Please include more social rules and adjustments for LGBT and Minority Communities

The next obvious problem will be that the forums will then have;

“[This Spell] is a dog whistle to homophobic bigots, Blizzard please make it reportable.”

They do not want it to end. There will always be people who will try to find a way to keep the ladder of victim-hood a thing.


The Only problem I have is that people are offended by the simplest stuff.

Like, telling someone they’re doing something wrong and trying to correct them. People will get offended you dare question their playstyle even if you’re the most polite person on the planet, because the younger generations were raised to be the center of attention.

I think that part is a root cause of a lot of things. The past several generations weren’t raised to treat others with respect, but rather to be selfish and make respect earned with no give in the beginning.

Like you should show respect for someones dignity at first. If they tank it immediately then that’s on them, but going into every social activity thinking everyone is below you is a socialization issue stemming from childhood.



Respect is no longer an earned currency.

Much like the author to this thread, respect begins on many different levels. The higher they are on the victim hierarchy, the more default respect they are entitled to. They have gone so far, that some groups actually start with negative respect ratings. If you are a straight white male, you must first be an ally, and get your blue check mark before you get to begin at 0.


" If you are a straight white male, you must first be an ally, and get your blue check mark before you get to begin at 0. "

For that comment you are now off my ignore list. Thank you.


I really appreciate your suggestion here, and agree with you. There are many things I have seen and personally encountered as people discriminate against LGBTQ+ and minorities, and while you can report the trolling and harassment, just as Blizzard’s help forums have a way to self troubleshoot to find what might fix a problem, Blizzard’s report system could be more effective and clear to ensure more helpful communication to cut to the chase and better report to the moderators.

Yes, these same systems can be used to report someone who isn’t doing something as abuse, but in the end of it all, I find that if someone is reported and the mods have a look, they can distinguish between what is and isn’t appropriate. If you got warned or banned for doing something, you probably did or said something against TOS, whether or not you were bullied into it.

So claiming that as an argument against that system really doesn’t make that much sense to me, since tons of people spam report for invalid reasons as is. Adding another reason for reporting is perfectly valid, and would help people better specify what is going on, as well as help people feel like they are allowed to come to staff to report these issues.

Often, minorities and LGBTQ+ members don’t report such harassment, because they feel like it’s part of the game, and even if hurtful, it’s “okay,” in some fashion, and it’s not.

If Blizzard wants to take a stand and prove that it’s not okay, adding this feature would better help highlight what is and isn’t appropriate in this game. Rules need to be made very, very clear, and action needs to be taken.

or just treat everyone with the Respect you want to be treated with
thats better then being a rasist lunatic

“Or, just treat everyone with the same respect you would want given to you. That would be better then being a racists lunatic.”

Just because I see how a system works, doesn’t mean I treat people any differently then I always have.

Lately, and for the last few expansions which I have played very little of, I simply act as though most players are NPC’s, and leave damn near all interaction to other people.

I do not accept your current hierarchy of respect. It is a terrible way to live, and behave. Though, I wouldn’t expect you to agree, or understand why you are wrong.


Thank goodness I don’t have that awful world view.

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I’m going to say this and some of you still won’t acknowledge how crystal clear this is but there is a Bnet account wide ignore.

This is a you problem not a dev problem. They already provided the tools for you to fix it.

Edit: I reread this and know why I can’t do customer service.


Your world view is that people should think like you, act like you, and do everything you do. This established evil doctrine is why bad things in the world exist.

So unfortunate that people are finally pushing back against they way you believe. It is refreshing that good is once again triumphing over evil.


You don’t know my world view because unlike you I don’t dedicate that much time voicing it on the internet.

You’re not pushing back against my beliefs, you’re pushing back against the expectation of accountability. You just can’t deal, and I’m not the one to blame. But keep fighting that good fight. :kissing_heart:


It’s not obvious because it’s not a joke. I don’t even know what you’re talking about. Are you saying I’m the character you posted? How am i in any way connected to the people you keep claiming me to be (without proof)? It’s borderline harassment. With low quality meme and videos to boot.

This thread is about adding in more ways to report players. But somehow you think this thread is about me being some other person without any discussion to the topic at hand. If you’re going to engage the thread, at least make it about the topic.

In overwatch they have an abusive chat and you can right a bit of what that entails. I think it would be nice for wow to have that for social situations.

In WoW the closest thing you have to report is language. Which can be inappropriate or abusive in nature.

That’s extremely rich coming from you.


no ty, i dont like being actioned for calling myself what i am, a huge !@#$%&.

How about we include a discrimination button instead of 2 buttons that only addresses 2 kinds of discrimination…

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That would work well. But we’d need to make sure to define the definition and to make it easy and fast for Blizzard to take action against others who discriminate, especially against underrepresented communities.

Atleast I’m trying to make a feedback thread with ideas I think would benefit the game and community instead of trying to reply with sarcastic remarks like this.

They can take example of how labor laws word it, and then work on improving from there to cover discrimination topics that us not defined herein.

Hasn’t been my experience at all. In fact more often than not people who pug into our raids either join us or fondly remember us the next time they pug.

Flag and drag.