Please fix Divide and Conquer LOS

They could PvP nerf Death’s Reach by half. :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated: I doubt they will, but maybe.


Why is this fine? Why can a single team member just choose to kill half their own team?

Because then the job of the evoker would be just to position their wall every minute. Deep Breath damage + LoSing the enemy healer + the evoker and their teammates casting while protected from retaliation is just too potent to happen every 60 seconds. The asymmetry of forcing the enemy healer into a clump while the evoker’s team is not is also too much.

It would be a different story if the wall were attached to a different ability, but so long as it’s on Deep Breath I would be shocked if fully unobstructed allied LoS wouldn’t be grossly overpowered. If Deep Breath lost its CD reduction in the Devastation tree, or no longer had a stun attached, or both, then maybe that would also be a different story. But if it just lost the allied LoS today I would lock that talent in every match and my entire game plan would be to set up an ideal wall every minute. Anything I contributed more would just be gravy.

Ah, my bad. I thought you were contributing actual criticism instead of just being salty that an allied evoker lost you a match.

Nothing salty about an unfixed bug. The talent clearly states enemies. It should work like smoke bomb, not block heals to everyone inside and to the other side of it, just because one Evoker has decided that their go is more important than winning.

you’re putting an awful lot of trust into the average devoker that ookooks as much as most melee

Yes, smoke bomb should los the rogue’s team too I agree.

Would be great if more abilities punished you for being stupid.

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What an insane take. Should it block everyone on the other side of it?

It’s insane you think that’s insane. I remember when playing a rogue took a fraction of brain power. We should bring that back.

Still warms my heart when a braindead wannabe pikaboo duels and dies.

I feel like when it’s a devoker doing it it’s more like an eekeek. Like furious bird attacking.

Smoke bomb should work like this instead.


No wonder Blizzard doesn’t use these forums for advice on abilities.

Ya its hard to when a dunce like you wants an ability to be op just so you can’t have a game thrown.

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Yep, would certainly like it if players weren’t given abilities to throw the game. They do enough of that already.

Too bad, get better partners.

It’s fine, I no longer play with devokers, just because of that ability. They use it in other content, sure. I just live with it. Wish it worked like how it says in the tooltip though.

Wish I asked.

Excellent response.

this is actually interesting as far as sub goes

i dont even use this garbo ability. it causes chaos and you’re most likely to die in it than killing someone else.

Ive never understood the logic of a one-sided LOS mechanic. Imagine if the Frost Mage or their team could freely walk through the ice wall