Remember folks: stat squishes do more harm than good.
That’s supposed to be possible. You know you can always keep some people back to defend your boss.
There is even a achievement for winning the game within 6 mins called lateral blitz
Not sure you can say it’s never been this bad in history when there was an achievement added SPECIFICALLY to rush to the end and kill the boss within 6 minutes (Alterac Blitz). That’s how most AV’s were in Wrath.
I didn’t actually believe this until I did it last night.
We ride straight to Dun Baldur and killed Van. Nothing else.
This needs fixing.
Dude, please no. The epic battlegrounds are not fun. When they’re weekly I want AV to be over ASAP. The current meta makes it so much better than the lag fest it was before.
it’s almost as if bugs have a priority list.
this doesn’t sound exactly game breaking.
You are correct, of course, I meant to add ‘at the start of an expansion where most players don’t have gear’. I can’t recall AV ever being this bad at the start of expansions (NPCs usually have a good deal of strength at the start, and get progressively weaker as players get gear).
So don’t do them? It goes against the design intention for epic battlegrounds to be over in a short amount of time. Epics are supposed to be lengthier, larger battles than the regular queue, hence the larger rewards.
I’m sure it’s right there on the list of other game breaking bugs such as reducing honor gained from completing BfA Call to Arms quests, increasing the capacity of Ashran by 5 players, giving Blanchy new sounds, and tweaking the invisibility buff to only function in War Mode when leaving Ven’ari’s lair in The Maw.
i prefer this version thanks, if you dont like it queue Ashran.
i see.
so you think YOU should be the one who gets to decide priority of what gets fixed, and when.
it’s fairly standard for AV bosses to be re-tuned during the course of an expansion.
usually they start off super hard to kill… and people complain.
now they’re super easy to kill… and people complain.
put it somewhere in the middle, and people will complain it’s too hard/too easy.
there’s no pleasing people.
What changed? How are they able to down van or drek w/o taking down the towers first so quickly?
Zerg meta in Av has been a thing many times. O.o
This is completely false.
Can I ask why you prefer it this way?
I’m not sure where you got that from my post. I was rebutting your comment that only game breaking bugs can get fixed.
The generals (and every other NPC) for some bizarre reason hit for 500 damage. 500 multiplied by the tower buffs still only takes us about 3k damage each swing.
I meant to say “At the start of an expansion”. I will edit.
Care to elaborate?
Was it when the Horde cave was next to Tower Point so Horde players could reach Stonehearth Graveyard just as Alliance players would reach Icewing Bunker?
Was it when Captain Galvangar, who needs a tank, had a fear ability while Balinda could be interrupted, slowed, snared and stunned?
Keen to hear when you think the game has ever remotely been favoured to the Alliance (and please don’t come back with the common misconception that “They can reach the Horde base faster than they can reach the Alliance base.”
good thing i didn’t say that then… right?
allow us to recap.
Your post infers that bugs are placed in a priority list, with game breaking bugs being atop the said list.
I then listed some other (clearly not game breaking things that have been fixed over the past week) and now you’re choosing to be pedantic over wording. Got it.
the things you listed, would have already been on the “to do” list… and yes, the more “game breaking” something is, the higher the priority.
devs and qa do different stuff.
This reminds me in Wintergrasp I can finally get the achiev to kill mounted people with turrets since they do more damage now.
Same for IoC.
Back cap all the graveyards, and have a sizable defense make them respawn at Stormpike.
Create turtle at choke points, gg you’ve make AV into PVP. Korraks revenge should be the permanent mode to begin with.
nah i like the races
and it’s not like one side couldn’t just D up and turtle it to stop the race
but nobody wants long matches, OP is a tiny tiny minority
Fast and quick honor.