Please for discussion now that SOD is out

Yeah you have a higher pull to kill because there are more bad 10 man teams than 25, it’s just what it is.

The only thing that statistic proves is more bad squads go in and attempt bosses.

Hey blink no need to for you to char jump we know its you

Yeah and Nefarian is a massive meme in 25 but is the hardest thing to do currently in the game in 10.

Ofc stuff isn’t perfectly balanced.

If you want a failed pseudo esport retail is that way —>

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Who said anything about an esport?

Calling Nef a meme in 25 is pretty disingenuous there’s a lot that can go wrong on that boss.

Also who said anything about esports?

I mean yeah its an heroic end boss. Was just comparing 25 Heroic Nef to 10 Heroic Nef. Same mechanics, but 15 players worth of tools out of the picture.

Nobody directly but that stupid “10 vs 25man” bickering is why we got saddled with Mythic since WoD in Retail cause Blizz couldn’t make the “race” “fair” in both formats.

I’m still sore about it cause i raided 10man all of MoP and it was the best time i’ve had in this game.

Yeah you can’t.

Blizzard can’t tune 10 man bosses to be harder without them being unfair it just is what it is.

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Electrocute is a good example, because at low gear levels its a one shot without raid or personal DR (in 25m).

In 25 you have coverage for every Electrocute, and in 10 you don’t. So the ability has to be made less lethal, and it goes from being a huge deal to something you just heal up every 20-30s

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And it shouldn’t matter if some bosses are harder in 10 and some are harder in 25. Its an MMO, if you care about e-sport or rankings go play LoL.

People like to compete.

In order to compete, you need a reasonably balanced set of rules.

It doesn’t matter how you feel about people playing WoW in this regard.

I’m not here to argue for one side or another, but this is what it is

And 10man competes with 10man and 25man competes with 25man. Where’s the issue?

Dunno I’m not here to say.

I assume the removal of 10 man wasn’t because of RWF tho

It specifically was since every tier in both Cata and MoP were a drama-fest during RWF.

It’s also why trolls lost their “Damage to Beasts” racials among a bunch of other changes.

Yeah I still don’t think so.

Coulda been a factor, but I don’t believe that was the trigger.

10m Heroic nef was a joke, the biggest factors of that fight are electrocute and add control.

Electrocute on 10m doesnt kill you like it can in 25m and you get half the adds in 10m.

Lol common sense here buddy why wouldnt you get 1/2 the amount of adds in 10man vs 25man??

if you get twice as many adds in 25 but have 2.5times the amount of players then 10man wouldnt that make 10man actually harder since you actually have more adds per person in the raid.

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10 man is easier. It FEELS harder as each loss is felt more than in 25.

25man is harder, objectively, than 10 man but FEELS easier since mistakes aren’t as potentially damaging and one or two members dying isn’t felt as much.

It’s player perception, which isn’t a bad thing, but it’s not objective to measure based on feelings alone.

Regardless cata is more mechanic based in it’s raids and playing sloppy is not as supported as it was in Wrath by design.

There’s actually only 5 adds in 10 man.

Yes thats the point.

The adds are literally like the only way you wipe.

So getting half the adds is objectively easier.

What arent you understanding?

You also use 2 tanks to tank all the adds on 25m…

You arent kiilling the adds so having 2.5 times the amount of players is irrelevant, the add mechanics for the 2 add tanks is what wipes you on Heroic Nef.

Its also over double the adds in 10m you get 5 and on 25m you get 12.

The only mechanic that can wipe you really.

Nef on 10m heroic has 51.76M HP, on 25 man heroic he has 180.09M hp. Which is about 3.5x the amount of hp. Like we keep saying relative to the players 25m has much more hp, more than 2.5 times.

I feel like we had way more than only 5 in my 10m kill.

Yeah looking at vod you only get 5 lmfao.