Please fix the mob tagging, the new"boosting" in HC Classic


It has been plaguing our HC servers. Please end this now.
Change the way XP is credited on kill for the player. Make sure that if the player (or group) doesn’t remove at least 85% of the mob hp they will receive a very penalized XP for it.

People are just running around and tagging mobs, and having 60’s around to go and finish the mobs for them.

This is not different from mage boosting, which the community asked to be removed.
So, I guess, the community will stay behind this as well and ask this change to prevent mob tagging like this, right?


Isn’t it already 51%? 85 seems incredibly steep. A single cast from a passing mage would do more than 15% and immediately ruin your day.


Or maybe change if the damage or hit kill is being done by a player that is higher level than you to award 0% xp.

didnt the WF 80 use it? maybe it was WF 85.

Yeah, I agree with Armorix, furthermore it could lead to serious griefing where higher level players ran around and oneshot / AoEed all mobs tagged by players in lower level zones, practicaly preventing people from levelling at all by just killing mobs.

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So if your friend 1 level higher wants to play with you he can’t. Big brain design ideas!

Wait, I forgot this whining is always by people that dont have any friends. Probably because they spend all their time whining and trying to be the self-appointed morality police instead of playing the game.


I agree with you, but we are just a type of player and there are many types of players. Sadly, I feel they are welcome the same as we are. Wouldn’t it be nice if there wasn’t any exploitation/cheating? Again, what we consider an abomination to the game is liked by others.

OMG who would do such a thing?

Eh, if someone wants to power level their friends I couldn’t care less. If it’s in an area you need, then just layer over. It’s pretty irrelevant.

No it hasn’t.

It has zero impact on your Hardcorpse journey.

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this is how i leveled up my buddies. I auto follow him/her on my hunter (out of group)with my pet on aggressive. I’d walk away and let my buddies run around, if my buddie hits any mob just for a hp, my pet would eat it for them and htey would get all the exps. I did this many many many years ago, so they still allow this? thats funny!

Helping your friends out is what puts the MM in MMORPG. Dungeons already have severe limitations, and official hardcore is not SSF. Not to mention, 85% is a ridiculous number and completely defeats the point of playing with friends.

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Terrible players getting carried to 60, not knowing how to play their class and group with other hardcore people in dungeons couldn’t possibly go wrong for the community huh?

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bad players / good players. it’s all relative moot.

They are all in a rush to die. Good for them.

If you’re grouping with people you don’t know for dungeons and you die, that’s on you.

Do you not have a guild?

Guilds are bad luck.

That is a strawman.

First there is already a penalty XP for people whose level are higher than the player.
Something must be done IMHO, just login on alliance starting zones you’ll most likely see 2 60’s running around killing mobs for a low level mob tagging them.

If mage boosting was against the spirit of the game so it is this one. Why are they not in group with the player?
Because of the XP penalty.

Just apply the XP penalty regardless.

“possibly griefing” > Open ticket > report. Blizzard said griefing wouldn’t be tolerated and guess what, people who are griefing are betting banned. What a shock.

Helping your FRIENDS is one thing. You can help them to kill an elite mob they’re struggling or help with a quest that is far too high for their level so they can get a good reward (e.g. Whirlwind axe).

Another thing is power leveling them using mob tagging, whereas the people actually killing the mobs are NOT in group with them - isn’t weird that you’re not helping your friend in a group… must be because it defeats the purpose of POWER LEVELING having a penalty XP applied.

Well, if mage boosting was bad because power leveling is bad, so it is this one.

You’re making assumptions.

Yes, power leveling is a thing across all WoW realms. However, helping friends with leveling is also a thing. This is why paid power leveling is such an intelligent business model, because who can say who is a friend and who is not? But ultimately, attempting to somehow regulate how people can play the game will lead to fewer people playing. If you force people to only level their characters solo or in defined groups of toons within small level ranges, you will push out many legitimate players.

The question that needs to be addressed here is: how does this affect other players? Because, with layering and your own ability to level with higher level friends and mob tagging, your game experience is not affected.

That is literally power leveling.