Please Enable Transfers to Pagle for Established Accounts

Pagle is locked because of a player created mess on other servers. Half our realm left for Benediction a few months ago, and we were labeled as a dying server because of it.

We built a wall, and Benediction paid for it, to keep people out.

And they should Stay out.

you promised us you would go away now stick to your word

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I never said anything of the kind - go back and get some reading comprehension skills.

So Iā€™ll admit Iā€™m confused about your opinion here.

This thread is about people who are already on Pagle, who just want an option to transfer their character if thereā€™s a character already on the server, could even be a max level condition. This isnā€™t opening the server to anyone transfering so more people wouldnā€™t be coming to Pagle, and theyā€™re not asking to open the server.

Curious how this would end up being a slippery slope? The only step beyond this is opening servers and I donā€™t see that happening until much later. Maybe Iā€™m missing something


He might be a lost cause

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No, keep Pagle locked.

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Whats your argument for keeping peoples alts off? I havent seen anyone offer anything intelligent against it. Pagle can still be locked to anyone without a character, maybe even make it a non-boosted 70 as a requirement.

Yea we are totally ignoring the ā€œmy main is here so i should be able to transfer my altsā€ argument.

Yea, maybe youā€™re not wrong here.

Paglers donā€™t care. Itā€™s the land of the free gnomes.

Glad we are having an intelligent and compelling discussion about the topic clearly mentioned in OPā€™s post! Reading skills in the thread are top notch.

I swear you all saw ā€œOpen transfers to Pagleā€¦ā€ in the thread title and went ā€œOnga Boonga not on my watchā€.


Itā€™s not extra people. If you had read the post, itā€™s being asked for transfers to open to people who already have characters on Pagle.


Agreed. They should allow people to transfer to a mega server if they have a 70 on there already.

It doesnā€™t make the queue any longer or the realm more full. Say you had a bunch of friends roll on another realm. You transfer an alt to play with them off your main realm. You play together for a bit then they quit. You want to move your alt back, but now you canā€™t.

Itā€™s free money blizzard, just change the transfer restrictions.


Rip Myzrael and Old Blanchy if this happens :roll_eyes:

Myzrael is already dead. When i log on there are maybe 3 players in Org and 5 in Shatt. There has been a recent flux of activity due to the ā€œCreate a DK in WOTLK, get a FREE Mountā€. You know those players will disappear and go back to retail once they receive their new mount.

Would love if we could get a blue post about the possibility of this request being fulfilled.

Iā€™ve started leveling toons in the meanwhile and Iā€™ll have to decide proffs soon. I really donā€™t want to grind grind all those professions back up from scratch again, especially when I had 8 bank alts on Myz full of useful mats for leveling proffs for my friends and I.

But alas, Iā€™ve started leveling a 3rd pally (70 and 64 back on myz). At least we can have 50 toons on a server, so if they ever do enable it again, I can transfer those professions on overā€¦


We absolutely should have the Bundle transfer deal. I am on Mankrik alliance and I would love to move to Pagle. Spending $150 to move is ridiculous though. WE need to be given an option to move for free, let all servers move where ever they want and enable cross realm or something or give us a bundle transfer, a one time move all characters for free deal or something.


Obviously no clue what youā€™re talking about and that you read none of the comments or OP


Yea I ended up selling my mats on my old server and taking the gold loss on pagle. Atleast ill get a gold surge when Transfers do open. Unlikely blizzard will act on this post sadly.


plz dont but if blizzard doesit only allow for horde chars to be transfered

lmao too funny