Please include more social rules and adjustments for LGBT and Minority Communities

And if you’d like to visit the men and women I served with, here’s their address. Yes, all of them.

If you’re a US citizen, I hope you someday appreciate the sacrifices they made on your behalf. Take care.

Semper Fi! :us: :ukraine:


That makes zero sense. Please dont reply if you don’t know what the thread is about.

The only thing you really need to be looking at is your PDF

I know exactly what this thread is about…your self-Insecure self.


For someone who doesn’t like LGBTQ+, you surely visit this thread a lot! What is your problem?

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I NEVER said I didn’t like LGBTQ…again like usual…your putting words in my mouth & allowing hate speech.

You seem to think I have a problem?..Actually it’s you that has the problem…you seem to enjoy hate speech,


Monthly for everyone seems excessive. Most players don’t ever have an issue. Players with a history of bad behavior, might be worth it to put them on a schedule. Come back from a ban and you have 10 days of daily click thru. let GM reset your click thru when you do something that didn’t quite give you a ban, but was on the edge.

I am not falling for your bait. I want to feel sorry for you, but I do not. It is best to ignore people like you. You are a person who lurks on LGBTQ+ threads and post nasty messages to bait responses, etc. Maybe you need to examine your sad life. Have a nice evening.


Sighs Another one???


It’s displayed above my characters head. That said, I’ve never encountered any toxicity because of it.

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The only toxicity, in fact, is your request to turn the game into total totalitarianism in a policy that will destroy all free will in the game community and intolerance.


Why do you have to form communities and ask special rules? Just blend with the flow like the rest. If you put ourself into pedestal and start to point fingers and create imaginary problems is not going to end well.

Keep your gender and sexuality yourself and in your bedroom like rest of the 7+ billion people around the globe does.

And btw my wife is transwoman, and she agrees.

ALSO: There were transpeople, gays and lesbians back in 80’s and way before. People were aware of their presence and they were mostly accepted and fine like the rest. So somebody is driving people against each other purposefully.

The moment you put yourself into pedestal and start demanding respect and special treatment you are going to get flak.


Yea. You’re a toxic person and will bee viewed as such. You’re just trying to cause problems for the sake of drama.



…Yeah, exactly why did you just made the same comment 3 times in the row? …


(clearly not the same comment, you ruined the amount of characters on this comment and now I resent you for it, just a wee tiny bit tho, dw)


:man_shrugging: Okay then.

This post and it’s recommendation both sound like a monumental waste of time.


Whatever happened to, just ignore what you don’t like. It’s the internet: physical harm can’t happen; it’s the perfect venue for practicing turning the other cheek.