Please fix the mob tagging, the new"boosting" in HC Classic

You as a level 10 go and attack a mob. I as a level 30 or whatever higher number then attacks that mob. That level 10 now gets no xp. Repeat. Then extend that if you wanted to add quest completion or loot to the mix.
As how it is right now they can steal the actual tag if they hit first but if you hit it first, it would give you credit.

An scenario example would be: If you get a tag to something someone gets pissy gets on a higher char and just steals your tags for the next hour. It would be very annoying. I don’t think fixing the mob tagging is a better trade off then making a new way to grief people.

If you were a streamer people would just steal the tags to steal them.

If it needs a solve, make the required percentage of dmg the low character needs to do higher. I’m kind of indifferent about it though since it doesn’t affect my game play.

I see a quick and dirty fix being either reduced xp per kill for the initial tagger, if a significantly higher level tags after the fact or, xp based on percent damage done by the lower level.

I’m sure there are better options, and perhaps some sort of modification of the above, but, I don’t see that simply crafting a solution to the problem of mob tagging/boosting would have to result in an increase in griefing.

Actually, I just thought of another solution. The lower level toon can select from their nameplate drop-down to allow non-group assistance or not. If they choose no non-group assistance, then as soon as they tag a mob, it is unattackable by any other player.

Now, allowing non-group assistance will result in lowered xp based on the damage done by the lower level player. This would at least encourage people to either group up, forcing them to group with levels within the acceptable range of their level, or to go solo.

I have no thoughts just yet on dealing with griefers directly, such as how to punish the practice as it happens, but the above ideas or some modification of them, would help to reduce the opportunities for griefing, especially making mobs unattackable out of group once tagged.

Guys! The hall monitor is gonna tattle.
Touch grass.

Okay, I will just turn that on and sit afk on a named quest mob. You can’t kill it. While I have the tag.

If you don’t have the quest, you can’t attack the mob as the initial tagger.

As I said, rough ideas, they likely need modification but there’s always a way.

That would affect the game so much in different ways lol. Mob tagging is annoying but its a much smaller issue then changing mobs so they don’t attack unless you are on the quest. Which is anti HC in itself by making mobs that are safe.

There is only one thing you can do to get rid of most of mob tagging without harming the game. Is blizzard simply stating it is now bannable. Will it get rid of it completely? No just like griefing and buying gold. But it would get rid of 90% of people doing it just by it being listed as bannable.

In what way?

Sure, but the discussion is how to deal with griefers and boosting at the same time. Any option will result in changes, some significant, but there are ways to make both less attractive without encouraging either, as you previously asserted.

I don’t see how. NPC’s of your own faction are unattackable and will not attack you, but NPC’s of a different faction are attackable and will absolutely kill you. It’s baked in behavior that can be applied to this situation. The only reason the mob would be unattackable is if you had no reason to attack it.

But let’s go a bit deeper and consider your point, which is the removing of danger from hardcore by making mobs unattackable. I have already presented reasonable options to cut down considerably on griefing and to make boosting less desirable, all we need to do is tweak the concepts.

That’s plenty to consider as is and a good base for something better. Do you have reasonable thoughts or is it your goal to just negate every idea? You seem to be capable of pointing out flaws but incapable of bringing solutions.

Gotta love the antisocial people who think they need a police state to ban everyone with friends from playing with them. I wonder why they don’t have any friends to help them.

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I started out the convo by saying the issue is its not fixable without making ways to grief people. I have thought about it and imo there is no solution. But I should of said that it is not fixable without creating ways to grief or altering the game which affects other aspects of the game outside of mob tagging.

Projecting, I have friends who have already offered. I just think mob tagging is anti HC.

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Well, I’ve offered several possible solutions. However, without an understanding of how WoW works in the background, it is difficult to know what the more advanced options would be. I do believe my ideas have merit and, with some creativity, could be implemented to solve griefing and mob tagging (as in boosting for gold/money).

Why does anyone care about this?
So, some kid cheesed his way to cap with assistance… it doesn’t change my journey at all. It’s not like they get a title or reward for anything on this mode, and they know deep down that they suck too much to do it on their own.

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After playing classic power leveling can lead to a very abnormal amount of bad 60’s endangering groups, more gold buying happening to gear these alt toons and pay for leveling services that people have setup in the past and will continue to setup in the future which just pushes the bot problem even more and inflates the AH ultimately. I see it as a spider crack in glass that slowly just helps accelerate other problems over time. Of course bots and leveling services would be around anyway but when you let things like mob tagging and mage boosting in classic wow keep going you give a lot of bad people ways to easily game the system.

If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.

It ain’t broke, you just don’t like it.

Leave it alone. Intervention never ends the way you think it will. You should have learned that from the pandemic, and every other time people butt their noses in when they should have left well enough alone.

That’s why you “trial” recruits. If they can’t handle their character in a dungeon, you won’t take them to a raid.
Besides, my post was from a different perspective since I’ve no desire to raid in hardcore. I’d guess the majority of HC players are just here for the journey to 60. Which, in at least my case, causes other players methods of leveling to be completely irrelevant to me. /shrug

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I didn’t use the word raid at all. You bring a new mage into scholo or strat UD and just start asking him to AOE you can wipe the group so easily. You say HC players are just here for the journey to 60 but we’re having an actual discussion on the whole 1-60 process being skipped so I’m not really sure what you’re saying.

Whatever, I’m just not going to get all shook up about small stuff like this. I mean, a good player having a bad day could get you killed as well.
The upside to this is, many of the cheese players will be moving on 30 Nov. Hopefully their bots and carries will go with them.

A good player can get you killed but if I had to choose the guy to drive me to work that’s been driving for 1 year or the 16 year old that stole their dads car and never learned to drive you know what one we’re all picking.

You’re in no position to say that the player being “boosted” is bad, or good. Anybody can make it to 60. Anybody can get you killed. There is no evidence anywhere that indicates boosted players are more likely to be worse at the game than unboosted ones.

A few nights ago I had to petri out of a ubrs because a holy pally in raid gear walked through the eggs in the rookery.

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So a lack of game knowledge of a level 60 dungeon means that they don’t know everything about leveling a pally 1-60 and knows how to play their class? You use the word everybody like it just covers “chances” like everybody could be hit buy a volcano tomorrow but what are the chances? The chance that boosted level 60 is going to killed me or the next three might kill me because now there is a bunch of boosted baddies running around is much higher than someone that actually played their class. If they know how to play their class and had it leveled to 60 that’s one thing, but that’s not the case for a majority of people that boost. What do you mean there is no proof for boosters being worse either? Did you not play classic at all?