Please include more social rules and adjustments for LGBT and Minority Communities

Ewwwwwww. You nasty, baby. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Just dropping in to let you know that the T-Team trolls don’t speak for us and probably aren’t actually us. They’re just concern trolls trying to get a rise out of people and direct hate at the LGBT+ community. Most of us just want to vibe and be gay in our own thread.


That’s cool. I support Tuullnn for not wanting to stay confined to a particular thread and not wanting to exclude themself from the rest of the community. Exclusion is never the answer to inclusion.

I don’t support you, nor he on any of his toons giving people a free pass to hate and and potentially leading haters into the real LGBT+ thread and potentially being the last straw that leads a vulnerable LGBT+ player to end their lives.


So you want special privileges? So much for being equal.


I don’t care who you support, just let us make our feedback threads in peace without being accused of this and that. Reality is, people have different opinions.


Again, practice what you preach…people have different opinions but you yourself don’t allow it and have all types of hate speech against anyone who does not agree with your believes.


Lol GD, where we need popcorn the most

sit down. Youre drunk
Your response to different opinions generally. :joy:


It is the hyper inclusivity. Like, bro, you cannot include everyone.

And where do you draw the line. Babies are not allowed to play wow. We should include babies. You should be able to identify as a baby if you want.

Or man, the color blue. Why isn’t the color blue represented enough in wow. Like we need more blue cosmetics and stuff.

I mean, i am not even included, but i do not care. Im not going to cry because i cannot identify as a tall skinny white straight asexual male.

Here is the other thing tulln. I could get behind this if blizzard actually cared about the people they are trying to rope in with all this diversity and inclusivity stuff. But they don’t.
They are pandering to those demographics. Alot of people i have seen on the forums were planning on quitting if they couldn’t get an incubus model for example when choosing the succubus pet as a warlock.

Blizzard also disincludes people at times. Like the robed woman painting, mainly seen in the scarlet halls. People in real life who play wow actually look like her in the original portrait. So they are saying that those people should be shamed and should not look like that. I thought it was one of the dumber changes made to the game, on top of the reclining woman being turned into fruit. So, we want to include more but disinclude others i guess. I am not ok with that.

Same thing with amazon. I honestly do not believe they care about inclusivity or diversity either. They don’t care about the people it might possibly attract using those tactics. Alot of companies have also figured out that they can make even more money by pandering to specific twitter trends. Even though they don’t actually care about the movements and or the issues. Only from the dough they are getting.

When i said scary tulln, i meant that it is scary that these companies are pleading to the insanity. It is scary that even the tiniest things seem to become political arguments now. That is incredibly scary.

At the same time, i could get behind your movements if this company actually cared. It is 100% about the politics and 100 % about the money. Nothing more. And if all these companies and all these people were so inclusive, and diverse, we would not have to announce it every chance we had. I don’t really care if the developers say that they are doing it because it is what they want to do, and that they believe in it. I don’t believe it. It is 100 % about politics and money. Money is important, but that is the sole thing for most of these companies in america. We have got a long way to go before i believe people are actually being included in this country.

My second problem is just the fact that the line is not being drawn. You cannot include everyone. Some people are not going to be included. And others don’t want to be in the first place to this extreme. They are just happy to be able to log in every day and no one even knows who they are or what their preferences are. Some people are terrible people who never should be included ever.

The thing that this hate monger doesn’t know about me is…I don’t drink, but that is Tuullnns fallback when he gets in a hissy fit and doesn’t have an actual nice thing to say.


Hes the typical victim mentality narcissist. Youre only an ally when you blindly suppprt his view and echo it back. Any divergence will have you ostrasized and ignored. Just like a communist dictator. Gotta snuff out “wrong think”.

It isnt genuine care for the groups he claims to support. Its using the group to enact and push for his own selfish self centered views of the world at the damnation of the real victims he talks over and brings harassment upon.


:roll_eyes: stop lying.

I abide by forum rules and I try my best to be respectful unlike you who got their post removed for saying some very vulgar phrases.

I haven’t had any of my post removed. Listen here you little peon I have over 37 years of sobriety …how many days do you have -1? I bet so.

You’re off on another of your Hissy-fits…If you don’t know what is mean here’s the meaning.

The phrase ‘Hissy fit’ - meaning and origin. What’s the meaning of the phrase ‘Hissy fit’? **A temperamental outburst; a tantrum,the hissing and spluttering of such an outburst, or it may simply be a contraction of ‘hysterical’

You say you’re not mean…your 1st was 1 of the meanest things a person can say.

You’re the person that needs to stop lying & GROW UP!


:roll_eyes: Stop lying…

If going on a “hissy fit” involves advocating for basic rules for the lgbt+ and minority communities then you are clearly confused. :man_shrugging:


I dont know. But it seems like you are just riling up both sides and creating a thread that no one asked for.

But you behaving this way is surely not making LGBT and minority groups any better, but make folks wanting to troll you and attack you more.

Don’t do it man.


No, equality means being treated the same as anyone else, the people in question should have the same protections as any other player and nothing more or less.

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The projecting is coming from you

You have rules now to be able to belong to the community. When did this come about?

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I would avoid using such labels, a phobia is not a bad thing, it is only used that way wrongly I might add for this particular subject. Harassment or rude is really all you need.

But I tell you what, I will agree to it if we can have to option to label trans as gender appropriation, or is that already the case…


No, it did not. I’ll never forget the perv sending me an unsolicited pic of himself, when I was 13.