Please include more social rules and adjustments for LGBT and Minority Communities

Feel free to check all the stories of LGBTQ+ people getting turned away specifically for being just that. It allows the same people that were excluding them before given it’s for state-licensed child welfare agencies.

A lot more than 1%, if you actually researched the topic. Which you didn’t, because it appears you’re another ‘milo’ type.

Wrong again.

What, ‘the right to exclude others on the basis of their status’? How is that trampling on anything, religious run agencies are the ones trying to do that.

Very biased of you to only talk about one group, and your wording for it is telling.

Feel free to find any news articles where someone was turned away from adopting for that. I can provide plenty of news articles where someone was turned away for being LGBTQ+.

If you want to spout on about what rights this country was founded with, pretty yikes to me given the civil war. :3


Here’s my problem with your replies, Pawzer: You seem to think that every LGBT person has had the same experience. They haven’t. Plenty of them lead normal, happy lives free of discrimination. Are their exceptions? Of course, and those people have my sympathy and I hope those social ills are addressed. But you’re coming across as a perpetual victim that thinks every non-straight person is oppressed and it just isn’t true.



You fit the literal definition of bigot btw.


You are all harassing me.

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Smartest person in this thread

God I wish I had this strength…

This is a myth. North America’s very beginning had ties with Christianity with settlers sure. But the ratification of the constitution was incredibly secular and was actually driving away from religion instead of towards it, even being the first country to ban religious disqualification regarding office. It’s a footnote, not a pillar the country was founded on

Pawzer is trying to tick every box.


Give me a break already! Yall not but 7.1% of the total population! Just freaking STOP already!

Why should you be able to push your perversion on the 92% of the rest of us?

Seriously? Its a VALID question!


I mean your argument basically amounts to “well it doesn’t happen to me” so it doesn’t exactly discredit what Pawzer is saying other than her being kinda insulting.

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Yes, I feel like there will always be some basis of discrimination and that often by censoring and shutting people’s ability to have conversations or to air their opinions, it can actually worsen discrimination because it leads to an outcome where they feel they can’t talk about it, and it’s the lack of challenge that can lead to echo-chambers.

And there’s also the factor of how what might be perceived as ‘discrimination x’, could be an entirely different factor as what you mentioned. I often see people discriminate others based on income or looks a lot more than other factors.

However I think it’s still important that people bring these things up and challenge societal norms (on either side). To me that is what helps societies to progress because it prevents stagnation or overlooking certain flaws or inefficiencies. I personally know I’m better for the people in my life who call me out rather than the people who just mindlessly agree with me. If it can be appropriately justified, then it’s fine, but if there is a problem, then we should think of solutions. E.g. is the criteria too strict? Are we using a model of understanding that may not apply to a different group of people because they are affected by a different set of circumstances? Are there certain biases at play here?

Of course the easiest solution is always “if you’re not happy, go find something that works for you.” For example, in my country, being gay was punishable by imprisonment for up to 2 years. Although I was never personally affected or charged by it, after decades, it was decided that the law will be kept, but unenforceable for private consulting adults as a means of trying to find a middle-ground between who felt the law infringed about their rights, and those who feel a need to maintain certain values that mean a lot of them.

That’s why I feel it’s more important that we start to focus more on conduct rather than questioning why the argument even exists in the first place. No one is going to take someone screaming and crying wolf seriously (cough talonel cough). Of course there will be some degree of aggression and slights during arguments, but ultimately there needs to be some conduct in terms of being willing to entertain people’s thoughts, instead of shutting it down because it doesn’t immediately agree with our perception.

So to segue back to this thread itself, I don’t disagree the idea of having more reporting categories, but I disagree with the idea of baselessly reporting other people simply for having different opinion especially when Blizzard does have an issue with hypocrisy and bias when it comes to matters like these. And I’d honestly like to see this appropriately addressed rather than swept under the rug.

There’s plenty of it in this thread, and nothing they say can change the ACTUAL evidence which their ilk hate that proves that there is discrimination and plenty of it. Hence all the new bills coming out as of late in regards to schools and books, and states trying to bring back certain laws or to remove one’s rights. It’s that simple, they would rather deny reality than live in it and there’s no reason for me to humor even one of them.

Trying to throw the shield of “Well I’m X” As they always do, it’s like the types that say “Well I have a X friend…” instead of speaking about the facts.

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Tbh when the T twins post I immediantly think of the song fuel by metalica. Because thats all they desire fuel to the fire. Lol

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This is why it’s important for conversation to happen, you seem to share differing views on the world to myself (from reading your previous posts in this thread), you also seem to want what I ultimately want.

This fact we can all agree on should be the focal point of any of these discussions in the future, or at least the anchor for said discussions. Keeps the conversation from devolving to trash (from both sides).

I think it’s not fair to discredit his experience like that even if you have your suspicions. We’re all anonymous here, so we gotto just allow some benefit of the doubt if we want to argue in good faith.

But to support your point, it’s important to note that we don’t have to personally experience something to see the potential flaws in the system. Therefore your point that there is discrimination should not be discredited or invalidated just because he didn’t personally experience it. E.g. I don’t need to experience a war to know that war is bad and causes great pain, suffering, and economic hardship.

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They’re the one that made the claim discrimination towards LGBTQ+ doesn’t exist in current day trying to go off saying LGBTQ+ is treated fairly, I haven’t made the claim that ‘EVERYONE experiences this’. They did that, not me.

They refuse to acknowledge facts, studies, bills being passed even today that target those in the LGBTQ+.

They also posted that, trying to make the claim that whoever is against them isn’t even part of the LGBTQ+. Calling the protections that are in place for good reason are worthless which is the implication that there’s no prejudice or discrimination towards said group. They also seem to go about thinking discrimination on favorite color, income, or lifestyle is the same thing. They even compared adoption to a wedding cake, so yeah they’re exactly like Milo Yiannopoulos to be honest.

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Blizzard is not going to enforce rules if they cared about them they would ban people making these posts in bad faith. In fact I will be pleasantly surprised if they do. But seeing how forum moderation is they won’t do anything


I’m fine with observing even protecting others rights, Hell, I shed blood for that and a good bit of it was my own, but special privileges, huh huh. Hang that happy horse puckey in your ear, hoss. I respect the rights of others, and will defend their rights, to the death if need be, even the people I disagree with, but when you start making special rules for certain groups of people, that’s where I draw the line, that’ll be a hill I’d die on.

Semper Fi! :us: :ukraine:


Sounds to me what you’re asking for is special treatment, not equal treatment.

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Ah yes, the infamous discord is now being compared to billionaire Elon musk. We love to see it.