Please include more social rules and adjustments for LGBT and Minority Communities should have as it’s clear you need to be directed to the right place of information because you seem very misinformed

Oh look, Captain Sociopath made another thinly veiled LGBT hate thread to agitate the masses.

The fact Blizzard allows this clown to continue making these threads is pathetic and these forum mods need to actually pay attention.


You seem confused, so I’ll try to make it easier for you, intent is how you determine if what someone is saying is derogatory or not, for example the word I choose; “breeder” in itself is not inappropriate etc… but it can be depending on the way someone uses it. That was just one example, but it can work for many words and all of them will be tested in blizzards new ToS thing they are releasing.

please get off this hill, its full of ants…

…Well… yeah actually, I am. …Didn’t i just say that? :face_with_raised_eyebrow: :point_down:

I’ve never heard of this term being used in a derogatory manner, so this is new territory for me. :confused:

Alright. Fair enough. :man_shrugging:

pretty sure this hill is too hard to stand up on, considering folks will either look for any means to be offended, or hateful people will find a hateful way too discriminate against folks.
leaving the middle man/woman/ect-ect too be confused by everything.

that and, there is alot of ant hills here…

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Well that’s good. If it can be googled and comes up as derogatory, it can be classed as hate speech and the matter dealt with. Now whether it is or not, will remain to be seen; but one thing I do know from dealing with people for a long time…

If there is a perception of a double standard, bans or not people will just not shut up about it. The posts and reason for ban will simply show up on Twitter and other mediums where they can’t be deleted by Blizzard as they would on these forums, and the bad press will become a trend.

But also contrasting that if you KNOW you did something wrong and the ban was just, you will be far FAR less desirous to discuss it or draw attention to it. Why? Because people will just laugh at you and it’ll give Blizzard positive press for a job well done. Nothing infuriates a troll or repeat offender more than that.

That said, I still say that if that term we discussed a few lines up, is the best slander or libel that someone can come up with against straight folks… Then I think they need to hire a professional writer or satirist to assist them.

But then again when someone says something nasty or derogatory to me, I tend to just flip it and take it with a laugh. It’s been my experience that when you do that, the response you’ll get back is sort of like this.

“Your X or Y derogatory term!”
“Really! Just learn that word in school today? I’ll tell your teacher you did your homework.”

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Well like i’ve said, the derogatory part is the third definition.

The other definitions aren’t. :point_down:

  • a person who breeds livestock, racehorses, other animals, or plants.
  • an animal that breeds at a particular time or in a particular way.


That too. :slight_smile:

Honestly, the only assist they need is to know that this sort of thing is no different then somebody calling who is LGBT a whole swath of nasty things.

It’s always saddening that somebody, who experienced hatred, bigotry, and such,… decided to think the only way to fight bigotry is being bigoted back themselves or just being a bully essentially… Because they think it’s okay to do it right back at them…

Hatred begets hatred, and i much rather there be no hatred at all like that, from calling people nasty names to bullying people, whether it though proxy or going up to them and stealing their lunch money…

Also… :point_down:

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You know what makes people discriminate? Having the same thing day after day crammed down their throat, when they could give a crud what your sexual, or gender preference is!



You get an automatic like for that. Well played sir.

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It depends on the social group you’re with. With certain friends, I’m comfortable with more offensive/dark humor because we’re cool with each other and know it’s being used for fun. But with others I’m more mindful, but I also avoid them because they tend to be kinda exhausting to deal with.

This also reminds me of how I once joined a LGBT guild where two new guys joined. One was gay and another was straight, and they were just being friends bantering with each other. The gay guy used the term ‘breeder’ to playfully insult his friend, and then the straight guy replied with another derogatory term and got gkicked cause of that lol. The gay friend was pissed that they’d kick him like that, and my friend I and I left the guild after expressing how that kind of hypocrisy isn’t cool.

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We need a breeder pride flag

How about keeping your orientations to yourselves,and maybe people won’t be such jerks,but I guess some people just have to announce what they are,I’m sorry but some people in the game don’t give s crap what you are,just keep it to yourself


A What exactly? That seems like something inappropriate.

What’s inappropriate about feeling proud of your orientation or community?

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So you’re good with all the ‘special privileges’ of the Military, Ex-military, and police etc going away? :3 The sig kinda says otherwise but ok.

I see you’re more interested in spamming music instead.