Please include more social rules and adjustments for LGBT and Minority Communities

Same here. I don’t know where some people constantly find harassment.


why the need for special treatment ?


Who the hell starts a dungeon or key with “I’m trans/gay/etc?”


It’s more common then you think especially in trade chat. It’s very bad, just sit in a major city for half an hour. You’re almost guarantee to see something disgusting and worth reporting.

That’s a bit nit picky and shortsighted to what really happens.

I honestly only ever notice silly jokes and inane political mud slinging. Will give you the benefit of the doubt and pay closer attention.


I see this all the time when you post anything


Agreed, Blizzard has the final say on all of this. The point I am trying to make is where the “line in the sand” is drawn between players. Some things are clear as night and day, others are not. For anything that might be deemed as potentially offensive to people, some people are easily triggered, others are not. Sometimes there are people that all but seek out being offended, do that and you will find a way. I’m just making point, not picking sides or pointing fingres.

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I fully support your statement! Thank you for bringing it up!

or you could grow up and act like a adult. also continued trolling can legally be construed as harrasement which is illegal.

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The penalty for trolling should be the same regardless of player. Why do we need a specific category for lgbt? Trolling someone is trolling someone, simple. No special labels, categories, etc is needed.


I dont troll but its funny. not everything has to be so serious. making people angry by saying stupid things isnt harassment. you can avoid trolling by ignoring people who say stupid and outlandish things meant to get a reaction from people. hope this helps.


Ah yes, so that way it can be thrown around like crazy like real life yes? Totally no way to backfire when appealing to snowflakes. Not saying all LGBT are snowflakes. Just a lot of SJW are when it comes to them. Now that MS bought AV I won’t be surprised if wow becomes a “safespace” that will just increase resentment.


Reality is, Blizzard has the final say as this is their platform. Regardless if you agree with them or not, the line in the sand is where Blizzard puts it. If you don’t like it, you’re free as the consumer to not give them your hard earned money.

Does that not fall under “language”? Although I suppose a general “harassment” option would be better.

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Sometimes ya just cannot win lol. My post you are replying to:

I even agreed with your post I was responding to. but you zero in on the second line in my post. It is almost like:

A: You were triggered as soon as you hit the second line and responded w/o reading the rest, or

B: You select the one line that is most easily replied to in a controversial way, thus supporting the second to last sentence in my post:

You win OP, I’m gonna grab some munchies see where this thread goes - carry on!
:beer: :popcorn:

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If you’re having trouble with putting the pieces together in this proverbial already completed puzzle here… then that’s on you.

If you’re taking my “Talonel was an evil twin” bit seriously, that’s also on you.

Might want a bit of a reality check Tulln.

And it shows. :man_facepalming:

Are you seriously that daft?

I’ve never even implied such a claim and i’m not going to be held accountable to that or you claiming i’m harassing you for something that you made up in your head. Please actually read my comments as they are, and then run your mouth. :roll_eyes:

Also, keep complaining about my memes and videos, it’s just going to be sillier everytime you do it. :laughing:

Okay, here’s my suggestion then. Labeling people bigots when they are not willy nilly should be reportable. Like these for example. :point_down:


LGBTQ+ people deserve equal treatment, not special treatment. Nobody deserves special treatment.


Exactly. :slight_smile: :+1:


All you do is take my comments out of context to try and spin your own story. At least be more original if you’re going to try and slander me. I don’t know why you’d want to slander me but based on your post count, you’re just here trolling any and every forum thread.