Please include more social rules and adjustments for LGBT and Minority Communities

“All animals are equal but some are more equal than others”

The moment you institute special standards for special people, you create the exact problem you are professing to solve. Trying to carve one out for yourself suggests you are looking for a rule to abuse, not one to broadly protect the community as a whole.



That seems like any old Goldshire to be honest.

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Also judging by how T waste so much activist time on the wow forums I am guessing the college degree in diversity science isnt getting them a job so they spend time rather to troll the forums.

I mean it cant be a worth while degree if the outcome is to troll a game forum with divisive topics 24/7. :laughing:


I actually… don’t disagree.

Feel like they should just create sections based on the existing CoC cause I’ve seen people from SEA make locally based derogatory names or comments but they can’t be reported because it doesn’t really fit into the reporting structure.

There is an option today, much effective: Report > Language.

How in God’s name do you people keep falling for this? He makes one of these threads a day!


It is not that effective. I used that feature a lot, especially if I saw a misogynistic, racist, homophobic or transphobic remark in trade chat. I did follow up after that. Nothing happened and it’s business as usual for offenders. We need a better system for reporting and we need LIVE TRADE CHAT MODERATORS!

You just can’t take the truth & you spin it to your own story. Slander you…you slander more people on here then people that you say slander you!


I’m so glad Elon is in charge of twitter now. At least we have one bastion of free speech available to us.


He just doesn’t have a life and is looking for attention that his parents never gave him!


Hate speech is not free speech! Reporting is for hate speech! Learn the difference!

And who determines the difference? You? That kind of talk is exactly why cancel culture is a thing. A minority of the easily offended raise hell until something they don’t like is stamped down. YOU’RE the problem.


Sounds like what you consider “misogynistic, racist, homophobic, or transphobic” is not what Blizzard considers. The option definitely works as I’ve reported someone just earlier today and got a near-instant reply that the offender received punishment.


I don’t believe you. And why are you still stalking me?

I LOVE the Social Contract. It includes everything in a clear and succinct way. If you start to specify everything, you surely leave something out and it becomes discriminatory to whoever was not included.

Stalking you…you’re the one that went after him…so in since you’re stalking him.


That’s fine, because I don’t believe you are truly seeing misogynistic, racist, homophobic, and transphobic remarks. Also, I’m not; I got a notification that a message of mine was hearted, checked it out, then saw your post and replied to it. Sorry you are insecure and easily frightened by social interactions.


Bastion of free speech is not allowing hate to be spewed as well as toxicity.

Check again and you will see that you are wrong. Stop being fatlazydrunk! rolling eyes

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Elon Musk has silenced people who disagree with him with lawsuits and firings :confused: