Please include more social rules and adjustments for LGBT and Minority Communities

Can we just go back to the days of Windows Live Messenger/MSN Chat Rooms when if someone said something racist, or expressed religious prejudice, they would automatically get kicked out of the chat room??

Sad truth though is that kind of censorship didn’t stop the pervy people from getting through the cracks…

*If it gets enough reports to get a higher ticket threshold, currently the problem isn’t entirely the rules but the fact that they ENTIRELY rely on reports and do not moderate in game channels live anymore and the fact that - unlike the original ticket system they can ignore low report tickets.

Though, I have seen enough people that do not report because they believe there’s no option to report whatever behavior they’re seeing. They get confused whether to report spam, language, or not to at all. I’m not convinced that a bunch of new ‘report’ options will solve that, but we’ve already seen some datamined different reports so we will see.

Currently those don’t actually exist, but people do excel at being disingenuous and saying ‘nothing should change’ because it ‘will be abused by trolls’ like the current system doesn’t have a minor problem doing it… Because if they abuse it, usually the action against them is much worse than a squelch.

The problem with ‘trolling’ in general is how much of it is done and how many variations of ways it can be done and you can’t know someone’s motives without being in their head, or in some cases repeated clear behavior that’s usually at odds with things they supposedly believed beforehand.

You will see others here in this thread accusing others of being someone else without any evidence, I think that should definitely fit there too.

Let me know when that actually occurs, and no ‘special treatment’ or rules specifically for said groups would need to exist.

I’ve never seen a group of people having to be propped up and coddled by some sort of authority so their feelings don’t get hurt.

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I rarely report people, but when I have, about 90% of the time I get a response back thanking me for the report and telling me that action is being taken. Now this could be because of they types of reports I submit – maybe they are higher on the list. :woman_shrugging:

I do think that the system is fine as is. The last thing Blizzard needs to do is to create a system that encourages reporting. What happens on the forums where people who just give their opinion get flagged by a billion people is a perfect example of the abuse such a system would get.

The OP’s need for attention I believe, that is what you’re missing. Just flag and move on. Maybe the OP will get a forum vacation if enough flags get sent up.

Semper Fi! :us: :ukraine:


If you only report something that’s incredibly offensive and it’s in a public populated chat? Sure. If it’s in your DMs, or your mail that’d be just one report and you would see how unlikely anything is to occur on lower threshold reports.

There’s enough evidence to the contrary, including the ‘squelch’ abuse with it in the first place.

They have to, if they’re not going to actively moderate themselves or investigate every report.

Flagging a post doesn’t do anything even when it gets hidden. Still entirely up to the Forum mods to restore it or not, doesn’t even prevent you from posting either.

Saying something shouldn’t be changed ‘because it can be abused’ is generally a bad take. Wanna know how to fix it? Take action against those that abuse it, two problems solved.

already restored. Blizzard can see through your charade of false flags. The flag option isn’t to be used as a dislike button.

First off, you’ve never provided any proof of this transphobic chat. You can’t just simply expect people to just believe you on your word alone, disregarding your reputation here. Or even check. Were like a week or two past the livestream and it’s chat disabled.

Second, the chat pertains more then WoW Players. YouTube doesn’t really care what game you play.

Thrid, Citation needed that Asmongold’s fans are transphobic.

You’re not only calling people transphobic and homophobic, regardless if their reason for disagreeing was reasonable or not…over a fictional character mind you, but you’re also trying to incite hatred by trying to rally the LGBT community against them and even joyous over the thought that people who disagree with you will be gone.

…You’ve never even explained how OP was a known homophobe, and your talks of “stopping it” just comes off more of bullying tbh.

I think what’s rather interesting about that thread after being told this… is Talonel (the frostmorne one) …actually agrees with the OP on that thread. :point_down:


Okay, first off… :point_down:

Second, it’s not libel either.
Thrid, you’ve asked me to provide suggestions for more ways to report players, and i’ve did and even provided examples to better articulate what i’m saying. I sincerely don’t think we should go around labeling people willy nilly when they are not bigots, because it actually takes the urgency away from the word which in turn, harms the people who are actually being bigoted against.

Which is a meaningless number to anybody rational.

But i’m not shocked you’re reaching bottom barrel stuff here after you complained about my memes.


Blizzard, take the first step and start banning all these toxic trolls making posts like this. The community is tired of you allowing these zealots to constantly try to place the populace at large under constant threat of bans etc for anything and everything. Thanks.


The Report for harassment is already in-game, what’s the point of this thread other than to be an agitator?


How would you be use to it being a new player :smirk:
Hehe the mask hiding nothing slips further. XD


The point of this thread is to bring awareness of new in-game report options. Currently there are far too little options and very vague. Something like this can easily be fixed to help rid of toxic players.

Did it both on Stormrage and Illidan - two of the most populated NA servers - and found nothing.


They don’t have to. They feel like they have to. The issue they are having is not with their reporting system, the issue is the non-action they take when people are reported (according to you). Those are two different issues. Changing the system will not change this. The only way to fix that issue is to hire people to review tickets and deal with offenders. Adding more “reporting” options doesn’t fix a lack of labor issue.

You literally make bait threads ment to border on the line of trolling simply to cause division then you start calling people phobes and bigots.
You start threads to play shame card and when called out on your hypocrisy you play victim card.
You are one of the main contributions to the hostile environment in the forums. That you also use multiple toons to make the same posts everytime one is finally and rightfully locked.

The evidence is how you interact with criticism and others opinions when they dont support you. 100% exactly like the peraon you claim not to be. I see plenty of people here and each types a very distinct way.
You type, talk and react and post the same garbage so we know youre just an alt. Youre no “new player” its amusing at how obvious you are and how you think youre actually fooling anyone when youre only fooling yourself :joy:

I agree trolls like you should be forum banned. Then we can return to actually talking about the game. Thats what all of us have in common.

We dont need specific groups given special favor. We are ALL here to play wow.


Should be a report feature for agitators like you :roll_eyes:


Heh, to me for sitting for 3 minutes now, there is nobody on the trade chat now… i even said “Huh, this chat is a bit dead”… which usually gets people saying “yup”, but …nothing.

Not even the mate who tells stories about those Micheal Bay Transformer movies. :slightly_frowning_face:

Edit: I even taken drastic measures by going to Goldshire and i’ve seen nothing phobic.


Not even in Goldshire!?! Was this Moonguard Goldshire or just a plain Goldshire?


What would this do except annoy people, lol

Nobody is re-reading it monthly, or even in the first place

…You know what, i actually don’t know. Considering the convero i’m in with some random people are now about…

:shushing_face: Male genitalia.

And… other… related… things…

And of coarse it’s all happening while there’s 2 naked night elves with bunny ears next to us…