Please Include *One* RPPVP Server for Anniversary Realms

I like RP-PVP servers because they attract a different, usually older audience. This is true of PVE servers as well, but I enjoy PVP. The fact that some people are RPing around is just an extra that tends to make the server experience even better.


It happened on sod because they released multiple pvp realms, and only 1 rppvp, without listing names. So, in order to simplify, they all decided to go to the unique server, which left only the rppvp as a choice.

This wont be an issue this time since there will only be 1 pvp server. Also all streamers are going to hardcore server

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This actually works for any name, not just non-RP names. I have had forced renames on character names that were generated by the in-game character creation screen button.

Looks like the server list has dropped into the client, sadly no RP-PvP server.

Still a few days left, but think we might be left out this time. =/

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If we call it quits then we certainly will be. If you have friends or guildies who haven’t made their voices heard yet, now is a very good time to do so. Squeaky wheels get the grease

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Or or * tinfoil hat * they’re ‘releasing them before RPPVP’ so the ‘big crowds’ can organize where to go.

Please, Blizzard, don’t use novelty versions like SoM/SoD judge the success of what an RPPVP server is. You saw the success and love of Grobbulus!


i am returning to this thread to once again voice my support for this idea


I just resubbed IN ANTICIPATION of the new RPPVP server for Classic Classic WoW. I feel pretty confident at this point that there will be an RPPVP server released, even if it’s at the 11th hour.

It’s clear by now that there is a ton of support for one. The community is hyped for RPPVP!


RP-PvP or bust!

Lets go!!!


That’s not a solution though, it’s a detriment. It would be SoD all over again where the RP community gets split because a portion would have gotten “settled” onto the server and refuse to move.

There’s already a Fengus RP discord that’s existed as a few days waiting for any news and the consesus there is “We have a name now, we’re locking in here even if they release other servers.”

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Surely an RP community would still be able to swap if another realm was announced before launch though, no? My understanding of the Season of Discovery troubles was that people didn’t swap due to the progress which would be lost.

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If they release after Thursday 2pm? Yeah, it’ll be bad.

I believe we still have time before then, as no one has begun to level any characters, etc.

Easy enough to go “Holy crap! Theres the RPPVP server, lets go!”


The “progress” was a handful of hours. It wasn’t really anything to worry about, people are just stubborn and don’t want to flip flop back and forth when trying to herd whole guilds.

Given how much support this topic has gotten, I’m still really hoping that Blizzard knows what happened in Season of Discovery and are trying to avoid a repeat; after all, realm names weren’t available in advance last time, right? Seems like the largest reason why they might have decided to release them early if they haven’t done so before.


Even delaying the server by 2 hours would be bad. Once guilds/friends/communities pick a server, they don’t want to move. The RPPVP server has to be there at launch or it’ll be DOA and just become another PvP server.

If Blizz announced one and gave the name, then people can coordinate there and be ready.

With the amount of talk surrounding it, surely they see the huge demand. Hopefully they’re listening and will do the right thing.

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Being lock out day one on the SoD RpPvp server was a massive letdown. I hope it makes a return.

The names are currently:

Fengus’ Ferocity (PVP)
Mol’dar’s Moxie (Normal)
Slip’kik’s Savvy (Normal)

I assume one of the two on the bottom are supposed to be Hardcore.

This would be the first time a release has never had a Roleplaying type server, which I find very strange, and an unfavorable move.

Crossing fingers for RPPVP.


In SoD, they trolled us with temp realm names. Wasn’t their a Streamer Realm that they showed for a few hours? They were fully aware the streamer’s were hunting for a realm community to ruin prior to SoD.

How do they ruin you might ask? We’ll the streamer’s minions flock to the realm and population lock it (i.e. SoD Crusader Strike). Then, about a week later, those minion’s see a squirrel outside their window and switch to play a different game leaving BLIZZARD’S loyal long-term subscriber-base community splintered on different realms.

I would think they wouldn’t make the same mistake twice, but … who knows right?

wouldnt want anyone with this mentality on my server anyway

Oh they are absolutely waiting to drop our server. Patience, friends.