Please for the love of god ban TSM

I remember this being a thing after the big AH changes, but I thought they got that all sorted out

I don’t post much anymore, but I love TSM, it was because of TSM I got my Brutosaur and every epic edition expansion since Shadowlands for Gold.

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Not rocket science jr.

IMO they should throttle / cap the AH at the account level.

Any account that hits the AH API more than some reasonable threshold over a given time interval gets locked out for some amount of time.

They could even set it such that the first time it just locks access for a minute, then ten minutes, then an hour, etc.

The same kind of throttling could be applied in other areas favored by botters such as hyperspawns.

If an account is killing mobs for longer than a set amount of time at a hyperspawn, set the mobs no longer drop anything for that account for a day.

There are literally thousands of users using autoclickers to press TSM buttons for them going on for years without bans.

There are also thousands of people using lua unlocker based bots that modify TSM to be fully automated.

A major portion of the problem is what you’re not publicly seeing and is kept to cheat discords that have 5 figure user counts.

We really need a new or better client-side anticheat. Warden is ineffective hot garbage that exists for PR reasons only at this point.


i mean, that’s a bit above and beyond an ah addon problems, as you’ve stated.

if someone actually wants to cheat they’ll find a way

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The problem is it’s too easy for people to cheat. You have kids just walking in with scripts they found off github or making their own AHK for free persisting in-game for years.

Blizzard need to raise the bar, heavily.

There are people going around for years with impunity who barely even know how to code yet are botting with the laziest scripting ever.


Cry, cry, cry

congrats on ur first post.

Agreed which is why all addons should be banned by Blizz botters are anyone who uses any addon. Should be a criminal offense with real jail time as it is theft by deception.

Congrats on ur fresh day 1 wow account.

When a 1st post toon gets followed up by a classic toon with no achievement points:

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Jebus dude, maybe you’re taking this a wee bit serious.

There is something so toxic about this new trend of seeking jail time for people you don’t agree with.


Reported for racist threats. Not welcome at all.

Look at the achievement points. It’s a lower number for a reason.

Someone’s having fun using trolling sockpuppets.

I’ve heard the Gnomes have a secret pact with the Goblins to rule the marketplace in Azeroth jointly.

You’re assuming they don’t understand the system. In fact it’s happening on purpose. They post a single piece for like 10 or 20% of the original price and then immediately snipe the cheap items that people are posting accidentally.

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They just need to add buy orders.

Having a region-wide commodities system in a new expansion is going to have constant buying and adding of new mats to the top with or without TSM.

OMG that would annoy the carp out of me, but if you are quick you can likewise benefit.

I started using TSM many years ago and it took me a minute but when you know how to use it, then you can make bank, I most certainly did.

I quit playing AH when I started making more money and didn’t need the tokens anymore, frankly I don’t miss being glued to the AH interface, served it’s purpose though.

Trade Skill Master

TradeSkillMaster (TSM) is an addon designed to help both casual gold makers as well as experienced goblins streamline their gold-making processes. TSM’s features include everything from improving the native crafting and auctioning experiences to helping you gather needed materials and sniping that low-hanging auction house fruit!

I use TSM for exactly one thing, which is: putting stuff into the AH. Not more and not less. And I think it is totally fine. I for myself don’t even have it enabled on more than my AH char, since I don’t like the UI for other things like the postbox, etc.
There was a time when you only had to press 2 buttons to put in all your items. First Scan and then post and it did post all your items. Auctioneer did the same at the time. That part is not allowed nor working anymore and that’s good. The current functionalities are fine and you can hardly punish the users of an addon for those who use it for botting by using external scripts or whatever “lua unlocker” is.

Another problem with baning TSM would be, if you ban one, you have to ban them all and more importantly you need to disable the APIs that they use, since that is the only way to really make sure they’re not being used anymore. Also people with the necessary programming skills could just “make a new one” otherwise :wink: