The increase in health is greater than the increase in raid dps from 10 to 25. That’s why the fights last longer in 25.
That’s not true.
If that was true fight lengths would be the same, they aren’t.
10m is far faster for boss kills, this isn’t an opinion
Im 9/12 in both 10 and 25. I will say 25 is much easier. I can’t say if it is for nef, sinestra, alakir, council. I hear council is harder 25. And chogall might be a bit harder on 25.
That being said, I’ve had 2-3 people dead eating floor on heroic 25 man bosses and still get kill easily. Once you get a guild of 30 raiders, the roster boss isn’t as bad as 10 man. Cuz if you ret doesn’t show for your 10 man. You’re pretty screwed. The comp matters alot more and replacing peeps becomes more difficult, as they need to be good players and bring right buffs in 10. Where as 25, you can easily fill a spot with a sub par.
Theres alot of good strats in 25 that are much harder to pull off in 10.
Im not basing difficulty on rosters, im basing it off the fights.
I think at this point… playing alts or being able to gear off-spec on our mains is going to be important for player retention.
ZA and ZG is cool and all… but implementation of the heroic+ dungeons system from wrath should be strongly considered in order to help limp us through to firelands.
At least POE new league will be out. Cata hibernation likely inc 353 gear is just not enough.
July 26th!
I will prolly play this league, what build do I do?
Adds in chogall swing for like 80k each time, and theres two of them on 25. Easier my butt.
Even the earlier bosses like Magmaw, on heroic 25m our tank was getting destroyed by Mangle, infact almost all our wipes were from the tank dying to mangle.
Not really an issue in 10m.
On our earlier kills we had to literally use a external CD to save the tank during mangle.
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