Please include more social rules and adjustments for LGBT and Minority Communities

Bull-poop and gaslighting, nice. :laughing:

Mate, everybody knows you’re playing dumb here, with this toxic positivity here, to deceive and victimize yourself, all the while agitating, making up strawmans and hurting other people, even to people who are LGBT. This isn’t a mark of a nice person. Nor a sane person.

Maybe next time, educate yourself on what jokes are before you pretend to be offended.

Oh i agree, OP is a pretty hateful person. A detriment to his own community.

I really do feel sorry for the LGBT+ folks who has to put up with people like Tulnn and Talonel that does nothing but antagonize people who aren’t LGBT or berate people who aren’t marching lockstep with their opinions, and make the LGBT look bad, with this fake toxic positivity attitude.

Everybody wants equality and normalcy for LGBT+, not special treatment or unfair treatment.


How about a simple option to block players from reading each other’s posts in the forums?

Only discrimination I see is directed towards straight white people.


At the same time, It does you no favor to claim hate speech when it’s just someone disagreeing with you.


Wait… Breeder is an actual term?

…That’s seriously the best insult someone could come up with?


Considering that all moderation will be silently conducted between the punished and Blizzard, and also that anyone discussing it will just get a generic delete and boot, it’s entirely possible this will happen and anyone who screams about it wins the blue ribbon special.

Lets face it. If the Mods were to blow up a hateful but high profile thread on the forums, people would still see it and said people whine and scream like 3 year olds. It is not worth the effort frankly to even moderate. I get this because I’ve done moderation in other groups over the years.

Inevitably it just is repeated again, and again, and again until you ban the person’s IP, and even then they may come back under a new one. Never doubt a troll’s persistence to be a nuisance.

By contrast if the troll has something they stand to lose like their WoW account it should in theory give them pause before they open their mouth. Do I worry this will be used by bad faith actors to try and entrap people they dislike? Absolutely. Do I have concern about some of the language omitted? Totally. But also, do I have to put my faith in Blizzard not to act with a double standard? Completely.

So really, we can only hope for the best here people. I’ll be an optimist until reasons indicate I should not. Don’t stress yourselves out over things you have no control over. Life is too damned short for it.


Yeah, usually the insult is the other way around. :thinking:

There’s a lot of things that are just “terms” that people find discriminatory, just because you don’t find it offensive doesn’t mean it isn’t.

That would be awesome, but right now you can post on up to 400 toons per account (linked accounts). And you have the OP and others taking full advantage of a loophole.

Ignore in theory is awesome, here not so much…

Some people here are psychopaths or sociopaths imo.

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I have just one question for the OP. In a game where you kill stuff and quest, why is it so important for people to know your personal life? If no one knows your life choices, how can they target you with ill intent? The best thing for everyone is just to keep your lifestyle out of the game and just get out there and kill stuff. I just don’t get the need to introduce a lifestyle into a game that is meant to just be entertainment… you know like questing, raiding, dungeoning, pvping, etc.

I googled this up and i got this from the thrid definition… :point_down:

  • derogatory•informal

(among gay people) a heterosexual person.

I think its funny though. I don’t really see how calling people breeders is a bad thing. My genes are getting passed on and theirs are not. It’s a nice reminder.

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Agreed, having a convo with myself here, would be, well awkward.

And? What matters is the intent someone uses a word for, this goes both ways.

When don’t they do one of these

…And what? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Were you saying it’s not an offensive term?..

…Which is why i’ve googled for that word to see if there’s a definition that can be used in an offensive way.

I mean no offense, i’m very confused here. Should i’ve asked you instead? :man_shrugging:

It’s not a nice term, it’s comparing people to being just mindless animals.

I like it since it lets me know what kind of a mindset they have. Easier to figure out who to disregard.

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Nice a little Orwell there