1 tank 5 adds
25man 2 tanks 12 adds
10man 2 healers
25man 6-7 healers
25man has more cds and more healers then 10man there for it is easier
1 tank 5 adds
25man 2 tanks 12 adds
10man 2 healers
25man 6-7 healers
25man has more cds and more healers then 10man there for it is easier
Yeah you just dont do any of the fights clearly.
no from your perspective no ive only tanked,melee dps, and rnage dps 13/13 but not from the floor
Notice how everyone who is posting on a rat is 13/13?
Yeah you have never died in a raid, youre that good you need to hide.
notice how all your arguments are about the adds and health pool but cant comprehend that 25man has more raid cds and players the raid scales to the size omg that doesnt make 10man easier then 25man
You dont need any raid cds on 10m…
This has already been said.
The abilities dont do any damage on 10m lmfao.
lol you certainly do need raid cds for 10man
Maybe if you werent always on the floor you would know this
I have died all of like 1 time on our prog lmfao.
You dont, they dont do damage rofl.
My mages health in 10m is the same as it is in 25m except the boss abiltiies are much much lower in damage.
This isnt an opinion.
The boss HP is massively lower, the damage on their abilities is massively lower, youre raiding the meme version of the raid.
Youre prolly 4/13H
im not sure if you can comprehend that the raid SCALES from 10-25man
Yes it does.
10m is the easy version and then it scales to the real version 25m.
If you cant do 10m, 13/13H by now idk what to say.
just because it scales to the size doesnt mean its harder personal accountability in 10man makes the raid harder
You have less responsibility because the mechanics dont kill you like they do on 25m.
lol if the mechanics dont kill you then how do people die?
Cuz bad.
You factually take less damage but have the same health as the people in 25m, this isn’t an opinion.
When you do have mechanics on you there are less people you could damage with them because there is less players, you have far more room.
Once you finally start doing the fights you will see.
Also I thought I was the only 1 to die? Are you saying you also die?
Those stats don’t show the ability of the players in said groups either. More wipes in 10 is more likely cause by lesser quality players in the groups. While 10 man can be harder to cover mistakes. 25 man is harder to cover absences and fill groups. 25 man has more health and deals more damage as well as requiring larger effort to get into. I agree 25 man is harder than 10 man .
Spreading 10 or 25 people in a finite area, which is more difficult? Don’t worry I’ll wait .
Also the abilities and health of the bosses are so much lower in relation to the amount of players.
The health alone in 25m is over 3x the health of 10m
10man also only has 5 dps vs 25man where there is 17 so this makes sense!!! again scaling
I wonder if we might get some word on fixes to the bugs mentioned in my first post. Also to add to tge list some that I forgot… like POM healing through non healeable mechanics such as chim enrage and chogall MCed players.
Also if there is going to be any word on improvements to 10m loot situation and prompt thought onto firelands legendary questline.
Thanks all for the discussion.
I think in P2 (firelands) blizz will probably release some Alpha dungeons and keep the drop rates the same for normal. But increase them for heroic. While also making it so that normal mode drops heroic gear since the normal loot table will most likely be in the new heroic + dungeons. ( This is just a thought )
But i wouldnt mind seeing a fix to for raid lockout IDs that is something that does need to be addressed