Please extend Account Wide Essences to Other Roles for the Remaining Ones

Stop feeding the troll…

But they can’t?.. That’s my point, they CAN’T! As in unable to , as in the system won’t let them?.. xD

look, I assume you didn’t just fall off the turnip truck. We both know what would happen if blizzard told these people they would have to go and earn the currency in addition to farm the echoes for these essences on the different roles.

Don’t pretend these guys would be willing to do this.

And they shouldn’t have to, it’s old content…

And someone is always going to be treated unfairly in these situations, I would prefer it was the people who didn’t do the content rather than those that did.

And this is enough going in circles today, you might not have anything better to do but I sure do.

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Yeah, I got essences for all three roles regardless of which spec I was playing on this character. Someone who played a pure DPS class did not.

I’m just glad this is the one I spent time getting most of the essences on so I’m not hosed like I would have been if I’d picked my Hunter to play, for example.


You’re right I don’t, because you know, lock downs and all. But the funny thing is people did do the content, that’s my point. They just didn’t do it on a class that can unlock all the essences. But good luck to you friend, I wish you the best in these trying times. I hope you find some more love in your heart!

They did the content. Just not on a hybrid class. I could have spent all of 8.2 playing this guy as Windwalker and still gotten the tank/healer essences, whereas someone else who spent all of 8.2 playing a pure dps class in the exact same content for the exact same amount of time would not have gotten them.


Oh, ONLY 3 Heroic Clears of an Outdated Raid? ONLY? Yea. Because with heroic Nyalotha geared people pugging heroic I’m sure I’ll get in with my lesser gear. Right?

Please stop. Just because you can clear heroic weekly doesnt mean everyone can.

Then again, you’re also the person who told us to just level a hybrid and unlock them AGAIN. That’s counter productive to this entire system.

The fact any of you are suggesting this is ridiculous. It quite literally punishes people who play pure dps

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You can make a group for people in your same situation.

I said you should have BEFORE all of this. Did you honestly think they were just going to make all R3s unlocked for no effort? The naivety on these forums…

Well if you like to obsess over big flashy numbers on a pure DPS, without ever having bothered making a tank or healer, that’s your problem. It was obvious that they were going to make the system like this. You should always have a tank, healer and dps to keep your options open.

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Yea, you’re being ignored from now on. You clearly have no interest in anyone else’s welfare when it comes to characters and the game.

“Make a group” is the laziest excuse anyone can ever give. ESPECIALLY for a heroic raid. That doesn’t just happen. Period. ESPECIALLY on an alt you are being forced to grind the essences on. Alts are undergeared compared to your main but sure, keep thinking people will bring my undergeared alt to a heroic raid, even outdated, or stick with me if I make one of my own and underperform due to gear and essence lacking.

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I think we can all agree, this system sucks because it wasn’t thought out or planned what-so-ever. If they had planned this system release since the beginning the rest of the grind throughout the expansion would have been a lot fairer.

This system was never meant to have a catch-up, so no fix they apply will make it a fair system. I’ve excepted that and stopped playing the endgame because I drew the short stick because I only had a hunter main who I did the grind on, a warrior tank to do something different, and a druid healer which I wasn’t going to touch until they made it easier to catch up.

If I had known they were going to apply an unfair system, I would have simply mained the druid.

The best thing they could do is make any equivalent essence unlock on the vendor if you have one for another role at rank 3.

Making the Mechagon and Nazjatar essences work this way while ignoring some of the more extreme grinds seems like it is just the result of this being a last minute change to try and plug a leaky ship along with bad timing with the pandemic and quarantine going on.

*edit - a compromise could be if you have enough raid clears for EP on a character to have potentially earned multiple essences but couldn’t because of your class, you unlock those essences. I’m sure they could make the game look at that data to make the determination, and apply it to any other similar essences.

I do, but I also realize that Eternal Palace came out in July of last year… You’ve had eight months to obtain what you needed out of there. Even if you were only running LFR, at three aqueous reliquaries per clear, you would have been able to obtain it in at little over five months and that’s for your FIRST time completing it. The requirements drop to a third of what they normall are for other roles after that(assuming same character).

Heroic alt pugs happen all the time. Plus, a lot of people are still farming the brokenly overpowered trinkets from there on a lot of specs. If you’re too lazy to look for them, then make your own group. If you’re too lazy to make your own group, then quit complaining.

I got my huntard up to 458 in less than a week doing nothing but questing and mythic+ runs. You don’t need rank three essences to go back and stomp eternal palace… People are under this delusional notion that they MUST have all rank three essences in order to play the game at all. It’s pretty silly…

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Extra content? I can tell you right now I did enough AEP to unlock probably 15 rank 3 essences. Currently in the same boat for the Visions essences with Sparks. Hell, I am almost Exalted with Rajani despite not getting a whole lot from it and it isn’t like I can magically get the tank/healer essences despite “meeting the requirements”.

If I was a balance druid, ret paladin, or windwalker monk in this exact scenario I would have gotten all the offspec essences with zero intentions of ever playing them. My shaman and warrior both had rank 3 meme beam back in like september because it gave them for “free” despite me never playing any of the dps specs. I don’t even think I have ever switched to Fury or Arms since I boosted that warrior back at end of Legion.

I agree it’s a fair change. Idk why they hate people who decided to main dps

And all the groups on Azshara are usually 0/0/6 with a bunch of mages and warlocks trying to get fonts but no tank or healer gets anything from it so they don’t sign up.

And as has been said, most are heroic geared Nyalotha people trying for their trinkets.

Good luck getting into those groups on an ALT with terrible essences. Good. Luck.

They are punishing pure DPS, plain and simple. If you defend this, you play a hybrid.

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I gave up trying to kill Azshara for fonts. I have accepted the fact I will do like 4k less dps or whatever because groups take forever to form and the item doesn’t exist anyway.

That’s exactly what they did, i can confirm that, i cannot buy blood of the enemy on my alts even though i have the rank 3 equivalent of it for tanks, supression sphere.