PLEASE FIX The Troll and Draenei Heritage Sets, Don't Force These

Yeah if this is what we can expect the Pandas would be better off waiting till TWW.

If any of you guys see if they happened to change the Heritage set in the live game someone reply me please. It’s up and running.

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They neglected to fix it, still looks terrible


Yeah Pandas are last

I dont even get the quest on my dreanei …

I mean, I personally at least like the vibe they were going for with the worgen one. And it has the cute little waist belt, haha.

Nightborne Set exist and the worst part is how hard is to match anything with that

I remember when the worgen set came out and I was insulted by how bad it looked and there were weirdos saying that they liked it.

This is not at all in spite but I actually really like the troll heritage set and was planning to roll a troll in MOP to unlock it.

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That they are homeless.

When I think of Troll armors I think of vibrant colors. The heritage set is like 80% brown and the rest is washed out red and dull gold/silver. It doesn’t even match the Effigy backpieces we just got in the Trading post and BMAH goldsink vendor.


Yeah the color choices are no good, there should have been a blue option since that is their actual main tribe color, really do wish they were more vibrant, and that mask looks bonkers in the live game what were they thinkking?


Would have loved for it to have been more colorful. Matching it to the Back Effigy we got would have required critical thinking which clearly didn’t go into this.


A blue option would have been great. When the quest ended Rokhan was still wearing the mask, I seriously hope they’re not going to make him wear that all the time, his new model looked boss. Overall the heritage set was dog water, the quest line was fun but pretended Vol’Jin didn’t exist which is a colossal let down since I think we were all hoping for an update on the Wildseed rebirth situation.

Set drops down to a 2/10 after seeing it in game, and the quest lands at a 6/10 because it was great except for ignoring the biggest plot point the Darkspear have going for them.


There’s so much material on top of that nose, it sticks out so darn far it looks positively bonkers. I really don’t think it would take much effort at all to get that thing fixed.


It’d definitely be easy enough. I was trying to picture it thinner like without so much material clumped on top of the nose but it still sticks out way too far, refitting it under the nose and around the jaw is really the only passable fix.

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We got a really nice set, IMO, and I wish other races had as much thought and effort put into them. We have 3 different colors, two types of helms, two types of belts, two types of chest pieces (one is the robe option), and you can use the bracers and not transmog the gloves if you still want the armored bracer, but want your hands to be uncovered.


I overall like the troll set and it mix and matches with the blood troll stuff perfectly.

Exactly! It’s glaringly obvious that certain races got more love than others during the Heritage set making process. The Troll set design looks like it was hastily drawn up by someone who flat out just doesn’t understand the Darkspear.


Yeah when it comes to the Darkspear they probably should have gotten something similar, something for casters and something for soldiers this whole one sized fits all even for the guy and gal doesn’t really work with racial armors, look at every race in our real world, they all have different traditional garb for men and women.


UPDATE: I seriously wish they didn’t force these sets through, so discouraging. Sounds like the Draenei Quest chain was really fun, I’m gonna do it today. That Darkspear quest chain was cool but honestly really disappointed they didn’t revive Vol’Jin or tell us he’s coming back.
These sets need a rework Blizz, I know you have a lot on your hands with all these bugs but please, make time to fix these sets, especially since there apparently wasn’t enough time dedicated to them to begin with.

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