Please include more social rules and adjustments for LGBT and Minority Communities

It always seems to gravitate that way. First it starts with “equality.” Then it graduates to “equities to right past wrongs.” And that leads to special favor at the expense of innocent people. And then that breeds the problem(resentment) they originally complained about. It’s a sick cycle you would think people could recognize.

Live and let live and stop asking for special favor.

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The OP is a troll. I don’t know why people are even responding to them.

If someone posts racism or homophobia or transphobia or whatever, right click their name in the in game chat window, select language, and explain that context as to why it’s a problem in the little box that pops up. Hit send.

This also works for politics.


lol here we go :laughing:

Not my problem if others report for the wrong reason. Neither is it yours. Why are your worried about that? Just play the game and let us make feedback requests that will help remove toxicity.

For some reason, if I ask for something like this, I get attacked for being a troll or an alt when I’m just trying to make the game less toxic like ffxiv. Thank goodness ffxiv exists as a competitor to wow. Wow would do well copying the social formula of ffxiv. Their community is much more open and mods crack down hard on those who aren’t. Very much needed here!

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im turning off all chat in my chat settings i dont even want to receive tells from anyone.

thats the outcome this social contract is going to cause because of the abuse people will do with it.


No, The system is already being abused and the Arbitrary “HaTeSpEeCh” is even more Toxic and problematic to falsely accuse people of misconduct do too “said words” they don’t like.

There are already tools in place to block and ignore people we don’t need policing when you can already do it yourself.

Their are exceptions to this like threats, doxing and such that I agree with but Offensive words shouldn’t be one of them.


Exactly, Social contract that will cause an Anti-Social outcome.


thats why do to the safety of my account getting banned if i offend the wrong person my wow chat except guild chat will be disabled for the rest of wow.

this is what blizzard has just created.


This stuff happens in FF too, but you’d know that if you played instead of believing the Utopia some here lie about. Does it get stopped that moment, nah and you know that too.

Bull, people talk in their guilds, it’s not different than here. Actually I know people who won’t chat at all there in fear of getting flagged by people like you who find offense in the truly mundane, or those who react to anything against them as “phobic”.

Now, I wonder when the spam of these threads are going to be deemed as harassment to the LGBTQ+, since you have no qualms attacking members of it as well?


Trolling, degrading and insulting other people simply because they are not same as you are anti-social. We need tools to combat those anti-social behaviors. The tools we have now clearly DO NOT work. Trade chat on busy servers is brimming full with hateful messages toward women, LGBTQ+ folks and people with disabilities. This is just one example.

flagged as trolling OP. concern trolling.

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I’m now interested in what he will think of Talonel for supporting one of the threads that OP called homophobic. :thinking: :point_down:


I feel like either Tulln is going to claw Talonel down for supporting something for what he thinks is homophobic (which, tbh, that’s a darn good way to prove he’s not talonel then…)… or he’s going to employ a triple standard here.

And no, i wasn’t referring to the film itself. I mean Double standard but even more so. But honestly after 10 seconds of reading about the film’s premise, it couldn’t be any more appropriate.

Either way, not enough popcorn on earth. :popcorn:


What I’m hearing is ‘I don’t like how hate speech is defined because even though others know my views are hateful, I don’t think they are.’
How close am I?

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You’re not wrong. It’s entertaining watching you spin your own stories. Even including pictures of literally nothing of substance. You circled Talonel. What exactly am I suppose to be looking at?

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Sometimes I wish blizzard would let only level 50-60s post on the forums


It’s even more entertaining that you act like you’re stupid. Though at this point, i question if it’s truly is an act.

I don’t think you understand what Burden of proof is, so i’l educate you.

I’ve made a claim that Talonel liked the post that you were claiming to be Homophobic in that thread, and the picture is the proof with my mouse right clicking on the heart button to see the users who liked it.

Yes, the circle is to draw attention to his profile pic as well his name, and the arrow at the bottom, shows his realm name as well. I would’ve figured you needed your hand to be held since you can’t even figure out that an infant would understand right away. :slight_smile:

If you can’t figure out this extremely simple post of mine, then that’s your fault for being willfully ignorant and that’s where it’s going to end.

You’re welcome to look even more sillier by going “I cAn’T FiGuRe OuT tHiS eAsY tO GrAsP PoSt! It’S nOt ObViIoUs!!” kind of comments, while the rest of the people here already get it by now.


OP is right, there should also be advanced social rules for hetrophobic comments as well, LGBT people calling others breeders etc…in game chat is discriminatory, and they should be dealt with.

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Oh how much you want to bet that OP isn’t going to agree with you and set some double standard by trying to make it okay, just avoid it or make you look like some evil bad guy (Pun somewhat intended) for being against all sorts of bigotry? :roll_eyes:

Like these people should take a minute to listen to Martin Luther King Jr’s speech and use the 10 seconds of pause to think about it and apply it to darn near everything. Hatred begets hatred.


I’ve tried reasoning with you but it seems it’s best if we just agree to disagree. My back massage is scheduled soon as well as my ride so I’ll be back soon but I wish you the best in trying to understand my point of view!

Fruit of the poison tree and all that.

Lets hope that he’s one of the first to go when this comes into effect, eh?

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