Please give void elves better hairstyles

As the title says: Please give us better hairstyles. The ones we (as in the men) have currently are so… lacking, for lack of a better term.

We don’t really have that many and most of the ones we do are, in my opinion, not good. The biggest issue that almost all of them share is that hairline. Seriously, it looks so bad. The second issue which I understand might be very personal, is that they’re too edgy, almost comically so. I understand why that decision was made as well as the appeal, but a few more styles that look normal wouldn’t hurt anyone.

As for the third issue, this is one where I can see most people telling me to get over it, but it’s one of those things where if you see it, you can’t unsee it.

So what is this issue? On the hairstyles where you can remove the tentacles, if you look closely (or just under them) you’ll see that they’re only 1 layer. I’m not sure how to explain it, but you’ll know it when you see it. This gives them a very broken look, as if they’re a plastic prop attached to the character’s head.

For all my void elf characters (with the exception of this one), I only ever use 3 hairstyles: Sorrow, Suffusion, and Brooding. Out of all of these, Brooding is the only one that doesn’t have that look, whereas Suffusion has it in its most prominent.

TL:DR: The hairstyles leave much to be desired and I (as well as many others, I’m sure) would like more, especially normal/elf looking ones. Just without the tentacles this time, please.


More tentacles please :octopus:


I see you scrolled past everything I said just to read the last sentence

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u guys have the best hairstyles wdym ur upset

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Totally with you on new hairstyles however I would like to say that I think all hairstyles (including the ones we currently have without) should have a tentacle option for them.

Now I agree that those holes should be filled in either with just regular hair or braids to replace the tentacle or what have you, but I want all new hairstyles to come with tentacle options for sure.

Void Elves are void elves and while I’m very cool with high elf folk having their options through them, I don’t want that at the cost of void elves themselves.

If that makes sense.

Also shameless plug for my void elf, high elf and blood elf threads.

Thats a matter of opinion. For instance you and I clearly enjoy them, but not everyone else does.

The most common complaint I’ve seen personally is the one in the main post. The Hairline to many feels very widow peaky and they don’t like it so much. Some folk also seem to be less than thrilled with the general void elf hair style theme that Blizzard took. Which is also a matter of preference.


Wait Void elves have males? I thought they were like Blood elves.


This is a funny thread. Only because I tease my husband with how he creates his Belf toons. They are rather cartoonish.

Jurys still out. lol

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Blizzard has an obsession with receding hairlines.

And I’d love to see more Void styled hair— sans widow’s peak and receding hairline.


No, give other races some hair styles. Most of us have three hairstyles and one of them is bald. They just should roll Blood, Void, and High Elves in one and let people pick their faction. Just one big super race.

I mean it wouldn’t probably be terribly hard for them to share hairstyles since their models are the same.

Doubt they need to rework the character creation screen. lol


Really?? Velf has some of the best ones in the game.
<------- still stuck with 2000 ps1 era hair textures (the only ones that aren’t ps1 graphics are the jamaica ones -.-)

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Just because one person asks for a thing doesn’t mean you can’t ask for your thing. lol

As long as they don’t look overly edgy like current ones do and dont have the gap when you remove the tentacles, I’m fine with that.

I’m in favor of more customizations for all races if people want them. I’m just voicing my personal desires here and I understand that not everyone will agree with me, just as there are those that would

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I’d commit crimes for Void elf lady hair styles on my Blood elves.


Honestly can’t see why someone wouldn’t be good with what I said but eh… you know these forums. lol

Aye! I think everyone can be happy with just a little bit of such understanding. :smiley:


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Yeah, void elves are one of the races that are in desperate need of more hairstyles, along with draenei. Shadowlands really should have gone way, way deeper into customization than they did. For a flagship expansion feature, they really barely scratched the surface, and left a lot of races hanging.


Totally agree there. They should have had a whole team setup to constantly update and add more customizations from SLs onwards much like they’re planning to do with Player Housing. Not to mention just making it so that options between different races matched up. Like why do only some races have tattoo or eyebrow options? All the option types where applicable should have been spread to every race. Some of them are just so easy to figure out I don’t get how they missed that.

That they haven’t set that up alongside the Player Housing Team baffles me.


Please, poor elves, they lack so much customization, its not like they already have too much :mask:

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I’m trying to be optimistic because it feels like they’re focusing a lot more on RP features lately, but they definitely made it seem like Shadowlands was just the tip of the iceberg.

So many arbitrary decisions. Tattoos were a big one, like you said. Somehow Kul Tirans still don’t have any, despite being a literal navy and pirate themed race. And night elves getting scars despite every other race in the game having equally traumatic events in their history then not getting any is wild. Normal draenei don’t even get broken horns like LFD do.

And on top of that, how many times did they put “New [Race] Customizations!” on patch banners just for them to be 3 hair recolors lol.