Please Help! TBC boosts, leveling, and Arena Realm?

So what about the NEW PLAYERS?

You know that’s a stupid incoherent idea. But you just made this title to try and click bait people into reading or maybe even defending your awful idea.

Like, really? Do you really think arena tournament realms are any kind of solution to new players or an alternative to a boost?

If you do then you’re worse off than I thought. But most likely you’re just an immature man child desperately throwing buzzwords into your title to try and get attention.

It’s sad and desperate and your entire post reeks of desperate, delusional, hack, movie director energy.

This can be leveraged against the boost!! what does activision love? money! This is existed in TBC. Check my original ORIGINAL post. People who actually did it love it, talk to somebody who was actually there bud.

I mean I guess my first question is, why wouldn’t they do both in this case?

Like, ok, paid arena realm, sure.

Why is this an either boosts OR arena realm choice?


Guess that’s true, my explanation is that people have been so vehemently opposing it for some reason that I though if i could get the #nochanges people or the anti boost people behind it, it would gain some steam. Seems I have made it more polarizing xD

You’ve never once justified the use of using boosts in your title. Just vague statements with no meaning.

Your original post is purely just you crying about how you want a thing, that has existed in private server spaces for years, in TBC classic. I don’t oppose having it back but it’s certainly not going to affect boosting or really be beneficial to new players.

And I guarantee I ranked higher than you in all those tournaments. My team qualified for the regional tournament and got a few wins even. I did my 200 games for Murkimus as well. It’s not as amazing as you make it out to be, you’re just an emotionally unstable person.

If you really want instant max level and a gear mall to just mess around with random things and play make believe that you’re a real pvper! Then just go to Warmane.

If you’re private server not alloud to comment on this . It was TEMPORARY.

Now you’re just talking gibberish by incoherently saying buzzwords. Sad.

Why you so mad?

Players aren’t generally keen on playing something temporary for the sake of testing/experimenting. We all have PTR access when they pop up. Hardly anyone actually does it. Its an MMO, players are driven by long term gains. Which an arena realm doesn’t truly accomplish.

ITs a lot of fun, you get to raid if you want, try the mounts, make new friends. What you accomplish is you have fun.

I know that it may be fun to you, but it really isn’t for most players due to the fact that this is a feature that exists/has been used before that most people don’t participate in. Blizzard isn’t going to create a special ruleset server that will be empty. Same reason folks aren’t really going to see fresh start TBC servers. They tend to be dead within a few months.

Not everyone played the game into aggression on private servers, it was different than the retail realms for sure for many reasons. if you weren’t there you wouldn’t understand. And come on don’t we play games to have fun? how can you say its not fun but you weren’t there? Won’t you let people get it a fair chance?

I was there and did use servers like this to test the game. Hell, I’m there now practicing TBC content because my raid group is extra sweaty. I’m speaking from experience. Just stating that while it is fun for you to play that way, there aren’t enough people that also feel this way to support the added cost of a new server.

You can hope/dream for this feature to be added, but there isn’t enough will from the player base for your idea to gain a profit motive from Blizzard. Hence… its not something you are going to see go live. Classic TBC will be fun enough on its own to satisfy the vast majority of players.

The nice part is that private servers meta aren’t entirely translating to Classic TBC, as private servers didn’t have everything right. In particular, Enhancement Shaman were forced to use Annihilator and murder their pDPS because the debuff was easy to keep up on some TBC private servers (and, also, on some vanilla private servers) but is very spotty in Classic and Classic TBC. There are also potential bugs like poor procs on the hourglass trinket and haste procs/on use not stacking (BS hammers/haste pot/DST for example), which we thought we knew before, etc.

Testing the game is great on beta, not so much private servers. Unless you meant arena realms, then kind of yes.

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Maybe, but the new players could like it. I think it could have a potential to catch on like it did in the past because of how viral TBC is going to be.

I’ll reply with the same opinion I had on arena back when they introduced them in BC the first time: They destroyed the game. The only reason I tolerate them in the game now is because they were in back then. If they died a fast death I could care less. I would actually be willing to pay for a WoW where the arena’s did not exist. So sorry, but I don’t feel the need to boost arena any more.

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I feel that I know some people feel like it destroyed the game, thats why i’ve been trying to emphasize how it revitalizes leveling so it it actually has the opposite effect of the boost. And at this point in the game I think that’s what we need.

I am speculating.
Fixed it for you.

So youre saying whats the point of playing the game at max level with all the gear with anyone from any faction or any server? This is what people dream of. So you’re saying the game isn’t even fun ?