Please fix Divide and Conquer LOS

Spriest went from one of the most fun and well designed specs in s1 (nerfs were deserved, even though the proc rate made it feel less fluid) to a disgusting mess this patch

God speed

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Ye its def weird the tree is

this essentially. Like the team was channeling the spirit of John Madden.

You as well, this is going to be one hot mess of a season

In all honesty it shouldn’t even be on Deep Breath. Deep Breath is a strong CD as it is. Stuns and does huge damage. It’s always going to be a part of Evoker’s go’s, so Evoker doesn’t need more kill potential in that window.

Divide and Conquer should affect Wing Buffet and Tail Swipe. It’d be a good dual-use, outplay-potential talent. Ex. Tailswiping to set up on-demand LOS and pop off Sleepwalk/Living Flame Casts. Or Wing Buffeting a pillar to cut off LOS from Healer to kill Target.

somehow this sounds worse

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Imagine you are on Nagrand or Tolvir.

Melee has come behind pillar, but Healer can still see it so it is safe.

You now don’t Wing Buffet the melee, but you aim Wing Buffet to completely wall off access to the pillar without walking over the flames.

Healer can’t see the melee, and melee at most ratings probably doesn’t know this even happened.

You now win the round. And you can do it every 45 seconds if talented.

It’s basically smoke bomb for Evoker, with a damage component if someone runs out.

It should LoS to enemies, but not LoS allies.

This is very true.

This is silly.

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2 strong or what?

Honor Talents should help give life to useless or less used abilities. Dragon Racials aren’t bad, but nobody has ever been like “Watch out for that Tailswipe!”

With Walloping Blow, there’s a lot of pro-gamer move potential to use Wing Buffet like Smokebomb. And Tailswipe gets to piggy back too as on-demand LOS to sneak off casts.

There is a reason smoke bomb is a 3 minute cd

But current Deep Breath is 2 min, Stuns you, does Big Dam, and hurts u for more Big Dam if u walk over Fire wall :thinking:

At least putting the Firewalls on Dragon racials (while also shorter in cd) wouldn’t have a Stun and Big Dam attached.

60 seconds as Devastation, I think, and the damage seems to scale with haste.

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I think it’s 1 minute for devastation actually, but that’s true. However, it’d be going from 1 minute on an ability that does damage to 45s on an ability that doesn’t, with a second charge available which could potentially control the entirety of smaller maps

At least you’re already going to be using CDs for deep breath. Can’t imagine needing to play scared cause of the racials too

Y’all’re right, it is 1 min on Deep Breath (I was thinking 2 minutes, cuz Evoker burst is 2 minutes with Tip the Scales and Dragonrage.)

45 seconds on one if talented, 1.5 min on the other that’s not talented.

Yis, it would be strong, but could be compensated by doing less damage on the Firewall, reducing wall duration, or something else.

I think it’s a good idea because it’s the kind of talent design that increases the gap between good and bad players of the same spec. Bad players would whiff it, good players would make you envious. That’s what a game should feel like. Additionally, it has a risk v reward element, where instead of using Wing Buffet to defensively peel, you are using it offensively. Further increasing outplay or faceplant potential.

Tell u what, we nerf Free RNG burst on Disintegrate, we get Firewall on Racials :handshake:

we need fix it, fast !!!

still bugged out…

This is how it should be, and smokebomb should be changed to this. Seems right to me.


I agree that allies not being subject to the LoS would be too much, but I would like the evoker themselves to not be affected by it.

No. If I can’t heal you or anyone else on our team, through your curtain, you shouldn’t be able to damage anyone outside of it. Make it a choice to be made.

This argument is silly; it’s the evoker’s talent and ability.

When it first came out I definitely feared it being too strong, but as it stands it just… isn’t. Allies being unaffected would put it over-the-top guaranteed (IMO), but the evoker themselves, especially as a caster, being unaffected by it is how it should function. Deep Breath generally kicks off a go, and it turns out that the damage of the wall is a very poor deterrent against crossing it when it’s the cost of using the wall as LoS against the evoker’s own burst rotation. It’s fine that the evoker can screw themselves by LoSing their teammates worse than the enemy team, but it’s not fine that it’s so easy for the enemy team to actively turn the wall’s LoS into something beneficial for them.


related: Nerf Deathgrip range

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