Please for the love of god ban TSM

Because I’m right, it’s like Black Friday it’s a mad dash right now with everyone trying to buy the same thing.

Then please properly quote the post so you can see who the quote is from.

Ya it was crazy when I was on Dalaran.

The good thing is if people don’t undercut and you have 10k+ listings for the same price we don’t have this issue as there is a massive stack of mats and the AH doesn’t need to refresh for the new lowest pricing.

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Just wait till the REAL release when the rest of the playerbase is posting mats. THe prices are going to crash, bigtime.

Ask for a better client side anti-cheat. I’ve been asking for Riot Vanguard to be added to WoW.

As it stands some people pay cheat devs monthly subs for lua unlockers to run an addon using protected functions to turn TSM into a fully automated bot. “EazyAH”, I believe, and it modifies TSM to do things without user interaction. It’s been ongoing for years and Blizzard has been blind to it.


AGreed. I actually seem to remember that Blizz stated that there would be NO ADVANTAGE by early access players over non-early access players (like me, way too poor to afford early access), and yet I see my guildies getting rep, finding professional recipes and patterns, and the like, while I am left behind doing virtually nothing. Seems like they are getting a huge advantage to me. I know how I got left behind in DF regarding professions because I did not get in there and no-life and exploit them, now it is happening again.

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Well ya thats going to happen.

Except gear is generally capped to 554 aside from a few items, the profession knowledge weekly quests (aside from that 1 enchanting one which will have a catch up for non EA players) aren’t available. Along with most other weekly content also not available until launch.

Most people are getting is base normal dungeon gear, a heads up on leveling crafting (not knowledge points), and gathering mats and leveling characters.

So gear wise and crafting knowledge wise, you aren’t going to be behind. (also needs a catch up mechanic too)

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That’s always been my biggest gripe about this version of the AH.

The damn thing TELLS YOU STRAIGHT UP that undercutting is not needed and your items will go FIRST if it was the most recent to be posted, yet everyone still wants to play the “I’m going to undercut for 1 silver/gold!” game.

After that, it’s a race to the bottom, and one that I’ve actually seen lead to some items frequently being UNDER the vendor sell price. It’s awesome when you constantly find stuff like thousands of Fluorescent Fluid at under 62s as the VSP is 62s, 14c. Free money is free money, but it would have been nice to actually be able to sell that stuff for actual reasonable profits as opposed to seeing it become glorified vendor trash with a different color of text.

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What’s TSM?

Ok, setting aside the stupid “advantage/disadvantage” debate since that poor horse has been beaten and pulverized into glue at this point, let’s look at the cost.

That’s $40. Realistically, what is that? An extra 2-4 hours of work depending on what you do for a living and how much you’re paid per hour? Four less lattes a week at Starbucks? One or two less times eating out?

Let me preface this by saying I’m not being a jerk here, but knowing how the vast majority of this playerbase and Gen Z in particular tend to act, I’m sure someone will see this as a personal attack…

Anyway, I’ve been in a position of struggling to make ends meet and living paycheck to paycheck. However, realistically speaking? If an extra $40 for the Epic Edition (or in my case, the extra $130 for the Collector’s Edition) is the sort of thing to make you go “I can’t afford that, I’m too poor” then you’ve got bigger issues than worrying about not being able to jump in for three extra days of access to a new WoW expansion.

We’re literally talking “An unexpected emergency/repair work will financially ruin me” territory here.

Frankly, if that’s the case, then a $15 per month sub to ANY MMO on the market might be something you’d want to step away from for a bit. Once again, the intent isn’t to be a jerk, I’m just calling it as I see it.

If $40 is make or break for you, you’ve got to take a step back and assess things.

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Surely you’ve heard of one of these.
They’re called search engines.

You do know that in the time it took you to ask that and sit waiting for over ten minutes for an answer, you could have gone to one and tried looking it up with WoW or Warcraft as an additional keyword in the search quarry, right?

25+ years of being on the internet, and to this day I still don’t understand folks that’ll sit there and wait for an answer that literally takes ten seconds to look up.

Welcome to the new normal.

This is the best part! There was another exploit early exploit often!

I always wondered why AH postings are instant. I feel like botting would be limited a TON simply by having the AH only update every minute instead of fully instantly.

But I dont know how the coding works so maybe that’s a horrible idea.

I’d rather Blizzard not go from using a robust server-side check system to a Ring 0 potential root kit ticking time bomb. God speed to anyone that has those things installed on their machine when an exploit is found and abuses one of these anti-cheat softwares.

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there are weekly quests ingame activated (not the one that give u gear directly )

u are 3 days behind on reputation farm , crafting , gathering …

That’s such FUD it’s not even funny.

Nor is the matter the problem is plaguing the game enough that we need to ask for a client side anti-cheat that works.

The problem is bad, and time ran out on Blizzard years ago for the player base trusting current measures.


Oh, there will always be ways for people to exploit. I just wish Blizzard would actually just punish those who chose to exploit.

They need to make it so you can’t cancel an item for a certain number of minutes. Also increase the list fee to punish relists.

Also just start detecting lua unlockers so people can’t bot for free. There are ah bots that run on top of lua unlockers that get sold like hot cakes on unscrupulous cheat discords.

There’s even lua unlocker based bots that do craft orders + trade/service chat advertising and fulfillment all in one.

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Always happens. DF ore and herbs were down to 50s or less for everything within 2 weeks.

honestly any and all levels of automation should instantly be a ban. Automation in my point of view at any level is simply botting even if its monitored to some small degree by the player.

No power advantage is what I seem to recall.

First of all, DF had no early access so what you really mean to say is that you didn’t put enough energy into profession leveling fast enough to make a lot of gold. There’s no exploiting being done by those who did.

Second of all, your contemptous bitterness is a very poor look.