Guys please help this thread blow up. I know the perfect alternative to the boost for a good amount of players, the reason why so many of us rerolled our mains, the reason why we switched factions, servers, or met new people you said your best goodbyes to. I’m talking about the PAID arena championship realm. This is a much harder thing to push than I imagined, it takes reprogramming to teach the people who think of the arena realm on retail, this is way different, everyone has access to it, it breaks down almost all barriers to the game for a limited time to just mad scientist it, then to go back to the real game and DO it for REAL!!! Level that alt! get that profession up! get that MOUNT! I’m almost begging you all <3 I have a prior thread on the topic in case that would easier to push. Godspeed my friends.
Cool, or, hear me out. You could just do it all once for real and ignore what other people who don’t affect you do. 100% cheaper, easer and environmentally friendly. A solution so simple it only changes one thing, the player!..oh
The paid arena its short term. But inspires people to play new classes, try new realms and even get into pvp, lots of people did it for the fact you get the boost and get to play around with your gear. Im trying to leverage that against the boost.
Were you even there man? It inspired people to try new servers and roll new people thats GOOD for the game. Its the opposite effect of the boost they’re proposing.
Do you think people can what, buy as many boosts as they want? Lol? I don’t get you. Are people gonna what, boost a SECOND hunter for example because they don’t wanna try another class? what’s the logic here?
Not everyone used to have a max toon bro, and nowadays not everyone has the time, the ability to try it was special, and its temporary so why are you complaning and not complaining about the boost? Hi activision!