Please fix archaeology

I would rather this happen than have to keep doing solves but since its not ill be doing solves

No one is forcing you to grind for the epics
Blizzard is not holding you hostage
Unless you’re pushing top 10 server it rally doesn’t matter whether you have a 346 vs 359 weapon.
Classic players are stuck in this min max mentality and think getting a minuscule upgrade is going to make or break their progression
Most of the people complaining are green and blue parsers
It really does not matter. Do it or don’t do it. You’ll be fine.

It does matter, if I give up then my life doesn’t matter. The 50+ hours i’ve put in and the 100k+ gold doesn’t mater. Its not about the item, its about the invested resources already used.

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This is pretty weak…ngl. The worst part is you still probably wouldnt get the solve anyways.

I decide what is important to me, and this is just bad game design and it can be easily fixed, and you are another clown

It could be fixed by just making the epics tmog only or dropping them to 346 similar to blues from heroics.

schrodinger’s forum poster, the item doesnt make a big difference compared to the heroic dungeon weapons but also we cant make it a reasonable grind because it has to be prestigious for some reason. As if Rolling the dices should dictate if this grind is a few hours or never happening at all

Quit sucking up for a bad system, its 2024 there is already changes in the game. We aren’t even on the cata release patch, we have a collection panel, and a toy panel already.


I hope you keep digging and never get your weapon, :clown_face:

This can still be multiplied by possible bugs, as in this entire prepatch.

A summation of every poster who doesn’t want archaeology fixed. It’s all about being petty. They don’t even care, they’re not doing the grind. They just want you to suffer.

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“Nobody is forcing you to do Archaeology!” True.
But why were the weapons put into the game in the first place?

Are you telling me Blizzard doesn’t want any players to reasonably obtain the items they take the time to make and play with them?

Just doesn’t make sense.

Nothing in Archaeology is broken, the bugs that were there on launch have been fixed, even the drop rate isn’t bugged otherwise Blizzard would’ve said something.

Well considering that they’re BoA items, I’d assume Blizzards intent at the time was for there to be weapons that you can give your alts as soon as they hit 85. Get them a good weapon until they replace it with something better.

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LoL prosto kopai bolshe KEKW

should not take over 40 hours of /played to get an item that becomes obsolete to even a crafted weapon after the first phase of the game

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And I agree but that doesn’t mean that it’s broken.

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I completely agree. And I got roasted by a class discord’s mod earlier for suggesting that if this is affecting peoples mental health, that they should consider not doing it because nothing in this game, especially a single item that is only a few percentile better and will be replaced rather quickly, is worth affecting your mental and burning out before the expansion even goes live.

This playerbase really needs to take a step back and assess if they’re enjoying this game or caught up in a cycle of over-preparedness that determines your self-worth and that completing an arbitrary checklist completes you as a person.

Between people making online petitions begging Blizzard to make changes, to the amount of people getting toxic and hostile with each other on Discord, and a streamer saying he hopes someone gets hurt from doing archaeology 24/7 so that Blizzard is forced to take action, it’s all really crazy.

People really think they deserve something just because it exists in the game, and that everything needs to be deterministic. I think they’ve forgotten the RNG involved with loot that drops from raids. And this isn’t bad game design, Archaeology and its epic rewards weren’t added as an avenue of gearing that all players had to invest time into - it was meant as something fun to do in peoples off time and maybe get an item that can be sent to alts - this level of Archaeology wasn’t really doable in original Cataclysm pre-patch because we didn’t have old world flying and we actually had a pre-patch event to occupy our time. It’s not bugged and it’s not bad game design - if you’re saying something is bad game design because of RNG then almost all of video game history was bad game design.

I really feel that people have forgotten that games are meant to be fun and not meant to be a vehicle to complete self-fulfilling prophecies and be elitist for every little possible thing. I witnessed an argument in discord earlier that lasted over an hour where people were calling people who got the sword/staff “early” things like “low-solvers” and saying stuff like “low-solver opinions don’t matter”.

People need to take a step back, realize how insane they’re acting, and relax. Move on. It’s not the end of the world.

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It’s happened here too, I was told that my opinion is lesser than that of someone who’s yet to get an epic simply because I got mine in under 40 solves.

What are you talking about, they never said (from what I remember) that the fault is the players who got it quickly, the fault is the system in which there is no progress as such, there is no mechanic that protects against 1400 digs, that is, stupid grind, without limits.
You can say me when i can opteint it ? im at 630 troll solves

Did you mean to reply to me? I said that they thought that my opinion didn’t matter as much as someone who’s farmed it longer.

Paraphrasing but “get 400 solves then your opinions matter” is roughly what was said.