Please include more social rules and adjustments for LGBT and Minority Communities

“Down with the rich!”
another rich guy comes over
“But not this one!”

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But that’s okay because it’s funny. It’s the same reason why it’s okay if Trump becomes president again. Humor and entertainment are more important than a reliable and responsible leader.

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So you’re saying that ANYONE that disagrees with your values, is spewing hate speech & Toxic content? By what you are posting the Toxicity is high in your world!


Aayyyeee… sarcasm! :heart: Took me a hot minute

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I think they should go further than that and have an option to report for inappropriate behavior in-general. Folks of all kinds are trolled and hated on in the game and, while they need to keep the system relatively simple, they should cover as many bases as they can with as few options as possible (where applicable.)

An “inappropriate behavior” with a box that asks the reasoning for the report would be sufficient and allow elaboration.

Again as usual…you’re wrong…I questioned what you said & then you have to spew out hate speech,grow up

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Do you realize what Elon is going to do to Twitter? Prepare to see a very hateful society because Twitter is a lot of peoples world view. If a certain someone comes back on their platform, it’s only going to get worse. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.

We already have a hateful society. Twitter isn’t going to change that one way or the other.

The only way that will change is if people try to be kind to one-another regardless of their beliefs.


What does my opinion have to do with another players? Why do you keep comparing me to someone names Talonel? It’s just weird at this point.

The only hateful society is you and your ranting…no need to warn me because I agree with Elon…this country has turned into a bunch of (oh my feelings are hurt because you said something I don’t agree with) people that really actually need some help!


No. It’s called being civilized and respecting others differences. You can’t just go around being a jerk because you feel like it.

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I just think it’s interesting that you called the OP of that thread a homophobe when Talonel likes that original post, considering you also seem to support what Talonel does given your previous interactions.

Also, come on Tulnn. You darn well know who Talonel is. :point_down:


Except i didn’t.

Though it sounds like to me that you’re angry that people are comparing you to Talonel. Maybe the reason why their comparing you to Talonel is because you pretty much act or do the same things as him? :man_shrugging:


So you’re calling me a jerk because I disagree with what you say…so sorry that your PDF feelings are like this. Your actual quote “It’s called being civilized and respecting others differences” which you NEVER do…it’s either your way or no way…grow up.


I don’t think it’s anything about kindness. It’s knowing how to discern between political and ideological differences vs actual harm and violence. There’s too many people who perceive differences as a direct threat to their own safety, so it makes having discussions nearly impossible because things devolve into who is more morally righteous instead of addressing specific points. And it’s funny cause it’s that line of thinking that then results in violence.

This is why I actually prefer the idea of having more social media platforms. The world is getting too small, and people just don’t get along.

That said, I don’t think Elon is going to be doing anything special. He’s going to walk into the content moderation nightmare that is Twitter and pay someone to do it for him while he brands himself in some way lol

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If by free speech you mean not being allowed to post bad about Elon, Tesla, his Jet Location and so forth. For a ‘bastion’ of free speech he spends a lot of effort to not allow his employees to do it, nor allowing journalists to make articles about him and cancelling their Tesla orders.

Further, Musk and Tesla have also sought – not always successfully – to silence customers. For example, Tesla used to compel customers to sign agreements containing non-disclosure clauses as a prerequisite to have their vehicles repaired.

Yeah, I know the people that sit there and call things ‘woke’ and get upset at anything LGBTQ+ are indeed easily offended.

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Hey, hey Blizzard. You ever going to do your job and moderate your own forums? No? Cool, cool cool cool.


I really just see this being abused or used as a tool against LGBT2Q+ then helping. Reason being, members of that community discuss topics and use terms more frequently then those outside of it, that alone would generate more false reports or even malicious reports.

If you find yourself being harassed in-game, regardless of group/sexuality/identity, there is a ticket system to provide the information needed, information that a chat log doesn’t always portray. Be detailed, add subtext and previous encounters. If uncommon slang is used, define it to your best ability. As someone who has used this tool in the past, it does work and is sufficient for what you described.

However, that does bring up another issues, perhaps the community could use a guide on reporting players for harassment. (If there is one, then maybe have it more visible, attach it to the launcher, link to it inside the ticket report feature)


It is effective.
If you doubt the effectiveness of the reporting tool (in specially for Language), I invite you to question its effectiveness on Customer Support forums. The representative will guide you through and explain how it works (you probably are not aware).

A certain group in this forum silences other voices by brigading in their discord and mass reporting people here, and yet any thread that brings that topic up suddenly disappears from the forums.


If you feel it’s ok that the past owners of Twitter pushed their Democratic believes on everyone & If you didn’t agree with them your accounts were suspended for no other reason then not agreeing with them…then you have some real major problems with Freedom of Speech!

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