Please Fix Ashran

First of all thank you Blizzard for making changes to Wintergrasp. The balance between the attacking and defending teams is a lot better now.

Ashran, however… is not fun, and needs work.

The fact that neither side ever makes it to or kills the other faction’s boss is the main problem that makes it not fun. That’s the way the BG should end and there are quests to accomplish that, but it just never happens before the BG ends.

I think the other Epic Battlegrounds are actually in decent shape… but Ashran? It’s like slamming your head against your desk for 20+ minutes and has been for all of Shadowlands.


I’ve killed the end boss…several times, since 9.0.5.


I assume you’re complaining about the “kill the boss” quest? If that’s the case you can just do it after this reset since Classic/endless Ashran will be back on the rotation.

It was difficult to get a boss kill even when the bg was 40v40, your best bet (outside of Classic Ashran week) is the backdoor strat. It’s risky with pug players, but you can watch some of Shadowblade’s VODs for some examples.

Perhaps it hasn’t happened for you yet, however, I have been in many games that the Horde gets to slaughter us and take everything from…including Tremblay .

Especially lately seeing a good portion of the Alliance population has no clue that we have flowers near us and tells everyone to go to RoC because that’s the supposedly winning strat…while horde gets uncontested flowers, uncontested ogre and just plows through us because LOL ROC WINS /rant /bitter

It’s hilarious how they’re still losing most of the time despite the patch changes, I wonder what the new excuses will be :laughing:

EDIT: by coincidence, just backfilled into a losing Ashran… score is as follows

Alliance: 83
Horde: 157

Same here on several toons as well.

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Running out of excuses. Might just attack the ingame weather at this point.

Also, alliance losing Ashran yet again? Color me surprised.


I don’t care about killing some end boss. I just care about killing Horde. Ashran is fine.

ROC usually does result in an Alliance win when the leader is competent. That being said, there are only two decent Alliance leads that spend time in there. One has strats and macros set up for the epic BG version, the other sits there for 100+ hours every brawl week and lives in the zone.

I think I may just be biased, actually. Cough

The majority of Alliance players need explanations for why such and such is the best option available for them to gain a distinct advantage over the Horde team. With that in mind, they -are- actually better than the Horde when they’re given guidance, from my experience. Horde don’t seem to adapt well to new tactics from the Alliance, especially when it stands antithetic to how the BG is ‘supposed’ to be played from their perspective (AKA road all game).


Gingerbeast and Munster are the only ones I’m aware of - if you’re talking the retail/epic bg version. I haven’t seen you in the retail version in a while, but it’s good to see you back :hugs:

Always enjoy being in games with you, even if the game starts going south/Alliance gonna Alliance, seeing you yell at the pugs in the chat is always entertaining :joy:

You literally have a 100% winrate on Ashran.

This is why Horde is considered the babied faction. You literally win ALL YOUR EPIC BGS and you still find something to complain about.

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I used to win Ashran reliably, but now nearly every game is a loss, even with a more optimal map, just because Alli can’t make up their mind on a start. I’d say Horde is still in the preferred spot, and that’s obvious considering they have such a clear opener, while Alli has to improvise. For Horde, woods has everything, and has a direct path to Ogre, while the Falls/Quarry both force you into caves and have less buffs available. I’m still convinced that rushing Woods works best, that’s just how valuable controlling Woods at the start is.

I’ve only lost with Ginger tbh, I’m not sure how great his world-tour strats are. The classic-ashran leaders are usually quality at least.

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Am I mistaken or are there hardly any flowers in the falls area? I see a few but nothing like woods.

Hey, at least we on Horde still have an 80% chance to win Ashran, and I would prefer that it needs to go back to 40v40 and it needs to have Events again and Event need to award conquest points. That place will flourish with that alone.

When open world Ashran closed when the Legion patch arrived a few years ago I was so sad, and what they brought back since was just a shadow of the epic original.


The Ashran brawl currently is not giving conquest from boxes, events, mage/lock portals, or kronus/fangraal.

It’s also still 25v25.

They really scuffed this one, lads.


I haven’t been in there yet, but yikes @ this :rofl: :rofl:

You should definitely make a post in the bug report forums.

Sometimes I wonder if they’ve laid off all their QA people or something, so many obvious bugs that somehow make it out into the wild.

Maybe they’re just out-sourcing the bug/glitch-finding to us now? Kinda underhanded imo, we pay $15/month for this game so they should at least try to keep their game bug-free.

We pay them and do work for them. Blizz got it nailed down .

I couldn’t find anything about this no matter how much I searched. But, I was able to get the 65 for the “something different” quest when we killed Tremblade. But, no matter what I do, whatever event I participate in, I can’t seem to earn the 40 conquest for completing the brawl. I think it’s time to throw in the towel and not bother q’ing for this one anymore.

The daily reward is actually just a placeholder due to the inherent nature of the Brawl being endless.

I don’t think they’re going to fix it, either, despite it causing so much confusion. It’s still the best honor in the game by far, though.

Gingerbeast does nothing but run around, dodging Horde players, and collecting toys to spam in any team fight. I’ve beaten him in pugs plenty of times when those run out, because his only tactics are spamming arcane bubbles, whistles, and dinosaurs. Know what else he does when he’s losing? He runs to the Mage Tower to bait a fight. It’s sad, it reminds me of the WORST of Hydra vs. Alliance premades, and it teaches people nothing about actual CC, coordination, target calling, and PVP.

It’s a gimmicky way of playing the BG that thankfully died when the original Ashran died, and the fact that he clings to it should show you that the current “Road meta,” while 1-dimensional, still forces people to actually do more than spam toys and PVE rotations. Best part? He blocked me after I whispered him some friendly GG banter following a nearly 2 hour game that he pissed away by dying to (you guessed it) actual coordinated CC.

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