Please give Twinks their own bracket in BGs and get them out of normal BGs

So in other words you just see people talking about it but haven’t actually seen or even encountered a twink with the exploit.


All I see are people begging for enchants.


Just go to XPOFF and type glitch in the search, aka “trade glitch” clever huh?
I dont know about you, but Ive never called an enchant a glitch. I will write to Blizzard, Im sure they dont call gear enchants glitches either. Thanks for the input.

Again, you fail to actually link a twink with this exploit going on, if the character’s armory HAS the enchant exploit on a piece of gear, it will show up.


There is an exploit to put a higher level shoulder enchant on lower level shoulders, the shoulders need to be BoE or obtained with that person in your party (tradeable for 2 hours) but the stats aren’t really different from the regular ones you can get due to scaling, people only do it to avoid levelling inscription.

Prime example; just had the inside of the grave yard camped by a bunch of twinks to the point that everyone died as soon as they were force spawned. ie; their token picked up.

Please give these individuals their own bracket so the rest of us can play in peace.
It’s not perfect but it’s way more fun than when the twinks are playing


Nope, tell your team to do better :slight_smile:


That would defeat the purpose of twinking…

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Greek Community Q&A with Ion Hazzikostas

“BFA made a one time rework of every creature, item, and ability in the game from 2004-2018, converting them to a system which allows allows us to just say “we can nerf these by 30%” under the hood, change one number and the rest of the game will just work.”

There is no need to disrupt any form of population or community when tuning can be made this easily.

Gearing has never been more balanced and as easily accessible than it is now.


I think the only thing in the twinking world that needs changing is weapon swapping for more procs than your equipped gear provides.

Other than that you should be aggressive in pvp, and find ways to win even when the odds are against you. Sometimes you just have to accept some losses.

what, talk about making stuff up… someone get this guy a tin-foil hat.

why not just title this thread. “Please remove all the people who know how to play WOW, especially those that will gear low level characters properly for pvp , because i dont want to have to put in any effort or time, and allow me to easy mode this char to max level while not paying attention.”

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Yes, everyone should treat level 39 as end game so they can show that they “know how to play WoW”.

Do you ride the pony outside Walmart to show you know how to ride horses as well?


There’s nothing wrong with twinks or twinking.

The issue is dropping levelers in with veteran twink characters.

This unfair advantage is acknowledged by the fair and reasonable people who play twinks.

That is why they support the reintroduction of XP off queues.

And don’t worry about the population of either queue, as twink players so readily point out, twinking is super popular and the majority of players like twinks.


This isn’t true for high level brackets. Like this 69 warrior I have would never see a pop cause it’s rare to have more than 5 twinks on either side at the same time. A lot of brackets would be dead and characters abandoned. 19s - 49s might still see pops perhaps but the queue times might also be quite large. There is a lot of twinks in the leveling BGs but not enough to sustain themselves


Ion, please stop trying to promote your Q and A. And yes, the way you constantly hype up gearing in BFA and have spammed this same message, I am in fact, convinced you are Ion himself.

The facts are there for you to read.
I understand that many have been hearing the same information from players for months now.
The recent Q&A from Ion just solidifies this information.

they just need to fix stuff like Crusader enchant not scaling to be lower pre-60… its crud when level 19 fury warriors get +200 strength from their two crusader enchants going off…

It does scale down. Crusader on my 19 is like 33 str, and 67str for my 39.

But what some twinks do is have three or four enchanted weapons, wait for a double crusader proc and then swap weapons to gain other weapon enchant procs.

I’ll gladly support the removal of this. It’s a general PvP exploit, not limited only to twinking.

Beyond that, welcome to PvP, think quick and harden up.

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Oh. Well, I know it gave +100 pre 8.1, so they must have fixed it I guess? But I saw the buff on other enemy players and it was still saying +100, I haven’t tested it with my own crusader enchanted dudes yet. But thanks for your side.

you are watching the wrong kind of twink videos :rofl: