Please Include *One* RPPVP Server for Anniversary Realms

Not only, there are Roleplaying guilds whose homes are in certain zones, which gives them a reason to defend it.

I find RPPVP servers way more thirsty for WPVP and defense.


Like you asked me source on this?

I can’t wait to have you on my server we’re going to have a blast

40 more players from my guild too, not to mention a bunch of folks from DD, both Ally and Horde side.


Blast is right, mon. :zap:



still on Grobb, and would like another for classic fresh, if possible. Make it MST or EST this time though >.>


I still don’t know what faction I’m going :pensive:

Also I’ve gotten really good at dodging ?? level gankers. Kinda comes with the territory. You won’t get salty times, just goofy times. Guess thats fine, too.

I don’t personally like playing on rp pvp servers but I 100% think they need to be represented. They are some of the most balanced servers and if we are celebrating 20years of people giving their money to blizzard, didn’t the rppvp realm players do the same as the pvE and pvP realm players and now the HC realm players?


Stop asking guys, it’s obviously not going to happen.

Too much technical challanges for the Devs.


The only “challanged” thing is you fam


i see what you did there :expressionless:

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Install TRP3 addon.
Find like minded RP players with the addon also installed.
Make guilds.

But honestly, even on the RP realms there were hardly anyone actually RP’ing lets be honest.

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that seems like it could be fun…

How convenient. You’re right how would a peasant like me ever understand the intricacies lol. Talk about moving the goal posts. Unless there were a bunch of people like that warrior Hardmode floating around…

That special something isn’t RP. I’m assuming Blizz feels the same way, given they are making changes this go around but they tried that in both SoM and SoD, so I’m unsure if they will be effective given the player base decline of those two. Also I’m not sure you think it is RP that is the special something given you transferred to WMC and not grob. It just shows that player base, and in turn not fracturing the player base with more servers, is more important. Also RP definitely wasn’t the case with DD, I can’t think of a single person who went to DD for the RP and if so it didn’t work. Let’s be real here, RP is a niche community.

RP doesn’t happen outside of RP realms because RP realms exist. Taking them out of the equation, it will happen. In fact, it might be a better way to try and bring in new players to RP and grow the niche rp community.

My experience on RP realms is that almost nobody RPs, but instead it’s for people want to play on a PVP server and avoid 60-90% of the pvp because players are less likely to gank/harass you there.

How about RPers just roll on PVE servers and flag up for PVP?

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I loved Roleplaying my Forsaken Warlock as being a newcomer to the Horde and fundamentally selfish and only caring for herself–only to have her meet other members of the Horde and start to work together. By having such a rich and storied world, Blizz allowed for people to build their character very much like a Table Top Roleplaying Game, with adventures fleshing out your characters and allowing for wonderful memories.

From late nights fishing in Feralas, to holding a soup kitchen in front of the chaos that was the Naxxaramas Release, to raiding Stormwind with a dragon being kited by the Blacktooth Grin Raiders, I have attended and ran countless small and large events with people I would never have met if not for an RPPVP realm.

I ask for Blizz to please let us have RPPVP realms, as RPPVP is the heart of what makes Classic, Classic. The immersion of the world, the marriage of mechanics and story, and the wars that were waged in the past, all make classic fundamentally a different game than Retail. To not allow us to have RPPVP servers would be a huge mistake, and I hope blizzard allows us to play as we have in the past–and some still do, with Grobbulus still having an RP community to this day.


Thanks for agreeing! Glad to have your support <3

RP PvP please


Rolling on the pve realm makes a lot more sense for RP. getting ganked by people with names like “Istabyouindeeznutz” while you are trying to RP is not gonna be fun at all.

Lot’s of us played on the old RP-PvP realms and have fond memories of them, but I don’t think rolling on an PVP mega server is going to return that vibe.

PvE server in RP guilds sounds better.


Wasn’t your priest buddy dropping F-slurs as an admin on DD discord lol?