PLEASE FIX The Troll and Draenei Heritage Sets, Don't Force These

The Draenei quest-line was really cool, there’s some foreshadowing of moving their plot forward that I won’t spoil and it was nice to re-tread some of that old BC ground with some reason for things having been left as they were (they weren’t just completely forgotten). I highly recommend you don’t just click through everything though; read the item descriptions and quest text.


I’m looking forward to checking it out when they fix the bugs I heard it’s prettymuch undoable currently. Want to enjoy a heritage chain with some love behind it after the bad taste the Troll quests and set left in my mouth.

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They are absolutely doable now. People were complaining because they were trying to do them just as the servers opened. Along with a few 1000 others.

I’m kind of glad they didn’t. It is too big of a story thread to do justice in a heritage questline.


I am too and I totally agree but they could have at least given us an easter egg, the questline did nothing to hint at future plans for the tribe except, we have our loa back and Mue’zala is still strapped, the end. Would have been nice if Bwonsamdi could have said something like “I’m gonna go check on our sleeping friend” or something to show they still plan on doing something with him. Kinda just seems like they stuffed him in a seed and they’re gonna leave him on the back burner for the entirety of the World Soul Saga.


Yeah that struck me as really odd, there are only 3 logical explanations. They either have big plans for bringing him back (least likely), They’re trying to ignore the fact they set him up for revival and just move on past that (Most likely), Or they just forgot about him entirely since he’s dead (Very Possible).

Thank you! I’ll dig into that tonight!

ooooof yeah you’re probably right, to be honest I really don’t think they’re gonna write Vol’Jin into the World Soul Saga even though he’d fit really well with the whole “Touched by Valor” thing which we never found out if it was The Light or Azeroth or what, because we know it wasn’t Odyn. Wish they would but they’re most likely just trying to move on from that mistake that they were trying to fix then fell off on…

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I think that they don’t have a roadmap for his plot, they don’t know what to do with him. They didn’t exect the backlash after Legion, so they tried to sloppily patch up some story for him. The team that did Shadowlands didn’t leave any extra tips on how to continue his story, and the new team has no idea how to incorporate him among the stuff they have in mind. And since trolls aren’t marketable as elves, this is the risk they’re willing to take.

I do believe they will eventually pull him out, but just like his “Warchiefing” it won’t lead to anything substantial, he will grant a temporary boon, he will say something, and maybe help against some vague new enemy, and then disappear.

when you’re a troll player you are get used to mediocre treatment at best and outright waste of potential all the time.


Very likely, also possible the current writers remember him dying and didn’t play shadowlands, when everyone got fired they went with them and Vol’Jin is just a memory now…


Based on this set I wouldn’t be surprised if every Troll enthusiast at the company got the shaft and they just threw this together.

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I agree with red shirt guy.

YoOOOOo yous guys gotta check out this post right here, I’m trying to spread awareness. Follow the links from it Fuzzbutt is on to something about the nose under the mask, this ain’t right and all that material bunched up over the nose, there’s more to it than just the nose being covered.

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And wha did he say?

If you guys get this changed before we see some changes to PvP I’ll be shocked then again not really. Hope it works out, I consider it an injustice to shill something like this out the door.


The worgen set is indeed very bad, but the draenei set somehow manages to be worse.

The worgen set is just ugly. The draenei set is ugly and also not even remotely thematically appropriate since you know, hornless draenei roman gladiators were never a thing. :woman_facepalming::sweat_smile:

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I seriously hope someone at Blizz actually cares enough to speak up about this, these sets have no business being this awful.


There’s gotta be one person right? Wether or not they’ll listen is a different story.

Worgens are still waiting on Blizz to fix their abysmal looking heritage armor. I think Trolls and Draenei can wait.

Yeah your set deserved some extra love right out the gate. That said, you gotta admit, we’ve technically been waiting for a good heritage set longer since we came on the scene in Vanilla :wink: Cool name btw


Brother, there aren’t going to be any PvP changes sad to say they’ve given up on us. That said if they’re so far gone they actually gave us that Troll set as a finished product they probably won’t be fixing it either.

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