Please include more social rules and adjustments for LGBT and Minority Communities

How would you like if I gave a live feed location of your car or your physical location on twitter, 24x7.

I guess it is all fun until it happens to you.

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A bit over the top don’t you think?

The more you address them and that they bother you… the less likely they are to leave you alone.

It’s called harassment, it’s already there.


They didn’t, nice try though. It’s more about how you say stuff on there than what you say.

Of course, no source for this. It’s why you’re being vague about it here.

You should probably check the definition of Freedom of Speech.

Jet =/= car, it only tracks flights. Nice try, though.

Proving the whole point that certain people just like to spread intentional misinformation like you~

Yes, Jet is not the same as car.
But it is location of your transportation. If you had a jet, I would ask you the same question.

It is hard to put yourself on someone else’s shoes when you have no capacity to show empathy towards them. If you can’t feel empathy towards them, the only way to try to light it up on you is to make it about you.

That is why I used those two examples. And they perfectly fit because you are all defensive right now. Shouldn’t you not care at all (just like you show you don’t care about Elon’s jet being tracked), you would’ve said “go ahead, I don’t care”.

A bit hypocrite from your side, don’t you think?


It is rhetoric, I’m not really asking.


Again as usual…I hit a nerve with you with the truth…EVERYTHING I said has happened…on Twitter…as usual you just can’t accept the truth.

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1984 by Orwell is basically a vacation to you, isn’t it


Asking someone to be nice is “woke” and infringing on their free speech nowadays.

Location of transportation to a city, and not say a home address or anything of the sort.

I wouldn’t care, because 1) Even if they know the city, or even the location of said jet that means nothing to me. :3

I have empathy for plenty of people. I am not sympathetic of someone that makes weird comparisons like how someone knowing what city you’re flying to (Especially as a rich celeb) is equal to knowing where your car is at all times.

Nope! Should probably figure out the definitions of words before using them, but your ‘side’ isn’t very good at that~

I guess I hit a nerve with the truth, given all I needed to refute your statement was to say it wasn’t happening because there’s no evidence of it.

Sorry, the right is the one that doesn’t want to accept reality. Hence Jan 6th, Parasite/Dewormer trying to be touted as ‘effective’, QAnon, Conspiracy and all.

Freedom of speech is cool and all, but when what you say ends up getting people killed or harmed due to the influence, power, and networks you have, then what makes you think there should be no consequences for it? At the rate you’re going, your next argument will be “there should be no laws so I can have freedom of speech!!!”

:roll_eyes: this is far from that. Stop making up conspiracy theories because this is all that is.

That’s exactly what “free speech” advocates want.

Freedom of consequence for THEIR speech.

I think it’s important we also define severity. I think the average person wants to just air out their thoughts and opinions, and that’s fine. But there needs to be consequences for people who cross a line.

And that line is what should be debated because we’re in a state where people have different definitions of what that line entails.

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Try reading the book.


You still don’t get what it is about.

It is clear that when it is about your privacy you become very defensive, but about others you can relativize that.

You’re right. to be hypocrite you should’ve the capacity to understand the problem, it seems you’re just ignorant to the whole point.

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Their line will be they can harm others, but harm cannot fall upon them.

No different then how they backed the blue, until cops got in their way on January 6th.

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You’re the one that doesn’t get what it’s about. He was angry someone was posting where his jet was flying to, and it’s one of the reasons he wanted to buy twitter was to try to stifle that after his pay off (Bribe) didn’t work.

It is clear that when it is about your privacy you become very defensive, but about others you can relativize that.

You’re right. to be hypocrite you should’ve the capacity to understand the problem, it seems you’re just ignorant to the whole point.

I new I hit a nerve with your left wing thoughts…the only Conspiracy’s are Hunter Bidens Laptop & the 4 am votes that Obiden got…2022 elections are going to be great!..the only Parasite now is the old man in the White House that can’t even remember what he said 2 minutes ago!


The ONLY ignorant person is you!


I mean you’re the one going on about a tangent and proving all of my statements correct, why would you ‘strike a nerve’? Me pointing out that the right are the ones denying reality and not the other way around.

Hmm, lets go to someone on the right that recently Perjured themselves in court recently~ Whoops!

You’re the one trying to deny reality, not me.