Please for the love of god ban TSM

actually the phrasing was

No -long term- power advantages. I believe.

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Any AH addon can scan the AH and buy items in bulk. Try again.

AH is closed to ensure there’s no value in paying for early access.

Also, you people haven’t spoken loud enough about TSM bots in the AH for over a decade. I only see it brought up by someone every few years before the topic fades back into obscurity or people quit wow (more common than people joining).
You need to figure something out. Contact your idolized content creators, signal boost, write letters. Do something more.

Could have been. This is just a game so to me so I didn’t memorize it. Of course if that’s how they said it, Miss Tantrum, our OP, has even less leg to stand on.

I don’t typically intend to memorize things but I hear them so often from bouncing around It just happens. anyways Early Access Will Not Give a Long-Term Advantage - PC Gamer Interview Recap - Wowhead News this is the WoW head article and because the site kinda has popups everywhere I’ll provide the quote from it.

“the overall goal of the early access period is to not provide a long-term advantage. By the time Season One begins, players should not be able to tell who had early access and who did not.”


I’m sorry if that came across adversarial. I believed you and what I was trying to say was I didn’t have the same level of specificity because I didn’t realize people would be so crappy and lie about it like OP did. Thanks for the link though! :slight_smile:

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Don’t mind me, I am a habitual responder. I didn’t take what you said as adversarial at all.

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IF you have a monopoly on the AH or BMAH, isn’t that technically power?

Have another.

idk what that means. use your words kid

That’s not what it means in the context of what the devs were talking about at the time but hey… who cares about context, right?

well, I mean there is only one kind of power, mirite?

It’s not automated, you still have to input for every single buy or sell, it just just makes it easier


HELL no. I use it all the time for posting. (Yes, I use it, not a script.) Last time I posted without it, it took over an hour. And that’s just on a single character and just stuff that didn’t stack, like BoE gear and toys. Without an auction tool, I’d honestly just sell/DE anything that I didn’t need for tmog. Not worth the profit margin on most things to spend hours on the AH for me.


have ya never seen a mug of beer?

Imagine typing all of that just to let me and everyone know you have no friends

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this is what’s happening. it’s frustrating but it has nothing to do with TSM or botting.


lmao its plain as day people like you dont want to lose your scripts. These are NOT people buying at the same time.

You can literally watch it in real time the moment an item goes up cheaper it will immediately be bought and reposted with the same price there before. It is impossible for a human to click that fast. Items are being purchased so fast that what you see as the cheapest doesn’t even exist anymore, it’s another stack that hasn’t even refreshed for you that then immediately gets bought again.

100% this nonsense needs to go, it’s absolutely ridiculous.

i don’t use scripts for the AH and i don’t even have TSM installed


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I actually believed this was the case. Evidently not.
So it was ‘pay to win’ given those with the gold got a head start on professions and AH running before those who didnt fork over the dollars can even get to the gate.