Please for discussion now that SOD is out

Keep on posting dude. Every post exposes your ignorance even more. Yes, CMs are a thing. Your ignorance of them does not make them go away.

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Thank you ashgaar, someone that gets it and joining the discussion about these annoying bugs, 10m loot in need of anabolic enhancement and firelands legendary questline.

But you are scaring them all away. Especially Drinknblink.

There is alot of bugs that do need to be addressed like the raid lockout bug

K, keep being wrong. No skin off my back.

Would love for some of the dumb interactions like flash freeze one banging people to get fixed.

10m getting more loot is a hard no tho from me, I don’t think a meme version of WoW raiding should be further incentivized.

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The incentive for 10 man should not be extra loot. It’s easier to manage 100% of the time and easier to complete in almost every situation.

Actually if you look at the stats provided by WCL And Wowhead 10man is actually harder then 25man as 10man!!! its a fact i posted the numbers up above go look

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All it proves is exactly what I’m saying.

It’s easier to do, so more bad squads go in and wipe to Magmaw for 3 hours.

10man = more personal responsabilities during gameplay.

25 = more logistics.

Its that simple.

Edit : please don’t get your panties in a twist i’m not getting into a never ending argument over someone who developped an ego over 15 years old content.

Sure but more personal responsibility doesn’t mean much when the mechanics are less lethal and less throughput is required.

I’ve done more 10 man than most people in classic, it’s just the reality.

What does something being 15 years old have to do with ego?

Basketball is like 150 years old I guess the freak athletes that own at it shouldn’t have a little ego.

They’re not when you have 5 healers worth of CDs to cycle through.

I cleared the entirety of “real cata” in 25man back in the day. The only and i really mean the only reason im doing 10man this time around is the human factor. At 33 i’m not going to deal with cliques and drama and revolving door and carrying the GM’s GF and i pass.

So you choose bad guilds I dunno why you told me that.

We were top 3 every tier on a very high pop server. People just suck.

Yeah and until you outgear the raid you need those cooldowns.

You don’t in 10 man, thats the point.

You’re proving my point here young brother

Mechanics cant be as lethal because the raid doesn’t have the cooldowns anyways.

AKA easier

And you don’t in 10man? Please do 10man Sinestra with no priest or Rsham and post it.

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Sure there are some outliers but that doesn’t change the bottom line.

Id agree Sinestra is probably harder on 10 than 25, but the boss right before that is a massive meme on 10 man.

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Lol the raid has less cooldowns to use so there for its actually harder more personal accountabilty in 10man 1 person dies whos doing a main mechcanic and its a wipe vs in 25man you have someone who can jump in and take over

10man has a higher PULL to KILL ratio then 25man does to

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