gaining some traction as well. There are diamonds in the rough… But boy, there is a lot of rough.


I’m playing Duskblade, human rogue on Dreamscythe. So far, I haven’t seen any other characters with a TRP profile.

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There aren’t many on the PVP realm either, but I see at least 2 a day.

Lots of people with RP addons and filled out profiles running around on Nightslayer.

The longer this goes on, the more entrenched some people might get.

We need the RPPvP realm ASAP to ensure it gets a proper population count.