Please include more social rules and adjustments for LGBT and Minority Communities

Once you fabricate evidence against someone, you become a pariah. As the person you are responding to is finding out the hard way.


I can’t comprehend how you’d be against adding in important rules. It seems very selfish to not want something many others want and would have no effect on you.

Honestly this is a good idea.

Anyone who gets mad over being told to be a good person has issues that need professional help.

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You shouldn’t be, you do every day to people that don’t agree with what you post,


Practice what you preach then.


I thought you claimed to be European in a different thread…

Edit: yep:

this is the post where someone else quoted you, so you can’t just delete your post as you do when called out on your BS.


This is getting so old. How do others even know a toons chosen gender? Most of the female toons in this game are played by men, who cares. The game has a block feature, a report feature and is a game.

If you have chosen, or were born into, to walk a difficult path consider developing rhino skin you are going to need it. Life is hard at best. You cannot force the world to your views.

sounds like…just sounds like…


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They have every right to be! It’s fine to correct someone once or twice, but afterwords it just becomes disrespectful.

You said it in your title, minority. That means no.

I do not care if you are LGBT, LGBTQ, or LGBTQ+. People will still call stuff out and people will speak their mind. You are never going to change that. Frankly, I am getting tired of this whole narrative and political agenda. This will only cause more people to get frustrated and angry with people that put forward thist stuff.

This has nothing to do with anything within the game or the game itself.

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Practice what you preach then…because you attempt to correct everyone who disagrees with you, daily!

Unlike you, I actually respect others wishes to be called a specific pronoun when communicating. You just sit in the corner and screech about how much you dislike pronouns because of … reasons?

You don’t respect anyone…not even yourself


Has the entire GD forum turned into a giant gay forum?


Coolsies. This makes sense and I can get behind it. IDC about the social contract, but enabling people to report for bigotry I am all for.

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I think posts like this make me think about what the future generations are going to care so strongly about. Kind of scary if you ask me.


Spend a few minutes reading the replies of any thread pertaining to LGBTQ+ and/or Minority Communities and you can see why they should avoid the matter altogether.

The WoW community is neither mature nor civil enough to handle it properly. It’s still a thing that a lot of people in the real world can’t handle, much less expecting them to behave while being anonymous behind a pixelated character.


Blizzard has never actively monitored in-game chat; moderation has always been reactive, based on player reports.


Yes it’s VERY scary to have inclusive and fairly represented communities. :roll_eyes:

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This is plain untrue. I’ve played this game for 16 years. Lgbtqi people are not targeted. How would I, as a player, know what your sexual orientations are from behind a keyboard?

Answer: You announcing it to everyone, unsolicited.

This is when people get irritated when the ABC mafia try ramming that stuff down people’s throats, screaming “accept me!”

We just to play the game, man. We don’t care what your predispositions are. Just be cool, respectful and enjoy the game. I have never seen anyone go out of their way to berate anyone who is lgbtqi or otherwise. I have seen it when that person forces the issue on everyone around them, even when those people didn’t care in the first place.

Just play the game. It’s something we ALL share a commonality for. That’s our relatable, kindred theme. Focus on THAT.