Please include more social rules and adjustments for LGBT and Minority Communities

I wonder what would happen if I asked for more White and straight representation in this thread…


I find it so odd that people who claim to be so brave and empowered always act so fragile. Which is it?


Do you feel that you’re not being represented enough in the media and world at large?

Wrong again as usual…you just can’t stand the FACTS hitting you in the face…you’re a typical angry liberal that can’t get ANYTHING right…until you can…QUIT stalking me!


Of course not. Like with every group, I want mine to be represented more.

Run for senate.

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It varies state to state. People really need to stop forgetting state laws are different.

I do. He is right about it, and the proof is that you wouldn’t like to get your car tracked on twitter. It is not about the difference between car and a jet.

That is just your subverted and twisted vision of that.
It is like I start saying that the whole point of you posting here is to upset other people, and speak like it is a fact. Some people will start believing that and label you with that.

You should be more careful on with what you say.

Funny how words can prick like that… isn’t it?

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Very well said.


Then feel free to create your own games, movies, and companies and hire the people you like. Just find a place where the laws agrees with you cause there are already places that do that.

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I know some states are more behind the times than others, but I doubt there are any where homosexuals are still burned on the cross.


Which laws specifically?

Twitter is already a very hateful society.

Oddly enough, no evidence for your points while there’s evidence for mine~

You’re the one getting so angry about me pointing out facts, not the other way around.

I’m not the one consistently posting insults at people and going on angry tirades like you are, Emirasha.

Said person isn’t tracking his car, so no you’re not~

Good thing no ones doing that, except for probably Paparazzi.

It’s a pretty important part, hence why you have to make a comparison of something that’s not happening~

Nope! You’ve been defending it for a bunch of posts, try again.

lol this. Twitter is a giant vacuum of insular thought and tribalism. Elon taking over will only open up discourse to a group that has gotten used to none.

It is not. You made about it because you know that I am right.

The rest of your useless post just show that you were wrong and you won’t even concede.

Not the kind of human being people really like to discuss ideas.


No it doesn’t, everything related to things such as that are done at the federal level.

Quite a few states and places that’s incorrect. But hey, people like to post misinformation.

It is, because no one is tracking his car except his own company. If you wanted to equivocate, you would’ve asked how I felt about people tracking what cities I fly to. :3

I’m pretty sure my posts have a lot more substance than your own, plus the name attached them isn’t Chernobyll which is a bonus.

Ugh, you’re right. Fiiiiiine, but I hope you remember my sly ally commentary.

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Lol no it’s not.
