Please fix Divide and Conquer LOS

Still prevents allies and caster from seeing through flames.


Small indie company

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Allies cant get LOS through ice wall, why is this any different?


Zone wide bomb on a one minute CD lookin’ a little bit oppressive.


THis and observer make me hate the game right now.

Funny as a caster, you either zap yourself to death trying to kill it or just not play the game for the duration.

It’s fine if it works the way it currently works, but the tooltip says it shouldn’t.

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Its only not ok when melee can make this happen, when its a caster its fine, wonderful and a great skill check on the game. /Soff.

I want full powered spell warden and death strike back.

Are you stupid?

Observer is crazy and needs to be nuked from orbit, how did you take anything else from his post?


Ice wall it’s a physical object, can’t walk through it, you can walk through the flames. And it specifically states enemies, not obstructing all line or sight.

If they change the tooltip sure, but at the moment it’s not functioning as described, it’s described the same way smoke bomb is, but it doesn’t function the same.

No, but you are.

/Soff means




  • 1.the use of irony to mock or convey contempt:“she didn’t like the note of sarcasm in his voice”


Go ahead and get loud because you’re illiterate though.

Yea ur dumb

LMAO get smoked rat.

Yup, agreed. During Beta, it did create physical walls before it was removed shortly prior to DF launch, so it seems like there’s some leftover coding from the previous iteration of the talent.

I’m concerned that it’ll be a little OP, but we’ll have to see how the meta shakes out. I’d love to see more viable comps for Devastation, and adding utility is the way to do it.

make sure to bug report it. fdk devoker boutta go crazy with 1 min smoke bomb

You look at your check pvp or something?

LMAO all you did was tell me what you are insecure about rat.

You’re wild man, you’re crazy

Not wrong I intend to main spriest/rogue into this idiot season