Please for the love of god ban TSM

It’s nearly impossible at this point to buy materials without 10-20 attempts. “Item is no longer available”, items are being bought nonstop by goblins and reposted within a nanosecond.

To be fair, I don’t actually want all of TSM banned, but please for the love of god ban the automated posting and automated buying. It’s literally scripting and people cannot compete with it. The rest of TSM can stay but the automated buying and posting needs to go.


And now the AH is closed for business!


I’m getting auction house is closed. :frowning:

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Yeah, I’m pretty sure TSM’s data usage is essentially doing the same as DDOSing the AH.


the goblins are working overtime.

Auction House should be closed with early access. Hell, you shouldn’t even be able to access professions until the 26th but here we are.


always the goblins…

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Or the demon hunters.


Looks like it’s back up, again.

I used the professions to get to level 75 before I even really started much of Dorn, so I can understand the sentiment about restricting them until the actual release date…

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Any ah addon can do the same thing, only thing tsm does over them is more in depth crafting, etc.

Hell, you can buy massive amounts of mats now without tsm even, people are just buying things out from under you

Remember the material AH is region wide now, you’re buying things that thousands of other players could be buying


I’m aware and no, people are literally automated/scripting it with addons.


Nah I’ve been making a bank with it. TSM is amazing. Something to do waiting on the full release.


Wrong, this is because all crafting materials are region wide.

If your trying to buy the cheapest price of Bismuth you are trying to buy it at the same time AS EVERY SINGLE OTHER PLAYER ON NA SERVERS who wants to buy that Bismuth.


That’s cool, now shall I point you to the part of TSM that tells you how to automate/script buying/selling on the AH and the people who have tens of millions of gold?

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So does every other AH addon…

Tens of thousands of NA players are trying to buy that single Bismuth at the the same time because its in VERY high demand especially for engineers creating parts to scrap for the brand new mount’s parts. It feels like someone is using automated scripts to purchase them, but they aren’t.

I don’t use TSM or any AH addon (haven’t since the overhaul to the new AH) and I’ve bought over 5k Bismuth for crafting. Took a while because every other player is trying to do the same task.


So does every other AH addon…

Ban them doing it as well. Automated/scripting buying/posting should be banned.

Nah I’ve been making a bank with it. TSM is amazing. Something to do waiting on the full release.

Points for being honest


And you ignore the rest of my post lol.

This isn’t a AH addon issue.

Literally not what I said lmao. I only have 3 (4 if you count DBM raids and DBM dungeons) addons in retail. Tom Tom, DBM, and Skada.

Right I ignored the rest because we’re never going to agree on it and I don’t care for cyclical arguing.

The other part was responding to the person above you.


^ This

What many of you fail to realize is that this isn’t even a TSM issue. This has been happening ever since this version of the AH went live back in BfA 8.3, and even BEFORE crafting materials and other select items had become region wide if you were on a big enough server during an expansion launch or an update that added new items, chances are you’d be fighting a fair number of folks on buying mats since it starts with the lowest priced items on a LIFO basis for the items sharing the same price.

The swap to region wide on said items just made the problem FAR worse overall, especially for players that were on lower populated servers or server groups as they never had to deal with it that much.

As for myself? I’ve got the opposite problem: some clown that doesn’t understand how AH pricing and posting has worked since 8.3 (or has otherwise ignored the tutorial popup message telling them items don’t have to be undercut the first time they access the AH on a character) wants to come in and drop the price by 80% since “iT wIlL sElL fAsTeR!!!11one”

At that point, it becomes a struggle to clear it out and keep prices higher since a few thousand other people are coming in to post their crap at whatever the current price is. You try to buy five units, and if you DO manage to win the race to buy it first, it’s just replaced by a hundred more at that lower price.

I swear, even without addons, some folks just seem incapable of looking at THOUSANDS of units of inventory at say 30 gold per unit (which ARE selling mind you), then looking at the dinky little stack of say 5-10 piece of ore at 10 gold per unit and thinking “Hey, I can sell my stack of 200 for triple the price if I spend 100 gold to clear out that small stack first! Also, I can flip that small stack!”